OPAB Meeting
April 14, 2016 7-8pm Oakmont HS Choir Room
Corrected minutes
1. Review and approve previous meeting minutes
- Motion to approve – Higgins, Second – Martinez, no objection
2. Staff reports: no staff present to report
3. Old Business
Spring Tour May 14, 2016:
- Symphonic band will play at Vallejo High School in the morning and then spend the day at 6 Flags. Depart 6 Flags at 8 pm.
- Cost is $60 which includes entrance to the part and 1 meal voucher. For students with a season pass the cost is $20. Chaperones pay $40. Parents may use Bingo credits toward the cost of the trip.
- Issue: only 1 meal voucher provided for the entire day for the students.
Propose: OPAB will provide a light continental breakfast prior to departure and an additional $20 meal voucher at a cost of approximately $960 (does not include cost of cont. breakfast) – dependent on how many students attend. Meal vouchers may only be used for food purchases in the park.
Motion/2nd/vote: passed unanimous – OPAB will provide a light continental breakfast and 1 additional meal voucher for students attending spring tour.
- Correction 6/1/16: OPAB discussed the option of either providing a light continental breakfast or and additional meal voucher. Motion/2nd/vote unanimous – OBAP will provide 1 additional meal voucher for students attending spring tour.
Teacher Appreciation Week May 2-6
- Last year OPAB provided gift baskets with gift cards to Studio Movie Grill.
- Talk to Mr. Calvo about having Jazz band play – Java and Jazz
- Propose: Provide bagels/donuts, juice and coffee with Jazz band performing
Motion/2nd/vote: passed unanimous
OPAB volunteer appreciation
- Last year OPAB provided a spaghetti dinner which worked out well. Propose doing the same thing this year – cost approx.. $400
Motion/2nd/vote: passed unanimous
- Discussed using this as an opportunity to ‘get the word out’ about OPAB and opportunities to serve.
- Set the date- need to find out when cafeteria is available.
- Enlist the help of the students to emcee and perform
- Invite Eich families to volunteer appreciation dinner.
- Best way to ‘get the word out’? – let the kids know, send home a flyer, send a few mass emails to all performing arts parents, talk to Mr. Hasty
4. Treasurer report
- Reviewed balances
- Proposal to transfer $18,500 from Bingo fund to Board.
Motion/2nd/vote: passed unanimous
5. New Business
Elections: slate of nominees voted on and approved by those in attendance. Positions are for 2 years.
New Board members voted in were:
Secretary: Diana Higgins
Public Relations: Betsy Fried
Band Representative: Nichole Alvarez
Bingo Treasurer: Kathryn Martinez
Prior Board members continuing:
President: Bill Foster
Registrar of Volunteer Hours: LanettaStrever
Treasurer: Julie Tluczek.
Positions are filled as follows:
Bill Foster- President
Diana Higgins- Secretary
Julie Tluczek- Treasurer
Kathryn Martinez- Bingo Treasurer
Besty Fried- Public Relations
LanettaStrever- Registrar of Volunteer Hours
Nichole Alvarez- Band Representative.
Open Board positions:
Choir Representative: open
Drama Representative: open
Dance Representative: open