Luton Borough Council

Round Green

Ward Forums

Issues Raised

Reviewed GJR/23/09/11


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
27th March 2008
4th June 2008
8th July 2010
20th January 2011 / Parking
 Junction of Richmond Hill and Mountfield Road.
Stanford Road junction with Turners Road
Kenneth Road/Blomfield Road/Abbey Drive
Walcot Avenue was raised as another blackspot.
Forum to monitor.
Will the Area Committee Support Manager check with Engineering & Transportation Department when this restrictions are going to be implemented. / Yellow lines need to be places at these junctions to prevent the ongoing problem of parking and obstruction.
Extremely dangerous. / LBC
Engineering & Transportation
Engineering & Transportation
Engineering & Transportation / Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer / Junctions already on the list of future waiting restriction schemes to be reported to the Executive in spring 2009.
(J Palmer 20/5/08)
28th September 2009
Members would like to know what was the outcome following this response?
Will investigate Walcott Avenue junction and if necessary add to the list of future waiting restriction schemes.
(J Palmer 29/12/08)
Walcott Avenue has been added to the list of future schemes.
(J Palmer 25/9/09)
Junctions included in the programme of work for 2010/11 are: -
Turners Road South (various junctions)
Stanford Road/Bloomfield Avenue
Stanford Road/Taunton Avenue
Richmond Hill/Mountfield Road
Richmond Hill/Colin Road
Other junctions are held on the list of future schemes.
(J Palmer 2/7/10)
I hope to be able to advertise waiting restrictions for these junctions late February/March 2011.
(J Palmer 18/1/11)
This has been delayed from 2010/11 due to financial constraints. We will be advertising three batches of junction waiting restrictions this year and these junctions will be in the second batch and it now likely to be autumn 2011.
(J Palmer 7/7/11)


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
5th March 2009
9th July 2009
28th September 2009
8th July 2010
27th September 2010
20th January 2011
7th July 2011 / Popes Meadow
Clear way the leaves
Still there needs clearing
Brambles still need clearing and the grass has not been cut back near to the path.
Where is the maintenance plan for this area?
Keep on the list need to monitor.
 Could the Parks Division look at this again?
This is a play area.
The conservation area is at the top of the park.
No response. We require a response for the next meeting.
No response received. / Clean/clear on a regular basis. / LBC
Parks Division
Parks Division
Parks Division
Parks Division / Barry Timms
Barry Timms
Barry Timms
Barry Timms / Nettles/brambles will be cut back from hanging over any pathways.
Barry Timms 1-7-09
Grass cutting in this area forms part of the conservation grass cutting contract. Unfortunately there is in sufficient budget to allow all conservation areas to be cut and collect annually. The areas to be cut are prioritized by the Councils Conservation Office, this area has not been identified for this year.
Assume that this refers to the path that runs from Havelock rd to Kingston rd – Service request raised with B Copley to investigate.
S Battlebury 15/8/11


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
5th March 2009
8th July 2010 / Bloomfield Road/Stanford Road
Car/s regularly parked on the pavement in the evening and at week-end
Need to monitor / LBC
Engineering & Transportation / Jonathan Palmer / This is already on the list of future schemes.
(J Palmer 9/7/09)
Junctions included in the programme of work for 2010/11 are: -
Turners Road South (various junctions)
Stanford Road/Bloomfield Avenue
Stanford Road/Taunton Avenue
Richmond Hill/Mountfield Road
Richmond Hill/Colin Road
(J Palmer 2/7/10)


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
6th January 2009
8th July 2010 / Richmond Hill, Talbot Road, Colin Road
Traffic congestion and difficulties for no. 14 bus.
Where are we with this issue? / Implement one way system. / LBC
Engineering & Transportation
Engineering & Transportation / Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer / This matter was also raised by Arriva, a visit had been held with their representatives, waiting restrictions, at and around junctions, are being considered to assist the route. A one-way system is not currently being considered, one-ways can often create more problems than they solve (such higher speeds, inconvenience for residents).
(J Palmer 5/5/09)
Junctions in the area have been looked at with the bus operator regarding obstructive parking. This is currently on hold as the route is being reconsidered.
(J Palmer 9/7/09)
Arriva has applied to change the route to go via Kingston Road/Richmond Hill, likely to be completed late October.
(J Palmer 25/9/09)
Arriva are no longer going to change this route and so further waiting restrictions are being considered for Colin Road.
(J Palmer 2/7/10)
Discussions have been held with Arriva concerning obstructive parking affecting their route. Waiting restrictions are being progressed for Ridgway Road/Colin Road junction and the nearby bend and the junction of Colin Road/Richmond Hill.
(J Palmer 24/9/10)
Arriva are considering altering the route 14 to go via Kingston Road as they are replacing the current buses and the new type will struggle to negotiate Colin Road.
(J Palmer 10/6/11)


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
21st January 2010
8th July 2010
27th September 2010 / Abbotswood Road, Taunton Avenue and immediate areas.
Grit/Salt bins required.
Where are we with this issue?
In relation to the review of the salt bins when will the decision be made?
Request for Salt Bin at Abbey Drive jct Cowridge Crescent / LBC
Highways Division
Highways Division
Highways Division / Samantha Williams
Andrew Downes
Andrew Downes / Salt bin positions both new and existing will be reviewed for the coming season.
(Chris Godden 26/5/10).
Salt bin locations are being reviewed
(Chris Godden 24/9/10)
Specific locations are required so an assessment can be carried out (Chris Godden 26/11/10)
A salt bin assessment has been carried out for this location, based on gradient, bends, traffic, treated route, bus route, accident record, etc. The result of assessment is that it did not qualify for a salt bin at this location. (D.Wright27/9/11)


Date of Forum /


/ Solution / Who should be involved? / Referred to / Outcome
7th July 2011 / Abbotswood Road/Crawley Green
Problems with cars parking/waiting in Abbotswood Road. / Waiting restrictions and or double yellow lines. / LBC
Engineering & Transportation / Jonathan Palmer / Added this to the list of future waiting restrictions at junctions.
(J Palmer 4/8/11)
7th July 2011 / Stanford Road
The paving slabs are damaged and need replacing. / Regular inspections. / LBC
Highways Division / Stuart
Jackson / No house number was given. Inspector carried out safety survey. No defects that met our intervention criteria were found.
Ref 594506
7th July 2011 / Birchen Grove
Problems with turning in and out of Birch Grove on to the Hitchin Road. / Await the completion of the Outer Ring Road.
No right turn out of Birchen Grove. / LBC
Engineering & Transportation / Jonathan Palmer / No plans to introduce a no right-turn out of Birchen Grove onto Hitchin Road. Unlikely to be supported by the Police unless made self enforcing.
(J Palmer 4/8/11)
7th July 2011 / Abbotswood Road – Park area.
Threat from developers and any future wish to develop.
Are there any plans in the pipeline for this site? / Develop this as a play area for children. / Ward Councillors
Planning Division
Planning / Jackie Barnell
Hugh Jenkins / No planning applications for the development of this site have been submitted to date.
The Executive gave approval 2-3 years ago for new homes on this site. It is a joint project between LBC/Wates/a Housing Group. It is the proposed site for the 2nd phase of the project. Meetings have been held with local residents.
7th July 2011 / Community Event
Local residents would like to see a community event involving local residents and schools take place in the ward. / LBC
Community Development / Shamuz Zamin / Our Unit Development Manager Shamsuz Zaman will be developing the Hart Hill facility and will be keen to meet local residents with a view toestablishing links and futurecommunity development opportunities.
It would be useful to have contact details of key individuals to engage with.
(Bhagwant Sagoo – Training & Development Manager – Community Development 01/09/11)
7th July 2011 / Roundabout in the ward
Can be funding be sought possibly through sponsorship to brighten up the roundabouts in the ward. / Planting on the roundabout. / LBC
Highways/Parks Division / Barry Timms / Reduction in bedding is part of savings- Sponsorship request should be forwarded to Highways/Amanda Roopra as parks do not deal with sponsorship + roundabouts are highways asset.
S Battlebury 15/8/11
Luton to Dunstable Busway
Where are the bus stop locations?
The improved stops in the East Luton area include all stops up Crawley Green Road to the Airport (Service 321 route) and also stops along Kimpton Road.
How is the Council making sure that the same issues as BAM in Cambridge don't occur?
The Council and its Supervising Consultants Atkins are pro-actively managing the contract.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of the busway are that it will provide faster journeys between Dunstable/Houghton Regis and Luton. This will, for example, enable Luton residents to visit the new theatre in Dunstable or and Dunstable/Houghton Regis residents to go to central Luton or the airport for work and shopping. The improved bus stops are that the raised bus stop platforms will provide level boarding onto the buses (ie no step up for wheelchair users, parents with buggies, the elderly or infirm. In addition the stops will be fitted with Real Time Passenger Information displays which include up to date bus information and facility for displaying text in larger characters for people with sight problems
Will I be able to use my bus pass?
What is the timescale for completion?
Current target completion date is 17 April 2013. However, the raised platforms at some stops may be completed before then.
Keith Dove
(Service Manager – Transportation & Regulation)