In consideration of the acceptance of my entry in the pilgrimage walk from San Francisco to San Luis, Colorado (10 miles):

I agree to comply with all rules, regulations and event instructions of the Pilgrimage for Vocations of the Diocese of Pueblo.

I acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions during the Pilgrimage and its related activities.

I will not wear any rings or bring or use any iPads, iPods, mP3 players or other electronic devices during the Pilgrimage. (You may bring your cell phone, but it must be turned off.)

I will not use, possess, or consume any illegal drug or alcohol while participating in the Pilgrimage.

I verify that I am physically fit and am sufficiently conditioned for the Pilgrimage. I understand and consent that if I fall ¼ mile or more behind the rest of the Pilgrimage, that I will be picked up. I also understand that my case will be reviewed and I will be given another chance to complete the Pilgrimage. If I am, in the opinion of the Pilgrimage physician, medical advisor, rector or spiritual director, unable to complete the Pilgrimage, I will be driven to San Luis.

I consent to publication by videotape, film, newsprint, written advertisement or otherwise of all materials containing my name and/or picture. I release all sponsors and all persons acting under authority from all claims I may have from initial or subsequent publication of any such materials or photographs.


I acknowledge that participation in the Pilgrimage carries with it potential hazards. For me and my family members, my personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns I therefore waive and release all claims I may have against the Diocese of Pueblo, the Bishop of Pueblo, and all parishes, clergy, religious, lay leaders, and law enforcement agencies participating in the Pilgrimage together with their officers, directors, members, parishioners, volunteers, employees, agents and sponsors and from all liability resulting from injury or death during the Pilgrimage and its related activities. This release includes all claims for damage caused by the negligence of any of these persons or entities, arising out of my participation in the Pilgrimage and its related activities, together with all costs and attorney’s fees that may be incurred.

I will indemnify and hold harmless the persons and entities listed above against all claims I, my family members, or personal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns may have or asset, including attorney’s fees, with respect to such claim.




(Please provide an emergency number where parents, guardian, spouse or family member may be reached during the Pilgrimage.)



Please return entire form to: Vocations Office, 101 N. Greenwood Street, Pueblo, CO 81003