Lake Minneola High School

Common Board Configuration

Lesson Plan

TEACHER: / Mrs Peña-Negrón / Subject: / Spanish 2(0708350) Performance Level: Intermediate Low - Intermediate Mid / ROOM: / 163
For the week of: JANUARY 30, 2017
FL Standard Description (Intermediate Low) / FL Standard Description (Intermediate Mid)
Modes of Communication- Interpretive Listening: Understand and interpret information, concepts, and ideas orally from culturally authentic sources on the topics of clothes and shopping.
WL.K12.IL.1.2Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details of short conversations and oral presentations. / WL.K12.IM.1.3 Recognize the main idea and supporting details on familiar topics of personal interest presented through messages and announcements
WL.K12.IL.1.3 Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details in messages and announcements on familiar topics. / WL.K12.IM.1.4Identify essential information and supporting details on familiar topics presented through a variety of media
WL.K12.IL.1.4Identify key points and essential details on familiar topics presented in a variety of media.
Interpretive Reading: Understand and interpret information, concepts, and ideas in writing from culturally authentic sources on the topics of clothes and shopping.
WL.K12.IL.2.1Use context clues and background knowledge to demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details in texts that contain familiar themes. / WL.K12.IM.2.1 Identify the main idea and key details in texts that contain familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary used in context.
Interpersonal Communication: Engagein conversations and exchange information, concepts, and ideas orally and in writing on the topics of clothes and shopping.
WL.K12.IL.3.1Initiate and engage in a conversation on familiar topics. / WL.K12.IM.3.1Express viewse in conversations on a variety of familiar topics.
WL.K12.IM.3.2 Ask and answer questions on familiar topics to clarify information and sustain a conversation.
WL.K12.IL.3.5 Initiate a conversation to meet basic needs in everyday situations both in and outside the classroom.
Presentational Speaking: Presentinformation, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on the topics of clothes and shopping.
WL.K12.IL.4.1Present information on familiar topics using a series of sentences with sufficient details.
Presentational Writing: Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of readers on the topics of clothes and shopping.
WL.K12.IL.5.1Write on familiar topics and experiences using main ideas and supporting details. / WL.K12.IM.5.2Write informative texts through a variety of media using connected sentences and providing supporting facts about the topic.
WL.K12.IL.5.2 Describe a familiar event or situation using a variety of sentences and with supporting details. / WL.K12.IM.5.6Produce writing that has been edited for punctuation and correct use of grammar, in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
Learning Goal: / WL.K12.IL.4Students will demonstrate understanding of the use of reflexive verbs for talk about your daily routine by
(M) creating a comic strip (T) answering a test / WL.K12.IL.1, 2 and 3 Students will be able to engagein conversations and exchange information, concepts, and ideas orally and in writing on the topics of clothes and shopping.
Activities: / Finish comic strip
Go over study guide / Unit 2 Daily Routine test / Turn in Unit 2 Worksheets
Unit 3 Introduction: Clothing video, PowerPoint, review colors to describe clothes,
Illustrate vocab. activity / Clothing vocabulary in context: review gustarencantar.
Say how much something cost (grammar: costar) & give opinions
Texbook & workbook activities. / Quick vocabulary quiz
Continue Clothing vocabulary in context: oral & written practice
Ticket Out: / Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding:
 / Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding:
 / Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding:
 / Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding:
 / Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding:
ESE/ELL Accommodations: / 1. Students are allowed extended time to complete assignments.
2. Constant check for comprehension, review, and understanding.
3. Notebook checks are done periodically.
4. Students’ assignments are checked constantly during class. / 5. Visual aides are used in class.
6. One on one lesson and extra help are available to students.
7. Students are allowed to use highlighters, sticky notes, index cards, etc.