Distance Between Residences and the Nearest Bus Stop (E.Gibbons)

Distance Between Residences and the Nearest Bus Stop


That the April 18, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD8360 be received for information.

Report Summary

This report provides a response to questions related to Transit service to the residents of HollickKenyon.

Previous Council/Committee Action

  • At the May 6, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the April 18, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD8360, was postponed to the June 24, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting.
  • At the March 4, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meetingCouncillor E.Gibbons made the following inquiry:

I would like Administration to provide a report to the Transportation and Public Works Committee on the following:

  1. What is the corporate Transit Service policy and/or standard with respect to the distance between residences and the nearest bus stop?
  2. What is the distance of the nearest bus stop for residents who live on Hollick Kenyon Road?
  3. What are the alternatives that could be implemented to improve the bus service for residents in HollickKenyon?
  4. What is prohibiting Administration from implementing appropriate service to this area?


  1. The walking distance standard is 400m and is measured from the residential lot following public roadways, sidewalks and walkways. This standard guideline is similar to those used by most other Transit systems in Canada.
  2. The nearest bus stops to these residents are located at Hollick KenyonRoad/162 Avenue and 57Street/162 Avenue. The majority of residents on Hollick Kenyon Road are within a 400m walk to transit. The furthest walk experienced would be from a home at the South end of Hollick Kenyon Road to the closest transit zones at 162 Avenue/55A Street and 162 Avenue/57 Street(approximately 560m) (Attachment 1).
  3. Alternative 1: Construction of a temporary turnaround at 54 Street/157 Avenue. Land is currently designated as AGU(Urban Reserve). A cost estimate has not been completed.

Alternative 2: Establish a temporary small bus route on Hollick Kenyon Road. If a small bus route were to be implemented, it would be discontinued once service was available from 54 Street, and the residents along Hollick Kenyon Road would again have to walk up to 400m to transit service per normal walking distance guideline. Because this is not a transit route, bus stops would have to be established. Permission from adjacent landowners would also need to be required to install bus stops.

Alternative 3: Construct a temporary collector road immediately west of the salvage yard on 54 Street between 158 Avenue to 160 Avenue. If a temporary collector was built around the salvage yard, it would have to be about 315m long. Land is currently designated as AGU(Urban Reserve), AG(Agricultural), and RSL(Residential Small Lot).

  1. With the ultimate neighbourhood design, service would operate from Clareview Transit Centre to the HollickKenyon community with a 30 minute frequency but this is not yet feasible due to the following factors affecting development in the east portion of this neighbourhood:

a)There is only one property remaining which blocks the completion of the 54 Street transit collector roadway as a through route. Discussions are currently underway with the property owner; however it is premature to state that these negotiations will result in the acquisition of this property.

b)The standard process for the construction of collector roads is to have the road right of way dedicated and the roadway constructed by the developer as a condition of subdivision or development permit.

c)This site may have environmental risks associated with it.


  1. Hollick Kenyon ETS Routing & Walking Distances
  2. Map showing Alternative 1
  3. Mapshowing Alternative 2
  4. Map showing Alternative 3

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