I. Drugs
A. definition
B. drug dependence
1. Nature of drug
2. route of administration
3. Metabolism
4. Personality
5. Societal
C. Addiction
D. Tolerance
E. Withdrawal
II. Narcotics (Heroin, morphine, oxycodone, codeine)
A. Properties
1. analgesics
2. most are opium -derived
3. Addictive
4. Opium contains
5. Opium is obtained from plant by:
6. Legal production for pharmaceutical industry in some countries
B. Making heroin from opium (morphine)
C. Opiate action in the brain
1. opioid receptors
3. Physiological effects:
C. History of opium in US
Morphine: Schedule II drug Heroin: Schedule I drug
D. Withdrawal and risks
collapsed veins, ulcers, HIV, hepatitis, constipation
Turn to crime to support habit
E. Heroin and crime
1. thousands of convictions per year, most trafficking
2. illegally produced in:
F. Oxycodone
1. semisynthetic
2. problems in illegal use:
G. Codeine
H. Methadone
All natural and synthetic narcotics will test positive for opiates in urine analysis
III. Hallucinogens
A. Properties
B. Marijuana
1. Basic information
-Scientific name:
- also used for:
- active ingredient:
-method of delivery:
2. Drug effects
1. pleasant
2. unpleasant
3. long term
4. medical
3. mechanism of action in the brain
4. Legal aspects
New Jersey
1. properties:
2. Delivery method:
3. First synthesized by:
4. Mechanism of action:
5. Drug effects:
IV. Drug Testing - Examination of urine (usually) to detect drugs or drug metabolites
A. Test for drugs:
B. Test body substances:
1. Urinalysis
2. Hair analysis
3. Saliva analysis
C. Forensic testing
1. physical
2. chromatography
3. colorimetric
V. Depressants
A. Properties
- Alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, inhalants
B. Benzodiazepenes
Example: Rohypnol
C. Barbituates
D. Side effects of depressants
E. Inhalants
1. properties
2. Types of inhalants
a. volatile solvents
b. aerosols
c. gases
d. nitrites
3. health hazards of inhalants
F. Alcohol
1. examples of alcohols
- ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
- diethylene glycol
2. Sugar fermentation reaction:
3. Body regions impaired by alcohol
4. The brain and alcohol
5. The fate of alcohol in the body
a. ingestion
b. absorption
1. stomach
2. small intestine
c. metabolism (detoxification)
d. elimination
6. Response to alcohol affected by:
7. Other effects
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
8. Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) scale of 0.0 – 0.5
- breathalyzer
- legal limit (driving) in NJ
VI. Stimulants
A Amphetamines, Schedule II drugs
1. Properties
- synthetic drugs
- stimulate:
- effects:
- mode of delivery:
2. . The amphetamine molecules
3. . Mechanism of action in the brain
- dopamine:
Dopamine is released from the neuron A and diffuses to neuron B à pleasure
- long term effect of methamphetamine use:
Also: Addiction and Tolerance, Weight loss, High blood pressure, Heart attack Repetitive behavior (compulsive cleaning, grooming, disasembling, assembling objects) Delusions of insects crawling under skin. Users can obsessively scratch their skin to get rid of these imagined insects. (formication) , Sores due to constricted blood vessels, Depression, Paranoia, Hallucinations, violent behavior, Psychosis (often exhibited as violent, aggressive behavior), Fetal addiction, Withdrawal: very bad!
Meth mouth:
- role of saliva:
- action of meth on teeth
4. Methamphetamine production
- precursor molecule:
- dangerous because:
- meth labs look like:
5. Methamphetamine and crime
6. MDMA (ectasy)
B. Cocaine (schedule II drug)
1. produced from______plant in ______region
2. neurotransmitter involved:
3. effect on brain:
4. mode of delivery
5. crack cocaine production: