(TUESDAY) September 12, 2017 7:00 PM


Call to Order by Dennis at 7:00PM

1.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

2.  Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve: Mike

Second: Dennis

Motion approved and carried

3.  Clerk’s Report

-  Motion to approve Report as read: Mike with the addition move ????

-  Second: Jacki

Motion approved and carried

4.  Treasurer’s Report

Motions to approve Treasure Report by Mike with the following; move moneys from contingency fund to Grass Mow/snowplow $70.00, Office expense and ads $82.58 and recycling including wages $379.53 totaling $532.11:

Second: Jacki

Motion approved and carried

5.  Public Concerns & Comments (15 min)


1.  FTC Development special assessments – Representatives from FTC to be present to discuss assessment options

Alex, the Town Attorney has not heard back from FTC, Alex will inform FTC, if no response is received by October Board meeting, the Board will contract the Title company to request the release of the funds.

Motion Jacki

Second by mike

Motion approved and carried

2.  Rural Insurance representative to present changes in current policy to the board

Norbert Stauber, from Rural present an overview of the current policy. The board questioned the amount of coverage for the fire department equipment and vehicles. The Fire Department will review the current limits in the policy to makes sure the policy has the proper coverage.

3.  Discuss potentially allowing ATV/UTVs to access town roads as trails

The Oconto ATV/UTV club presented the roads that would be marked as ATV/UTV accessible with appropriate speed limits. The purpose of the routes are to gain access to other trails in other towns and support local businesses., Krueger Quarry, Moody, Brookside Road, Bell Bridge, Vermieren, and Thome. The Board agreed to continue with the process review to allow the use of Pensaukee Roads for ATV/UTV access. Alex, tThe Town Attorney, Alex will draft an Ordinance for Board to review at the October meeting.

4.  Discuss next steps for the recycle center building – low bid turnout & high cost

The town received two bids, one was for the plumbing only, the other was significantly over the budgeted amount.

The Board has agreed to table this project until spring onof 2018.

The Board questioned the requirement of the loan, that the money must be used in within 60 days or returned. Dennis will contract the state loan officer to see what can be done.

5.  Snyder & Krueger Quarry – Review use and next steps

Table until October meeting

6.  Discuss replacement recycle attendant

Billy will no longer be working the recycling center on Wednesday evening, it was suggested to ask Rick, a town resident, as he expressed interest before,; if he is the gentlemen that displayed interested in the position. Mike will contract Rick.

7.  Discuss driveway ordinance amending the ordinance to allow plastic culverts

Dennis presented the new application for culverts, which the board reviewed.

The new application, allowsadding Ddouble wall Pplastic culverts. The boardand agreed with the word on the new the new language and the permit is to be used immediately.

8.  Discuss fees on the town ordinances to set to appropriate level

Alex, the town Attorney, stated that at the present time the town’s fees are at an appropriate level. provided a summary of the current fees and discussion ensued about the costs when court costs are factored in. We will review this again at the October meeting for potential changes.

9.  Discuss abandonment of portions of Hugo, Pecor Point roads and all of Steeplegate road.

Steeplegate, Alex will contract the property owner and inform him, of the boards plans for the road.

Hugo and Pecor Point, the DNR property only access is on Pecor Point, Alex will contract the DNR and other residence effectimpacted by this proposal. This will be added to October agenda.

6.  Updates

1.  Fire Department

·  General update, Open house will be October 1, Fire Department will need a liquor license for one day.

2.  Recycling Center

·  General update


3.  Approval to Pay Bills

·  Motion to approve: Jacki

·  Second: Mike

·  Motion approved and carried

7.  Adjournment

Motion by: Mike

Second: Jacki

Adjourned at 8:51pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Jackie Manning