CP Chemistry Name:



CP Chemistry: Final Exam Review Packet

1)  In a chemical reaction, the name(s) of the material(s) that you start with are called the __reactants____ and appear on the ____left______side of the arrow.

2)  In a chemical reaction, the name(s) of the material(s) that you end with are called the __products_____ and appear on the ___right______side of the arrow.

3)  In a chemical reaction, there is a conservation of

A)  moles B) atoms C) molecules D) temperature

4)  When calcium carbonate reacts with nickel (II) acetate the name of one of the new compounds formed is

A)  carbonate sulfate B) calcium calcitate C) nickel (II) calcium

D) nickel (II) carbonate

5)  The complete combustion of a hydrocarbon, such as C6H14, involves the reaction with oxygen gas to form water and which of the following:

A)  CO B) CO2 C) C D) CHO

6)  Which of the following reactions is a decomposition reaction?

A)  Al2O3 + 6Li à 3Li2O + 2Al

B)  2Al(OH)3 à Al2O3+ 3H2O

C)  2H2 + O2 à 2H2O

D)  CH4 + 2O2 à CO2 + 2H2O

7)  The reaction of dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc will produce

A) zinc oxide and water

B)  zinc chloride and water

C)  zinc chloride and hydrogen

D)  zinc hydride and chlorine

8)  Aluminum nitrate and lead (II) acetate react to produce

A)  AlC2H3O2 andPbNO3

B)  Al(C2H3O2)3 and Pb(NO3)2

C)  AlC2H3O2 and Pb(NO3)2

D)  Al(C2H3O2)3 and PbNO3

9)  An example of single replacement (displacement) reaction is

A)  4Al + 3O2 à 2Al2O3

B)  2AgBr + Cl2 à 2AgCl + Br2

C)  CaCl2 + Na3CO3 à CaCO3 + 2NaCl

D)  CaCO3 à CaO + CO2

10) HCl (g) is a ______in the following equation:

Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) à ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

A)  reactant B) product C) catalyst D) coefficient

11) Which set of coefficients balances this equation:

K3PO4 + Ba(NO3)2 à Ba3(PO4)2 + KNO3

A)  2,3,1,5 B) 4,6,2,7 C) 3,6,1,6 D) 2,3,1,6

12) When calcium chloride reacts with lithium, the formula for the new compound is

A)  LiCl2 B) LiCl C) Li2Cl D) LiClO3

13) When the following equation is balanced, the coefficient is front of HCl is?

Al(s) + HCl (aq) à AlCl3(s) + H2(g)

A)  2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6

14) Knowing that all potassium compounds are soluble, and that most hydroxides are insoluble, write the correct word and balanced equation for the addition of an aqueous solution of cobalt (II) sulfate to an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide.

15) Given the equation:

2AgNO3 (aq) + BaCl2(aq) à 2AgCl(s) + Ba(NO3)2(aq)

Which of the following is the correct net ionic equation for the reaction?

A) 2Ag1+ (aq) + 2NO31- (aq) + Ba2+ (aq) + 2Cl1- (aq) à 2AgCl(s) +

Ba2+ (aq) + 2NO31-(aq)

B) 2Ag1+(aq) + 2Cl1- (aq) à 2AgCl (s)

C) 2Ag1+ (aq) + 2NO31-(aq) à 2AgNO3 (s)

D) 2Ag1+(aq) + Cl21- (aq) à 2AgCl (aq)

16) The overall equation, in which ions are directly involved are called

A)  half equations B) net ionic equations C) equilibrium equations

D) combustion equations

17) In the equation mentioned in questions #16, the ions that are not directly involved in these equations are referred to as

A)  carrier ions B) lazy ions C) polyatomic ions D) spectator ions

18) What are the 5 main reaction types (that we covered) and how do you recognize each type?

Single replacement

Double replacement




19) What are the four pieces of information that a coefficient gives you and give conditions, if necessary.

20) When 4 grams of hydrogen gas react completely with 32 g of oxygen gas, the mass of water formed is

A)  16 g B) 36 g C) 4 g D) 32 g

21) What law does question #20 demonstrate

A)  Conservation of energy

B)  Conservation of moles

C)  Conservation of atoms

D)  Conservation of mass

22) Classify each of the following reactions, write the word and balanced equation for each:

a)  nickel + chlorine à nickel (II) chloride

b)  aluminum hydroxide à aluminum + water

c)  calcium + water à calcium hydroxide

d)  lead + sulfuric acid à lead (II) sulfate + hydrogen

e)  mercury (II) bromide à mercury + bromine

f)  ammonium hydroxide à

g)  tin (II) carbonate à

h)  strontium + iron (II) chloride à strontium chloride + iron

i)  hydrogen nitrate + calcium carbonate à calcium nitrate + hydrogen carbonate

j)  fluorine + potassium iodide à potassium fluoride + iodine

23) Combustion of 4 moles of methane occurs. Write the correct word and balanced equation and determine the number of molecules of water that can be obtained from this reaction.

4CH4 + 6O2 → 4CO2 + 4H2O

24) Given a sample of iron, hydrochloric acid, water, lead (II) nitrate and a Bunsen burner, give a procedure that would cause a reaction. Identify the type of reaction and write the word and balanced equation. There may be more than one correct answer, but you may only supply one answer.

25) The expression that represents 5 moles of chlorine gas is

A)  Cl5 B) 5Cl C) 5Cl2 D) 2Cl5

26) Which substances are the most compressible and why? (solids, liquids, or gases)

Because of the vast amount of empty space between particles

27) When a solid turns directly to a gas, skipping the liquid phase, it is called _sublimation___. Which of the following demonstrates this process?

A)  (NH4)2 (s) à 2NH3 (g) + CO2 (g) + H2O (g)

B)  Ca2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) à CaCO3 (s)

C)  H2O (s) à H2O (l)

D)  CO2 (s) à CO2 (g)

28) The most effective way to change a gas into a liquid is to

A)  increase the temperature and reduce the pressure

B)  reduce the temperature and increase the pressure

C)  increase both the temperature and pressure

D)  reduce both the temperature and pressure

29) According the Avogadro’s Law, a liter of ammonia and a liter of oxygen at the same temperature and pressure have the same number

A)  amount of mass B) kind of molecules C) weight of molecules

D) number of molecules

30) The volume of a gas can be increased by

A) decreasing the kinetic energy

B) decreasing the temperature

C) decreasing the pressure on it with a constant temperature

D) increasing the pressure on it with a constant temperature

31) Air contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. What is the partial pressure of oxygen at 101.3 kPa of total pressure if the partial pressures of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other gases are 79.10 kPa, 0.040 Kpa, and 0.94 Kpa, respectively?

Oxygen pressure = 21.22 kPa

32) The attractive forces between gas molecules become more effective as the molecules

A)  move faster B) expand when heated C) get closer together

D) move further apart

33) What is STP defined as and what are the actual values in K and kpa?

Standard Temperature and Pressure-0°C and 1 atm, or 273K and 101.3kPa

35) Consider the diagram:

A material at 400C was heated uniformly until it changed into a gas. What is the condensing point of this material?

A)  600C B) 00C C) 1200C D) 800C

36) Water is boiling in a beaker. What might be done to raise the boiling temperature?

A) insulate the container B) increase the rate of heating

C) evaporate the water D) dissolve table salt in the water

37) The temperature at which water will boil in a vacuum compared to the temperature at which water will boil at normal atmospheric pressure

A) lower B) higher C) the same D) impossible to determine

38) On the phase diagram, in what state or states of matter does the substance exist at

30 atm and 250C?

A)  solid B) liquid C) vapor D) liquid and vapor

39) On the phase diagram in question #38, what phase change occurs from C to B?

A) evaporating B) sublimation C) freezing D) melting E) condensing

40) On the phase diagram in question #38, what phase change occurs from B to A?

A) evaporating B) sublimation C) freezing D) melting E) condensing

41) On the phase diagram in question #38, what phase change occurs from C to A?

A) evaporating B) sublimation C) freezing D) melting E) condensing

42) On the phase diagram in question #38, what phase change occurs from B to C?

A) evaporating B) sublimation C) freezing D) melting E) condensing

43) On the phase diagram in question #38, what phase change occurs from A to B?

A) evaporating B) sublimation C) freezing D) melting E) condensing

44) A solution is made up of a ___solute______(is dissolved) and a __solvent______(does the dissolving).

45) A solution in which the dissolved solute is said to be in equilibrium with the undissolved solute is known as a ___saturated___ solution.

46) Examine the graph:

Assuming no super saturation, how many grams of compound KNO3 crystallizes if a warm solution containing 250 g in 100 g of water is cooled to 30 0C?

A)  150 g B) 50 g C) 200 g D) 100 g

47) Which of the following solutes are least soluble in water at 500C?

A)  Ce2(SO4)3 B) KI C) NaNO3 D) NH4Cl

48) Using the diagram in question #47, which compound(s) solubility decreases with an increase in temperature?

NH3 or Ce2(SO4)3

49) What are three ways to increase the solubility of a material?

Raise the solvent temp., change solvents, raise pressure (if it’s a gas)

50) Which property of a sugar solution is higher than the pure solvent?

A)  turbidity B) boiling point C) freezing point D) vapor pressure

51) Explain why we add ethylene glycol (antifreeze) to our cars? What are the benefits in the summer as well as in the winter?

52) A sugar cube is made to dissolve more rapidly in water by

A)  putting it in the refrigerator B) using less volume of water

C) crushing the cube first D) putting it in the dark

53) CH4 is a __nonpolar_____ molecule. The only forces of attraction that exist between the CH4 molecules in

A)  London dispersion (van der Waals) forces

B)  ionic bonds

C)  polar covalent bonds

D)  hydrogen bonds

54) The compound whose molecules will be held together by attractive forces called hydrogen bonding

A)  H2O B) H2 C) MgO D) CH4

55) Sugar is a non-electrolyte when dissolved in water because the

A)  solution conducts electricity

B)  sugar remains as molecules with no electrical charges

C)  water molecules become nonpolar is a sugar solution

D)  sugar breaks down into ions

56) An example of an exothermic reaction is

A) boiling water B) burning wood C) melting ice

D) a chemical ice pack

57) What does it mean for a system to be at equilibrium?

A)  forward and reverse reaction rates are equal

B)  amount of reactants and products are equal

C)  forward and reverse reactions have stopped

D)  amount of reactants are equal to each other

58) List the ways that the concentration of substance AB can be increased in this equilibrium system,

A2 (g) + B2 (g) + heat à 2AB (g)

Add A, add B, increase temp., remove AB.

59) What would adding heat do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it right.

60) What would be decreasing the heat do the equilibrium in question #59? Left

61) What would increasing the pressure do to the equilibrium in question #59? No effect

62) What would decreasing the pressure do to the equilibrium in question #59?No effect

63) What would increasing the concentration of A2 do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it right.

64) What would increasing the concentration of B2 do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it right.

65) What would decreasing the concentration of A2 do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it left.

66) What would decreasing the concentration of B2 do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it left.

67) What would decreasing the concentration of AB do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it right.

68) What would increasing the concentration of AB do to the equilibrium in question #59? Drive it left.

69) The mixture that reacts to form a base (hydroxide) is

A)  SO3 + H2O

B)  CO2 + H2O

C)  I2O5 + H2O

D)  Li2O + H2O

70) The substance that produces an acid when it reacts with water

A)  NH3 B) SO3 C) BaO D) Al2O3

71) The acid found in vinegar is

A)  acetic acid B) citric acid C) formic acid D) butyric acid

72) Which is basic?

A)  ammonia, pH = 12.0 B) distilled water, pH = 7

C) intestines, pH = 6.5 D) rainfall, pH = 5.4

73) Which ions increase in concentration when bases dissolve in water?

A)  oxide ions B) ammonium ions C) hydronium ions

D) hydroxide ions

74) Which ions increase in concentration when acids dissolve in water?

A) oxide ions B) ammonium ions C) hydronium ions

D) hydroxide ions

75) When writing a balanced equation for the reaction between nitric acid and calcium hydroxide, the formula for the salt produced is

A)  Ca(NO3)2 B) Ca(OH)2 C) HOH D) CaNO3

76) An acid is classified as being strong

A) if it ionizes almost completely in solution

B)  it forms a salt with Ba(OH)2

C)  if it turns litmus paper red

D)  if it dissolves in water

77) What element is most often found in organic compounds?


78) Draw the following organic compounds:

A)  3-bromo-2-methylhexene

B)  2-propanol

79) What is an isomer?

80) Draw all of the isomers for pentane.

81) What are the three types of radioactive decay? Fill in the following chart.

Name of decay / Symbol and charge / Penetrating ability / Stopped by / Harm/damage it can cause / How does it get into the body

82) Complete the following nuclear reactions by filling in the missing reactant or product. Also, tell what type of decay occurred.

A)  6C14 à 7N14 + ______decay

B)  84Po210 à _____ + _____ alpha decay

C)  90Th230 à _____ + _____ alpha decay