Consortiwm De Orllewin a ChanolbarthCymru
South West and Mid Wales Consortium
Pwyllgor ar y Cyd/Joint Committee
11egMawrth 2015/ 11thMarch 2015
Y Llwyfan, Caerfyrddin / Carmarthen
2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
PRESENT: / Councillor Alun Thomas [Chair]Councillor Kevin Madge / Carmarthenshire County Council
Councillor James Adams / Pembrokeshire County Council
Councillor Jennifer Raynor / City & County of Swansea
Councillor Barry Thomas / Powys County Council
Mr Mark James / Carmarthenshire County Council
Mr Eifion Evans / Ceredigion County Council
Ms Betsan O’Connor / ERW
Mr John Haswell / Pembrokeshire County Council
Mr Ian Westley / Pembrokeshire County Council
Mr Matthew Holder / ERW
Mr Graham Jones / ERW
Ms Kelly Small / City & County of Swansea
Ms Stephanie Williams / City and County of Swansea
Mr Ian Roberts / Powys County Council
Mr Chris Llewelyn / W.L.G.A.
Mr Geraint Rees / Welsh Government
Ms Sarah Fulthorpe / Welsh Government
Mr Kevin Thomas / Carmarthenshire County Council
1.Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ellen ap Gwynne (Ceredigion), Ms Bronwen Morgan (Ceredigion), Mr Rory Cridland (Ceredigion), Mr Jeremy Patterson (Powys), Mr Steven Phillips (Neath Port Talbot) and from Mr Jack Straw (City & County of Swansea).
2.Declaration of Personal Interests
There were no declarations of personal interests
In accordance with Minute 5.2 of the meeting held on the 9th February 2015, which had asked the Executive Board to consider the implications of the EIG and make a recommendation to the Committee,the Joint Committee considered a report on the allocation of the Education Improvement Grant (EIG) between its six constituent authorities and ERW.
The Lead Director reminded the Joint Committe of the Welsh Government’s recent decision to consolidate the 11 grants previously made to ERW into one grant titled the Education Improvement Grant and that, as a consequence, ERW would need to examine how that grant was to be allocated. In that regard, the 6 Education Directors had examined the 2014/15 grant formula,the distribution of the 2015/16 allocation,based on the 11 former grants, together with a number of other factors, two of which related to the following grant streams:-
The formula for the allocation of the 14-19 Learning Pathways grant for 2014/15 included a £50k provision for Powys as a one off, one year Grant to assist that authority in addressing the significant overall 10% reduction it faced on its budget. It was being recommended that that element be removed from the 2015/16 formula.
The School Effectiveness Grant was to be distributed on the basis of an 80/20 apportionment between learners and teachers to address some of the differences between the largest and smallest authorities. However, that would result in Neath and Port Talbot losing £50k per annum and, whilst that had been addressed in the previous year’s allocation, as an anomaly, to continue that anomaly for future years would adversely impact elsewhere on the grant formula. Therefore, to ensure Neath Port Talbot was not disadvantaged for future years, the Directors had recomended that the match funding provided by each of the constituent authorities to draw down the Welsh Government Grant be ‘Top-Sliced’ to provide funding for targeted intervention, to be distributed by the Executive Board according to need, with the first £50k to be provided, as a constant, to Neath Port Talbot.
The Joint Committee was advised that having regard to the above the following three options had been prepared for its consideration:-
Option 1
Reduce Powys’ 14-19 allocation by 10% (Ringfenced for 2014-2015), Removal of Band 4/5 funding to authorities and re-assign to ERW for School to School working.
All calculations were done before the in-year grants took place.
Option 2
Reduce Powys’ 14-19 allocation by 10% (Ringfenced for 2014-2015), Removal of Band 4/5 funding to authorities and re-assign to ERW for School to School working. All calculations were done after the in-year grants took place.
Option 3
Straight-line percentage across each authority after in-year cuts, Remove Band 4/5 and re-allocate amongst authorities but not ERW. Diregard 10% Powys help for 2014-2015.
The Lead Director advised that the 6 Education Directors had discussed the above options with their authorities and finance officers, five of which had subsequently confirmed in writing their support for Option 2. The sixth, had verbally expressed support for Option 2, but with a preference for the calculations undertaken to be before the 2014-15 in-year grants took place.
The Lead Director advised that with regard to the in-year cuts, the Welsh Government Minister had identified the 14-19 learning Pathways Grant, the School Effectiveness Grant and the Minority Ethnic Achievement Grant (MEAG) as being affected. The first two were regional grants, and the third a local grant that would not form a component part of the EIG. The Directors, in considering that aspect, had agreed to recommend that the first two grants be apportioned on a straight percentage basis,with the MEAG being paid direct to each of the 6 authorities.
During consideration of the report, the representatives from the City and County of Swansea expressed concern at its lack of detail and the absence of any rationale behind the suggested options in terms of their pro’s and cons.They requested that the meeting be adjourned for them to be provided with further detail on the three options, and the financial calculations associated therewith.
Other Committee members agreed with the lack of detail in the report, however, they indicated that their officers had briefed them on the Directors’ deliberations and that they considered they had more than enough detail to make a decision. The representatives from the City and Council raised concerns thatas the Joint Committee was making the decision based on the report, the detail should be in the report and not given in any other meetings as these were not formally recorded. Officers agreed that in future reports would include the necessary and reasonable level of detail to make a decision.
AGREED that the meeting stand adjourned at 2.30 p.m. for the City and County of Swansea to be provided with more detail on the three Options.
The Joint Committee reconvened at 3.10 p.m. where it was advised that the City and County of Swansea had agreed to accept Option 2 on the basis it would be reviewed throughout the year and at the next funding meeting. The member for the City and County of Swansea also expressed a preference for Option 2 to be based on the 2014-15 funding, before the in-year grants, and also for some reflection to take place of in-year changes to ethnic minority pupil numbers and pupil numbers in general.
agreed that the allocation of the Education Improvement Grant for 2015-2018 be based on Option 2
4.erw business plan 2015-18
The Joint Committee received for consideration the Draft 2015-2018 ERW Business plan.
The Managing Director advised that the Draft Business Plan identified three main overarching priorities covering Leading Learning, Teaching and Learning and Support for Learning, whilst also incorporating governance and organisational structures. It’s key features were built on cross cutting workstreams across the three main priorities, reflecting ministerial priorities, and also establishing key success criteria against which progress achieved would be measured over the plan’s three year period.
She referred to the Plan’s Draft status,and reported that one of the reasons associated therewith was that part of the National Model required regional consortia to provide theWelsh Government with progress reports on the Headline Business Plan Templates, (which had been submitted to the Welsh Government) which would form the foundation on which the Business Plan would be finalised. Having regard to that requirement, the delay in the publication of the final plan would afford ERW the opportunity of incorporating any issues arising from the forthcoming Welsh Government’s announcement on its New Deal For Teachers, together with the findings of the recent reports by Professor John Furlong on ‘Initial Teacher Education and Training in Wales’ and by Professor Graham Donaldson on ‘Successful Futures’.
It was envisaged that the final report would be presented to the Joint Committee’s next meeting
AGREED that the Draft ERW Business Plan 2015-2018 be approved for progression across the region in line with the arrangements set out in the Legal Agreement.
5.raising standards and rewarding excellence (rsre) programme
The Joint Committee received for consideration the proposed Raising Standards and Rewarding Excellence (RSRE) programme that sought to support all schools within the ERW region to improve their performance management / appraisal and professional development arrangements, leading to an improved and more consistent approach to teaching, learning and leadership.
The Managing Director advised that the timing of the Programme’s publication was quite opportune given the impending Welsh Government’s announcement on its New Deal for Teachers. The programme had an important part to play in putting in place measures to ensure teachers’ continuing professional development, with its guiding principle being to build in capacity to ensure the workforce was fit for purpose within the changing education environment
The Strategic HR Director reported that the programme formed part of an important part of the wider package of work being undertaken by ERW, local authorities and schools to improve the quality of teaching, learning and leadership that would assist schools to have in place a school management policy and process which:
- Would clearly identify the skills and performance expected of each individual teacher and school leader by the Governing Body;
- Provide feedback on each individual’s skills and performance;
- Identify the professional development support required to deliver improved teaching / learning.
AGREED, that the Raising Standards and Rewarding Excellence (RSRE) Programme be adopted and that officers progress its implementation on the basis outlined within the report.
AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 9th February 2015 be signed as a correct record.
7.any other items of urgentbusiness
The Managing Director of ERW agreed to meet with the representatives of the City and County of Swansea to discuss any concerns regarding the governance arrangments of the Joint Committee.