- Completion of the program requires 104 hours of instruction. (66.5 hours of theory/lab class time and 37.5 hours of clinical practice)
- Hours missed due to any absence must be made up to fulfill the certification requirements.
- Theory/lab classes will be scheduled from 12:30p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Clinical preparation will be two Saturdays (8hour days) and two full school days. (All dates to be announced)
Program Costs
- Cost: $898 (includes tuition and books)
Approximately $140-180 (uniforms, shoes, physical, PPDs, criminal check, and Red Cross test)
- PA State reimbursement is available. To qualify, the student must obtain employment with a PA State Licensed Nursing Home and work for 260 hours as a Nurse Aide. Half of the tuition will be reimbursed at 130 hours and the other half at the completion of 260 hours. (Hospitals, Assisted Living, and Agencies do not qualify for this reimbursement, at present)
Dauphin County Education Consortium of the Partnership for Career Development
Participating School Districts
Central Dauphin (CD & CDE)
Derry Township
Lower Dauphin
Susquehanna Township
Upper Dauphin
In Cooperation With
Harrisburg Area
Community College
Nurse Aide Training Program
The Nurse Aide Training Program is designed to provide training and work experience for students interested in working as a Certified Nurse Aide. The Program is being offered to high school seniors by the Dauphin County Education Consortium of the Partnership for Career Development through Harrisburg Area Community College.
Features of the Program
- Participating students must be at least 16 years old and in their senior year.
- Prior to enrollment, students will attend an on-site tour/visit of a long-term care facility.
- Students will attend class to fulfill the time requirement of 104 hours of training.
- Classes will take place at a long-term care facility in the area.
- Classes will be taught by HACC Nurse Aide Training instructors.
- Upon completion of classes, the students will take the American Red Cross Competency Exam to earn certification and be listed on the PA Nurse Aide Registry.
- Upon entering certification, students may work in a local health care facility as a Nurse Aide through their school’s work experience program.
Student Responsibilities
The student will--
- provide his/her own transportation to and from the training site.
- submit all required forms and documentation prior to the first day of class. (See below)
- agree to attend classes as outlined by the schedule. Students will attend class for 104 hours. If a student is ill, he/she must arrange a time to complete the missed hours.
- purchase all white uniforms (two sets), shoes and socks, a watch with a second hand, notebook, pen, pencil, and highlighter.
- pay for the classes. (See “Program Costs”)
Required Forms and Paperwork
- Physical exam performed within 60 days before the start of class.
- First PPD (TB) test must be given 30 days before the start of class. Second PPD (TB) test must be administered and results read within 30 days of the start of class. Obtain your second PPD a week after the reading of the first PPD.
- Criminal History Record Information: You will need a criminal record check completed through the PA State Police. (FBI check is also required for those students who have not been a PA resident for the previous two consecutive years.)