Released by LimeSurvey on 12/4/15

Partners Healthcare to upgrade on 2/1/2016

LimeSurvey 2.06+ (Build 151205) List of New Features


-New feature: Added ADMINNAME and ADMINEMAIL as replacement field for survey texts (Gabriel Jenik)

-New feature: replacement field SURVEYRESOURCESURL for relative survey ressourceurl (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Auto creation of users from LDAP (Alfredo Esteban)

-New feature: Link template name to template editor if user has sufficient permissions. (Marcel Minke)

-New feature: Allow export to use statistics filter (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: ComfortUpdate notification (louis)

-New feature: ComfortUpdater with key system (louis)

-New feature #8331: Set appearance options for queXML export (Adam Zammit)

-New Feature #8343: quexf: next page message with new question splitting option (Adam Zammit)

-New Feature #8344: quexf: conditional splitting with new question splitting option (Adam Zammit)

-New feature #9785: unicode function for substr and other text management function (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #5983 : allow different value in Database tha shown in Equation question type (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9431: Create LDAP users taking email and full name from LDAP server (Alfredo Esteban)

-New feature #9544: Question validation equation for List with comment (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: New authentication method management (Alfredo Esteban)

-New feature #6624 : Allow to validate expression in email template (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #7048: Don't show EM error to respondant (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #8351: Public registration page resending of already registered user's login details (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #8659: Configurable proxy for comfort update (mfaber)

-New feature #8757: Individual subquestion relevance (mfaber)

-New feature #8823: Ability to use {QCODE} before it's declared (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #8862: More option in export heading (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9006: Invalid mail addresses should be marked, not ignored (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9133: Quota HTML use completed.pstpl (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9427: A way to validate expression in Quota (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9442: Allow to save (not save and quit) in Plugin settings and global settings (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9500: Add ANSWER, QUESTIONHELP and other to beforeQuestionRender plugin event (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #9534: Allow 'other' for sub question code (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Allow barebone URL for OPTOUTURL and OPTINURL (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: allow extended htmlOptions in SettingsWidget (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Allow to download all files from a survey (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: allow to select another language when exporting (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Allow to use own default controller and add new routes in config.php (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: beforeHasPermission Plugin events (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Combine JS files for faster loading (Carsten Schmitz)

-New feature: Export uncompleted (started or not) in export token (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Form action url contains surveyid (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Render results using gqGrid (pradeshc) (Carsten Schmitz)

-Updated feature #9391: Google Analytics update to use Universal Analytics standard (Carsten Schmitz)

-Updated feature : Allow plugin or template to use HTML5 validation (Denis Chenu)

-Updated feature: Answers export to PDF (user and admin gui) (Aestu)

-Updated feature: Answers PDF export from admin GUI. (Alfredo Esteban)

-Updated feature: Audit plugin logs login, logout and failed login attempt (Alfredo Esteban)

-Updated feature: CHtml::dropDownList is quicker (Aestu)

-Updated feature: geomap : allow multiple map on same page (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: can use Expression Manager in slider min/max/step and default (Denis Chenu)

-New feature #8596: Allow empty dates for RemoteControladd_response call (Nate Baker)

-New feature: Add title on question list when exporting result (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Default value for yes/no question type (kairavesloot)

-New translation: Kazakh