Dear ,
I am writing to invite you to speak and join the panel at the upcoming Youth Health Forum entitled ‘[YHF TITLE]’ on the [DATE]at The Children's Hospital Westmead [VENUE].
We would be very pleased if you could be one of the speakers focusing on “[PERSPECTIVES WEWANT SPEAKER TO FOCUS ON]” in terms of strategies you used, what works etc.
The duration of presentation is 20 minutes with 5 minutes [CHANGE TO ACTUAL TIME IF NECESSARY] question and answer time; and the panel discussion (to be joined by all speakers) will take place at the end of the Forum.
The Day’s format
This Forum will use the same program model as other Forums we run i.e: 5 speakers on the topic (always including- in some way or other- the voices of young people (if it's a highly sensitive topic we have used recordings of young people being interviewed on the topic and/or write up quotations from young people that are projected on a screen for participants to read).
The first speaker always presents an `overview' of the topic referring to current research.
The final 20-40minutes consists of a panel discussion / Q&A (panel is made up of the speakers).
Other speakers on the day
At this stage we will approach ….. or we will have …..speak for us on….. [PLEASE REFER TO DISCUSSION IN PREVIOUS MINUTES]
Video conference and video record
The Committee recognises the value of extending Youth Health Forums to the rural and remote areas. Therefore, we will video conference the forum to different site/sites as well as recording the Forum presentations and panel discussions on the day. For this reason- each speaker is required to agree to being filmed. If you do not wish to be video recorded, please feel free to let us know and refer us to another speaker you know whom can speak on behalf of you in this area.
General Information about the Youth Health Forums:
These are run by the Youth Health Forum Organising Committee and are held at The Children's Hospital at Westmead - 3 per year. The Forums are for those who work with young people- the usual audience (60-100 participants depending on the topic) consists of those working in health, education and a smaller number of Non for profit (NFP) workers. They are on a range of topics relevant to young people's health and wellbeing (we use a holistic definition of health).
Whilst we aim to present current research on the particular issues, we are keen to focus on best practice/ emerging ways of working - the aim is to strengthen/ build the practice/ delivery of services and programs for young people. We also make sure we include the voices of young people in the Forum-(see above).
Thank you for your consideration, we look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
on behalf ofthe Youth Health Forum Organising Committee