WesternKentuckyUniversity Literacy Clinic

Application for Clinical Diagnosis of Reading Growth and Development

For Office use only: Date Received ______

Student grade level ______

Please return this form to:

Dr. Nancy Hulan

School of Teacher Education

1083A Gary A. Ransdell Hall

Western Kentucky University,

1906 College Heights Blvd. #61030,

Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030

Office: (270) 745-4324

Fax: (270) 745-6322

1.Child Information: (to be completed by the parent)

Child’s Name:______Birth Date:______M__ F__

Child’s Age:_____Current grade level in school: ______

Present school attending:______

Reason for Referral______



  1. Parent Information



Occupations of Parents: Father______Mother:______

Phone: Home:______Father (work)______Mother (work)______

Cellphones: ______Email Address: ______

Emergency Contact Name: ______

Emergency Contact Phone: ______

Other household members:





Developmental History Of Child

Has your child experienced any developmental delays? Yes____ No____.

Have there been major illnesses or injuries?____.

If so, what?______

Does your child experience difficulty with: Hearing______Speech______Vision______

Date of most recent hearing screening:______


Date of most recent vision screening:______


Does the child wear glasses?______Take any medication?______

What type of medication?______.

Are there recurring illnesses?______.

If so, what?

Allergy______Colds______SoreThroat______Ear ache______

Upset Stomach______Hightemperature______Other______

School History

Present School______Age at 1st grade entrance_____

Present Grade Level______Has child changed schools?______

No. of times______. Was there a problem in adjusting to new situations?______

Was the child retained?______. If so, at what grade level?______.

What subjects does the child like? ______

What subjects does the child dislike?______

General Attitude toward school: Good____Bad____Indifferent____

Is your child working at grade level?______Above grade level?______Below grade level?______

Does the child have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? Yes ______No ______

If yes, where is he/she served? (please circle all applicable)

resource roomregular classroomself-containedspeech therapy only

Has your child been absent from school extensively for illness or injury? For other reasons?



Behavioral History

Does your child get along well with brothers and sisters?______

Does he/she get along well with peers?______

Does he/she get along well with adults?______Favorite adult______

Have you observed that your child differs from others in the following ways?

More sensitive Yes____ No____More aggressive Yes____ No____

More stubborn Yes____ No____More withdrawn Yes____ No____

More fearful Yes____ No____More active Yes____ No____

Is there any other information that you feel would aid us in the evaluation?


What other clinical services or special instruction does your child receive?


Parent Signature______

Date: ______