See Ya Simon – Term Worksheet

This is the work that needs to be completed in Reading for this term. You must place all of the sheets of paper in a clear file and any other work needs to be kept in that clear file.

In week 8 you will self assess your work and then it will be marked by your teacher.

Any work not completed up to standard will be redone.

Week 1


1.  List all of the characters in the story in the character chart.

2.  Title Page

3.  Glossary

4.  Author Biography

Week 2


In this story Simon has Muscular dystrophy. This week you must research what this is and produce a pamphlet that could be used in a doctor’s surgery to inform patients about this condition.

Week 3

Select a character from your story. Your task is to imagine that you are a reporter interviewing your character. You must select 10 appropriate questions to ask and provide the answers. Your questions must relate to the story. Remember to include a variety of questions beginning with Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.

Week 4

You must carefully find and write 15 comprehension questions from the book. Provide the answers on a separate sheet.


Complete a character web on Simon.

Week 5


Using the plot flow sheet you must highlight the key events in the plot. Each box must contain a minimum of 4 sentences explain the plot development.


Complete the character table by selecting the five main characters out of the book. You must not include Simon.

Week 6

A good book always has conflict between characters. You must select 3 instances of conflict from within your book. Complete the conflict chart.

Week 7


Write a detailed book review about ‘See ya Simon’. Highlight the aspects you enjoyed and the reasons you liked/disliked the book

Features / Characteristics / Students should be learning to:
Plot / sequences of action
Plots include introduction, problem, climax or crisis, resolution and conclusion / understand how narratives begin, develop and end;
understand the point of view;
retell the story;
see how the plot is affected by the characters.
Characters / people, animlas, and imaginary characters in a narrative
Readers can usually identify with one or more and relate the characters' eperiences in the story to their personal experiences. / name and define major and minor characters;
describe the ways they talk, act, and move, saying what they care for and what they fear;
explore how the characters are conveyed;
explain how the personalities of the characters affect the plot.
Setting / places or situations where narrative takes place
Setting can have a powerful effect on the theme in the narrative and on the reader's emotions. / describe setting, using a list of adjectives;
understand the relationship of the setting to the plot, theme and character development;
understand how settng is conveyed;
appreciate the importance of setting in their own writing.
Theme / the subject or message the writing is attempting to communicate
Themes can be conveyed in an obvious way or "between the lines". / recognise the author's message;
relate the theme of the story to their own beliefs and culture;
compare themes from different books;
discuss themes in their own writing.


Characters /

Explain the conflict

/ How does the conflict develop / Provide specific details from the book / How does the author resolve the conflict



Name / Personal Details / Characteristics / Relationships / Other