Scott W. Brown, Ph.D. 1

Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.

Office Address:

Teachers for a New Era ProjectTelephone: (860) 486-0181

249 Glenbrook RoadUnit 2064-TNEFAX: (860) 486-8325

University of ConnecticutE-Mail:

Storrs, Connecticut06269-2064

Web page:

Educational Background

A.B. Psychology, BostonUniversity.

M.S. Psychology, MontanaStateUniversity.

Ph.D. Psychology, SyracuseUniversity.

Positions – Current

  • Director, The Teachers for a New Era Project at UConn
  • Professor of Educational Psychology.
  • NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative to UConn
  • Member of the Editorial Boards of:
  • the Journal of Educational Psychology;
  • Computers in the Schools;
  • Instructional Science;
  • The International Journal of Instructional Media.
  • Site Visitor for the American Psychological Association.
  • Site Visitor for the NCAA.
  • Chair and Faculty Advisor, Big East Conference Student Athlete Advisory Committee.

Honors and Distinctions

  • Received the 2006 Thomas F. Donlon Award for Distinguished Mentoring from the Northeastern Educational Research Association.
  • Received the University of Connecticut Outreach 2006 Research-Based Public Service and Engagement Program Award for the Global Education Program (with Mark A. Boyer).
  • Elected as a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (2004).
  • Received the Leo Doherty Award for Service from the Northeastern Educational Research Association (2001).
  • Received the 1998 Excellence in Teaching Award by the University of Connecticut Alumni Association.
  • Recipient of The 1998 Academic Excellence Award from the University of Connecticut Student-Athlete Advisory Council
  • Visiting Scholar, Victoria University Department of Psychology; Wellington, New Zealand (Sept.-Oct. 1998).
  • Named as a L.C. Essig Summer Lecturer at UtahStateUniversity, July 1997.
  • Named as TamkangUniversity Chair Lecturer (Tamsui, Taiwan) in December 1995.
  • Member, Phi Kappa Phi - University of Connecticut Chapter.
  • Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, UConn Chapter.
  • Listed in Who's Who in Science and Technology; Outstanding Young Americans; Who's Who in American Education; Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care.

Current Professional Memberships

  • Member, American Psychological Association (Div. 1, 15).
  • Member, Association for PsychologicalScience (Fellow).
  • Member, American Educational Research Association (Div. C).
  • Member, Northeastern Educational Research Association.
  • Member, American Association of University Professors.
  • Member, Faculty Athletic Representative Association.
  • Member, Big East Faculty Athletics Representative Association.


Szarlan, J., Singha, S. & Brown, S.W. (under contract). College Success: First Year Experience. Boulder, CO.: Prentice Hall. Due September 2008.

Boyer, M.A. & Brown, S.W. (under contract). Educating for Global Citizenship. Boulder, CO.: Paradigm Publishers. Due May 2008.

Brown, S.W. (1996). Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century. Tamkang

Chair Lecture Series III. Taipei, Taiwan: TamkangUniversity Press.

Welsh, L.A., Archambault, F.X., Janus, M.D., & Brown, S.W., (1995). Running for their lives:

Physical and sexual abuse of runaway adolescents. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.

Archambault, F.X., Westberg, K.L., Brown, S.W., Hallmark, B. W., Emmons, C.L., & Zhang,

W., (1993). Regular classroom practices with gifted students: Results of a national survey of classroom teachers. Research Monograph; Storrs, CT: The NationalCenter on the Gifted and Talented.

SELECTED - Publications/Articles/Book Chapters/Proceedings

Kulikowich, J.M., Mason, L.H., & Brown, S.W. (in press). Evaluating fifth- and sixth-grade students’ expository writing: Task development, scoring, and psychometric issues. Reading and Writing.

Brown, S.W. & Johnson, P.R. (2007). Expert Teachers. In N. Salkind (Ed). Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Kulikowich, J.M., Holcomb, L.B., & Brown, S.W. (under review). The Husky Educational Technology Assessment Program (HETAP). Journal of Educational Statistics

Lang, H.G., LaPorta-Huper, M., Monte, D., Scheifele, P., Brown, S.W., & Babb, I.G., (in press). A Study of Technical Signs in Science: Implications for Lexical Database Development. Journal of Deaf Education and Deaf Studies

Smolin, L. I., Lawless, K. A., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S. W. (2006). Curriculum Design teams as a Vehicle for Meaningful Technology Professional Development. In A. Bothwork (Ed.) Promising Professional development Practices.

Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M.J., Niv-Solomon, A., Urlacher, B., Hudson, N.F., Johnson, P.R., & Lima, C.O. (2007). Experimenting with global governance: understanding the potential for generational change. Globalisation, Societies and Education 5(2) p.153-180.

Lima, C.O. & Brown, S.W. (2007).ICT for development:Are Brazilian students well prepared to become global citizens? Educational Media International. 44 (2), 141-153.

Brown, S.W. (2007). Assessment is Not a Dirty Word! In T. Osborn and D. Moss (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Assessment in Education,Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Lawless, K.A., Smoulin, L., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2005). Project TITUS: Teachers infusing technology in urban schools. In S. Rhine and M. Bailey (Eds.) Integrating technologies, innovative learning: Insights from the PT3 program. ISTE Publications.p. (Chapter 12) 161-172.

Boyer, M.A., Florea, N., Butler, M., Brown, S.W., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., & Lima, C.,(2005). Understanding security through the eyes of the young,in The IPE yearbookpublished by Lynne Reinner Press.

Brown, S.W., Renzulli, J.S., Gubbins, E.J., Siegle, D., Zhang, W. & Chen, C.H. (2005). Assumptions underlying the identification of gifted and talented students. Gifted Child Quarterly49 (1) 68-78).

Boyer, M. A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M., Florea, N., Hernandez, M., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L. & Lima, C. (2004). Educating for global awareness: Implications for governance and generational change. Global Change, Peace & Security, 16 (1).

Brown, S.W, Boyer, M.A., Johnson, P.R., Lima, C.O., Butler, M.J., Florea, N.B., & Rich, J.The GlobalEd Project: Problem-solving and decision making in a web-based PBL. (2004) Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, p. 1967-1973, June 2004, Lugano Switzerland.

Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J.M., & Jordan, J.H. (2004). Assessing educational technology knowledge with a problem-based learning format: The Husky Educational Technology Assessment Project (HETAP). Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, p. 2008-2013, June 2004, Lugano Switzerland.

Holcomb, L.B., King, F.B., & Brown, S.W. (2004). Student traits and attributes contributing to success in online courses: Evaluation of university online courses. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 2 (3) Winter 2004.

Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M., (2004). Teaching statistics from a distance: What have we learned? International Journal of Instructional Media, 31, 1, 1-17.

Smolin, L., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2004). Developing a replicable model from tech savy student field placements. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Atlanta, GA.

Lawless, K. A., Brown, S. W., Mills, R. J., & Mayall, H.J., (2003). Knowledge, interest, recall and navigation: A look at hypertext processing. Journal of Literacy Research, 25(3) 911-934.

Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W., (2003). From digital dirt road to educational expressway: Innovations in web-based pedagogy. Instructional Science, 31 (4-5) 227-230.

Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M.J., Weir, K., Florea, N., Hernandez, M., & Reis, S., (2003). The GlobaEd project: Gender differences in a problem-based learning environment of international negotiations. Instructional Science, 31 (4-5) 255-276.

Florea, N., Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M.J., Hernandez, M., Weir, K., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., Mayall, H.J., & Lima, C., (2003). Negotiating from Mars to Venus: Some findings on gender’s impact in simulated international negotiations. Simulation and Games, 34 (2) 226-248.

Lawless, K. A., Mills, R., & Brown, S. W., (2003). Children’s hypermedia navigational strategies. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (3) 274-284.

Ellenbecker, T.S., Roetert, E.P, & Brown, S.W., (2002). Glenohumeral joint total rotation range of motion in elite tennis players and baseball pitchers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34 (12), 2052-2056.

Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M., Weir, K., Florea, N. & Reis, S.,(2002). Global education via the web: The GlobalEd Project. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.

Brown, S.W., Babb, I., Johnson, P.R., Scheifle, P.M., Lang, H., Zheng, D., Monte, D. & Huper, M., (2002). Classroom of the Sea: Problem-based learning for the deaf. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.

Holcomb, L.B., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Examining self-efficacy and self-regulation levels across gender in business distance education courses. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.

Smolin, L., Lawless, K.A., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Using technology for urban teacher preparation: A PT3 Project. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society for InformationTechnology and Teacher Education. Nashville, TN.

Ellenbecker, T., Bailie, D.S., Mattalino, A.J., Carfagno, D.G., Wolff, M.W., Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M., (2002). Intrarater & interrater reliability of a manual technique to assess anterior humeral head translation of the glenohumeral joint. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 11, (5) 470-475.

Lang, H.G., Babb, I.G., Scheifele, P., Brown, S.W., LaPorta-Huper, M., Monte, D., Johnson, P.R., & Zheng, D. (2002). Classroom of the Sea. National Technical Institute for the Deaf Research Bulletin, 7, (1), p. 1, 6-7.

Silver, B.B., Smith, E.V., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Empirical support for memory beliefs. The General Psychologist, 37:1 p. 8-10.

Alavarez, C.X. & Brown, S.W. (2002). What people believe about memory despite the research evidence. The General Psychologist, 37:1 p. 1-6.

Harnar, M., Brown, S.W. & Mayall, H.J. (2000). Measuring the effect of distance education on

the learning experience: Teaching accounting via PictureTel©. International Journal of

Instructional Media 27 (1) 37-50.

King, F.B., Harnar, M. & Brown, S.W. (2000). Self-Regulatory behavior influences in distance

learning. International Journal of Instructional Media. 27(2) 147-155.

Roetert, E.P., Ellenbecker, T. & Brown, S.W. (2000). Shoulder internal and external rotation

range of motion in elite junior tennis players: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 14(2) 140-143.

Brown, S.W. & King, F.B. (2000). Constructivist pedagogy and how we learn: Educational

psychology meets international studies. International Studies Perspectives 1, 245-253.

Lawless, K., Smolin, L., Brown, S.W., Soulier, S., & Strudler, N. (2000). To teach how or to teach with: Four university’s approaches to technology integration for teacher preparation. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, San Diego, February 10, 2000.

Roetert, E.P., Ellenbecker, T.S., Brown, S.W., & Gibson, T. (1998, June) Shoulder internal and

external rotation range of motion in elite junior tennis players: A longitudinal analysis.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 30, No.5, Supplement. S163.

Silver, B.A., Brown, S.W., & Lawless, K.A. (1998). Diagnosis - Lyme Disease: What does it

mean for our children? The Journal of the Connecticut Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998, 56-61.

Westberg, K.L., Archambault, F.X., Jr., & Brown, S.W. (1997). A survey of classroom

practices with third and fourth grade students in the United States. Gifted Education

International, 12 (1) 29-33.

Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Cartter, M.A. (1997). Applying educational psychology and

instructional technology to health care issues: Combating Lyme disease. International

Journal of Instructional Media 24 (4) 1-10.

Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (1997). Multimedia learning environments: Issues of learner

control and navigation. Instructional Science: Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity 25 (2) 117-131.

Allen, B. & Brown, S.W. (1997). Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity. Instructional Science: Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity. 25 (2) 75-77.

Brown, S.W. & Silver, B.B. (1997). Educational technology: Implications and projections for

the classroom of the 21st century. The Journal of the Connecticut Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 56-63.

Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W.,Ellenbecker, T.S. (1996). Relationship between isokinetic strength and field tests of physical fitness in elite junior tennis players. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 28, (5), Supplement, S127.

Roetert, E.P., Brown, S.W., Piorkowski, P.A., & Woods, R.B. (1996). Fitness comparisons

among three different levels of elite tennis players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning

Research 10 (3) 139-143.

Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W., & Ellenbecker, T.S. (1996). The relationship

between isokinetic strength and specific filed tests of physical fitness in elite junior tennis

players. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 6, 15-20.

Brown, S.W. (1996). The teacher education movement in the United States and the IB/M

program at the University of Connecticut. In S.W. Brown, Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century, p.1-24. Taipei, Taiwan: TamkangUniversity Press.

Brown, S.W. (1996). Trends and issues in educational technology with implications and

projections for higher education: One professor’s view of the world. In S.W. Brown,

Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century, p.25-60. Taipei, Taiwan:

TamkangUniversity Press.

Brown, S.W. (1996). Teaching problem solving and higher order cognitive skills in the public

schools. In S.W. Brown, Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century,

p. 61-92. Taipei, Taiwan: TamkangUniversity Press.

Garry, M., Loftus, E., Brown, S.W. & DuBruiel, S.C. (1996). Womb with a view: Memory

beliefs and memory-work experiences. In D. G. Payne and F.G. Conrad, Intersections in

basic and applied memory research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Roetert, E.P., Piorkowski, P.A., Woods, R.B., & Brown, S.W. (1995). Establishing percentiles

based on physical fitness testing results. In Clinics in Sports Medicine. Edited by R. C.

Lehman. W.B. Saunders Company: Philadelphia, PA. p. 1-22.

Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1995) Learner-Control: The effects on learning a procedural task

during computer-based videodisc instruction. International Journal of Instructional Media, 22 (3), 217-231.

The Cognition & Instruction Group at UCONN1 (CIGUC1) (1995). Auntie EMM sends

electronic mail to OZ. International Journal of Instructional Media, 22 (3) 245-254.

Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X., Zhang, W., & Westberg, K. (1995). A follow-up study of the

interaction effects on the classroom practices survey. The NationalCenter on the Gifted and Talented Newsletter, Spring 1995, 6-9.

Brown, S.W. (1995). Review of The Extended Merrill-Palmer Scale. The Twelfth Mental

Measurement Yearbook.J.J. Conoley and J. Impara (Eds.), p. 378-379. Lincoln, NE: The

University of Nebraska.

Brown, S.W. (1995). Review of TheLearning Disability Evaluation Scale. The Twelfth Mental Measurement Yearbook. J.J. Conoley and J. Impara (Eds.). p. 559-560. LincolnNE: The University of Nebraska.

Westberg, K.L., Dobyns, S.M., Archambault, F.X., & Brown, S.W. (1995). Missing the point:

The issue isn’t who you know. Roeper Review, 17 (1) 68.

Janus, M.D., Archambault, F.X., Brown, S.W., & Welsh, L.A. (1995). Physical abuse in Canadian runaway adolescents. Child Abuse and Neglect: An International Journal, 19, p. 433-447.

Loftus, E.F., Garry, M. Brown, S.W. & Radler, M. (1994). Near-natal memories, past-life

memories and other myths. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,36 (3), 176-179.

Chen, C.H. & Brown, S.W. (1994). The impact of feedback during interactive video instruction.

International Journal of Instructional Media, 21, (3), 191-202.

Garry, M., Loftus, E., & Brown, S.W. (1994). Memory: A river runs through it. Consciousness and Cognition, 3, 438-451.

Brown, S.W. & Brown, M.M. (1994). Applying social cognition in assessing reliability with a

small sample. Psychological Reports, 75, 236-238.

Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993) A study of interactive learning: IVS and diagrams. Computers in the Schools. 9 (4), 71-80.

Archambault, F.X., Jr., Westberg, K.L., Brown, S.W., Hallmark, B., Zhang, W., & Emmons, C.

(1993). The findings from the classroom practices survey. Journal of the Education of the Gifted, Vol. 16, No.2 103-119.

Brown, S.W. (1993). From the former President: Scott Brown. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No.


Brown, S.W. (1993). Preparing educational psychologists for the 21st century. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No. 4, p.2-4.

Martens, D., Garrett, G., Brown, S.W., & Douglas, J. (1993). Kinematic and temporal analysis

of relay starts in skilled collegiate male swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and

Exercise, Vol. 25, No.5, Supplement.

Brown, S.W. & Brown, M.M. (1993). Addressing reliability estimates when the population is

small: Can social cognition help? Psychological Reports Vol. 73, 499-505.

Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993). Learner control in multimedia instruction: The effects on

learning a procedural task. Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Computers in Education: Applications of Intelligent Computer Technologies, pg. 107-112. Edited by Tak-Wai Chan, Taipei, R.O.C.: Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Loehr, J.E., Roetert, E.P., Brown, S.W., & Woods, R.B. (1992). Development of two instruments to assess mental toughness in tennis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Supplement to Vol. 24, No. 5, p. S135.

Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1992). Learner-control versus program control in interactive videodisc instruction: What are the effects of procedural learning? International Journal of Instructional Media 19 (2) 85-96.

Brown, S.W, Cartter, M.L., Hadler, J.L., & Hooper, P.F. (1992). Lyme Disease Knowledge,

attitudes, and behaviors - Connecticut, 1992. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportJuly 17, 1992, Vol. 41, (28) 505-507.

Brown, S.W. (1992). From the President. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 18.

Brown, S. W. (1992). Review of The Cognitive Control Battery. In J.J. Kramer & J.C. Conoley

(Eds.) TheEleventhMentalMeasurementsYearbook. Lincoln, NE: The University of

Nebraska Press.

Brown, S.W. (1992). Review of The Short Category Test. In J.J. Kramer and J.C. Conoley (Eds.) The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. Lincoln, NE: The University of Nebraska Press.

Brown, S.W. (1992). What is NRC/GT? NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No.2, p. 1&8.

Roetert, E.P., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W. & Camaione, D.N. (1992). Performance profiles of

nationally ranked junior tennis players. The Journal of Applied Sport Science Research,

Vol. 6, No.4, 225-231.

Brown, S.W. (1992) Educational technology allows us to reach out and touch many. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No. 3, p. 1 & 8.

Brown, S.W. (1991). Merging the power of the computer and VCR: Interactive videotape with the Mandell instant-active interface. Computers in the Schools, 8, (4) 15-20.

Brown, S.W., Hwang, M.T., Baron, M. & Yakimowski, M.E. (1991). Factor analysis of responses to the WISC/R for gifted children. Psychological Reports 69, 99-107.

Williams, C. & Brown, S.W. (1991). A review of the research issues in the use of Computer-

related technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. In B. Branyan-Broadbent andR. K. Wood (Eds.) Educational Media and Technology Yearbook Englewood CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Roetert, E.P., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W., & Camaione, D.N. (1991). Development of a

performance profile to assess nationally ranked junior tennis players. Abstract published

in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Vol. 23 (4) 1991 Supplement.

Brown, S.W. (1991). From the President. NERA Researcher, Vol. 29, No.4, p.8.

Williams, C.J. & Brown, S.W. (1990). A review of the research issues in the use of computer-

related technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. International Journal of Instructional Media. Vol. 17(2) 95-108.

Williams, C.J. & Brown, S.W. (1990). A review of the research issues in the use of computer-

related technologies for instruction: What do we know? International Journal of Instructional Media. Vol. 17(3) 213-225.

Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1989). Computer-based education in college: An investigation

of knowledge and attitudes. International Journal of Instructional Media. Vol. 16(2) pp.


Brown, S.W. (1989). Getting interactivity from tape. CBT Directions 2(9), 10-12.

Brown, S.W. (1988). Review: Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. In Special Education and

Rehabilitative Testing: Current Practices and Test Reviews pp. 163-171, Brian Bolton (Ed.). Austin, TX: Proed publishers.

Brown, S.W.Yakimowski, M.E. (1987). Intelligence scores of gifted students on the WISC-Gifted Child Quarterly, 31, 130-134.

Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1987). Computer-based education in college: A study of cognitive and affective outcomes. Proceedings of the International Conference on

Computer Assisted Learning in Post-Secondary Education. pp. 71-76. Calgary, Canada:

University of Calgary Press. (also presented as a paper at the conference, May 1987).

Blatt, E.R. & Brown, S.W. (1986). Environmental influences on incidents of alleged child abuse

and neglect in New YorkState psychiatric facilities: Toward an etiology of institutional child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 10, 171-180.

Brown, S.W. (1985). The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. In Test in Print: Vol. II, by R. C.

Sweetland and D. J. Keyser (Eds.), Test Corporation of America: Kansas City, MO.

Kaye, D.B. & Brown, S.W. (1985). Levels and speed of processing effects on word analysis.

Memory & Cognition, 13(5), 425-434.

Brown, S.W. (1984). The use of the WISC-R subtest scatter in the identification of intellectually gifted handicapped children: An inappropriate task? Roeper Review, 7(1), 20-23.

Brown, S.W. (1984). The computer revolution in education. Choice, 22, (4), 517-524.

MacQueen, D., Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1983). Examining the effectiveness of a college-

level course delivered entirely by computer. International Journal of Instructional Media,

10 (3), 177-183.

Brown, S.W. & Kaye, D.B. (1983). The microcomputer as a tool in educational research: A

case in point. Proceedings of NECC/5 (National Educational Computing Conference) I.E.E.E. Computer Society Press (also presented at the NECC conference), 381-384.

Archambault, F.X., Glover, J. & Brown, S.W. (1983). Enhancements to microcomputer word

processing software. In F. L. Dembrowski (Ed.). Administrative Uses of Microcomputers. Vol. 3: Word Processing & Office Management, Park Ridge, IL: Research Corporation on the Association of School Business Officials in the United States and Canada.

Kaye, D.B., Brown, S.W., Post, T.A. & Plude, D.J. (1981). The development of letter processing efficiency. Memory & Cognition, 9, 378-388.