The meeting commenced at 7.05pm and concluded at 7.25pm
B Lister-Chairman / Publicity Officer
M Heckford-Treasurer
T Smith-Events Coordinator
E Lawford- Secretary / Membership Secretary
J Marter-Poole Park Ranger, Borough of Poole
N Woods -Ranger Team Leader, Borough of Poole
J Austin-Williams-Orchard Area Residents’ Association
C Board-Friends of Poole Park
C Bullen-Poole Park Railway
Cllr Bulteel-Borough of Poole
B Butler-Friends of Poole Park
Cllr Collier-Borough of Poole
L Dey-Friends of Poole Park
E Farnsworth-Friends of Poole Park
E Gault-Friends of Poole Park
P Giles-Poole Radio Yacht Club
J Jones-Friends of Poole Park
S MacGregor-Friends of Poole Park
C Middleton-Friends of Poole Park
G Purkiss-Friends of Poole Park
JR St John-Friends of Poole Park
T St John-Friends of Poole Park
P Steer-Parkstone Bay Association
L Strothard-Democratic Support Officer, Borough of Poole
G Sutton-Friends of Poole Park
C Watkins-Orchard Area Residents’ Association
Apologies for absence were received from Mr K Bearcroft,
Cllr L Burden, Mrs C Chauncy, Mrs M Chave, Mr D Chick,
Mrs A Edwards, Cllr D Gillard, Mrs M Muir, Mr T Muir and
Mrs L Seabrook.
AGREED that the Minutes of the third Friends of Poole Park Annual General Meeting held on Monday 6 March 2006 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising.
The Chairman confirmed that the Annual Report had been circulated to all Members in advance of the Meeting and thanked Mike Heckford for his hard work in producing the year’s report.
Committee Members past and present were thanked for their unstinting hard work on behalf of the Friends of Poole Park throughout the year and Members expressed their sincere thanks to Doug Chick who had served as Chairman of the Friends of Poole Park since 2001. Eric Marsh had retired from the Friends of Poole Park and was thanked for his hard work over the years.
The Borough of Poole’s Leisure Services Department was thanked for its continued hard work in maintaining the Park and Legal and Democratic Services was thanked for providing clerical support for quarterly Meetings.
Finally the Borough of Poole’s Councillors and all Members of the Friends of Poole Park were thanked for their continued support.
The Treasurer informed the Meeting that the Statement of Accounts stood at £39,010.66 for the year ending 31 December 2006, however a financial audit had yet to be undertaken and the Treasurer undertook to circulate the final audited accounts as soon as this had been completed.
Dennis Broadhurst was thanked for agreeing to undertake the audit on behalf of the Friends of Poole Park.
Proceeds from Fest’ 06 totalled £27,421.75, leading to a profit of £19,402.83 following festival outpayments of £8018.92. A total of £3,151.69 had been spent on equipment for Poole Park during the year, including a new picnic bench, talking tube, novelty litterbin and mosquito system.
Members agreed to note the Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2006, subject to a financial audit being undertaken.
AGREED that the Friends of Poole Park Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2006 be noted, subject to a financial audit being undertaken by the Honorary Auditor / Accounts Examiner.
(a)Honorary Officers
Election of Chairman
RESOLVED that Bob Lister be appointed Chairman of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
Election of Secretary
RESOLVED that Elaine Lawford be appointed Secretary of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
Election of Treasurer
RESOLVED that Mike Heckford be re-appointed Treasurer of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
(b)Election of Other Officers (4)
Election of Vice-Chairman
There were no nominations received and the position remained vacant.
Election of Membership Secretary
RESOLVED that Elaine Lawford be appointed Membership Secretary of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
Election of Publicity Officer
RESOLVED that Bob Lister be re-appointed Publicity Officer of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
Election of Events Coordinator
RESOLVED that Terry Smith be re-appointed Events Coordinator of the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
(c) Election of Individual Committee Members (4)
There were no nominations received and the positions remained vacant.
RESOLVED that Dennis Broadhurst be appointed Honorary Auditor / Accounts Examiner for the Friends of Poole Park for the year to March 2008.
No amendments to the Constitution were proposed.
No motions were received.
No questions were submitted.
AGREED that the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park would take place at 7.00pm on Monday 3 March 2008.