The Valleys Post The Valleys Evangelical Covenant Church
3682 Peters Mountain Rd., Halifax, PA 17032
Website: Pastor – Kristine Heckard
Email Council Pres. – Donna Motter
From the desk of Pastor Kris… June/July/August 2014
Did you ever want Christmas to occur another time of year other than December? Well then, it is your day! I want you all to think of your experience in the church as an ongoing Christmas Day! The tree is up and the gifts are opened. Through our Spiritual Gift Inventory we have unwrapped the gifts! But it’s not a once and done deal. As you discover and develop your gifts, new and exciting things that the Lord is doing in and through you will surface every day.
We have been talking a lot about our spiritual gifts here at The Valleys and this is not something that we made up. The teaching on spiritual gifts comes directly from the Word of God. That gives us the assurance we need to say with confidence that it is God’s way for his people to operate with one another. It is the way to do God’s work, whether it is caring for each other, or learning more about our faith, or celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, or reaching out to the lost with the message of God’s love. Learning more about our spiritual gifts enables the church for growth that builds up God’s children and the whole body of Christ.
The key to all of this is faith. Faith is expectation that God has something better for us. Expectation that we can be the people God wants us to be - expectation that God has gifted us and that we will be richly fulfilled if we are doing His will through using our spiritual gifts.
Faith tells us that God wants His church to grow and He wants His lost sheep found and brought into the fold, and He will do it through the gifts He has given to each of us for His glory.
If you have any questions about the Spiritual Gift Inventory and how you might be using your gifts, I am available to sit down and answer your questions.
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Kris
Preaching Schedule For 2014
Sermon Series “Spiritual Gifts”
(Series will include questions for reflection through the week.)
June 1st 6. “What Moves Your Mountain?”
(Pentecost) Romans 12:8; I Corinthians 12:9
June 8th 7. “How to Spot Counterfeit Christianity”
I Corinthians 12:10
June 15th 8. “The Barnabas Factor”
Romans 12:8
June 22nd 9. “Confessions”
I Peter 4:9-10
June 29th 10. “Are We a Non-Prophet Ministry?”
I Corinthians 14:29-33
July 6th 11. “The Shepherd’s Gift”
Ephesians 4:11
July 13th 12. “Let’s Go Fishing”
Matthew 4:19
Lectionary Preaching
July 20th thru October 19th
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Worship Schedule Change: Beginning in June our Worship Schedule will change. Traditional Worship will be held the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month and begins at 10:15AM; Blended Worship will be held the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
On Blended Worship Sundays there will be fifteen minutes of learning Praise Music from 10:00-10:15AM; Blended Worship Service will begin at 10:15AM. We will sing one Praise Hymn and two Traditional Hymns during Blended Worship. Please see the Worship Schedule & Participants Page in this newsletter.
Graduate Recognition will be held at Valleys on Sunday, June 1st for all 2014 Graduates and those who graduated since June 2013.
Confirmation Sunday: Our Confirmands: Bridget Campbell, Brooke Croutharmel, Cody Erb, and Heidi Erb will be confirmed during the Pentecost Sunday, June 8th Worship Service.
Pew Communion will be served.
Children’s Church will be on the following Sundays over the summer: June 1st, 15th, July 6th, 20th. There will be No Children’s Church in August. If you would like to help with Children’s Church, please see Marie Herb.
Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, July 20th. Altar Communion will be served.
Adult Sunday School June/July/August Preview
JUNE is the first month of the quarter. We are studying the theme “THE PEOPLE OF GOD SET PRIORITIES” for June, July & August. JUNE’S topic is “HOPE AND CONFIDENCE COME FROM GOD”. JUNE’S scriptures are from HAGGAI and ZECHARIAH.
JULY is the second month of the quarter. JULY’S topic is “LIVING AS A COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS”. JULY’S scriptures are from 1 CORINTHIANS.
AUGUST is the last month of the quarter. AUGUST’S topic is “BEARING ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS”. AUGUST’S scriptures are from 2 Corinthians
Here is a listing of the readings, topics, and discussion leaders that make up our sessions for June, July, and August. Please join us.
TOPIC- Obey the Lord SCRIPTURE- Haggai 1:1-11
JUNE 8 - DISCUSSION LEADER - Sharon Fetterhoff
TOPIC - Trust God’s Promises SCRIPTURE - Haggai 1:12-2-9
TOPIC - Live Pure Lives SCRIPTURE - Haggai 2:10-19
TOPIC - Hope for a New Day SCRIPTURE - Haggai 2:20-23;
Zechariah 4:5-14
JUNE 29 - DISCUSSION LEADER - Donna Novinger
TOPIC- A Call to Unity SCRIPTURE- 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
TOPIC - Glorify God With Your Body SCRIPTURE - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
TOPIC - Love Builds Up SCRIPTURE - 1 Corinthians 8
TOPIC - Overcoming Temptation SCRIPTURE - 1 Corinthians 10:9-22
TOPIC - Seek the Good of Others
SCRIPTURE - 1 Corinthians 14:13-26
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AUG. 3 - DISCUSSION LEADER - Sharon Fetterhoff
TOPIC - Consolation Granted Through Prayer
SCRIPTURE - 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
AUG. 10 - DISCUSSION LEADERS - Ed & Peggy Berra
TOPIC - A Community Forgives SCRIPTURE - 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11
TOPIC - Treasure in Clay Jars SCRIPTURE – 2 Corinthians 4:2-15
TOPIC – An Appeal for Reconciliation
SCRIPTURE – 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; 7:2-4
AUG. 31 – DISCUSSION LEADER – Donna Novinger
TOPIC – A Community Shares Its Resources
SCRIPTURE – 2 Corinthians 8:1-14
The lessons for June, July, and August teach us to set our priorities in line with God’s priorities. To look forward, that it is good to embrace something different; to praise and worship God in different ways, to give to those in need out of gratitude to God for his grace to us.
SEE YOU IN SUNDAY SCHOOL! Teachers: If you cannot teach on your Sunday, please see Dave Novinger or Jessi Faust if you need to switch Sundays with another teacher.
Knobel’s Grove: Knobel’s Grove Church Fun Day has been set for Saturday, June 21st for all who are able to participate that day. Please see Dave Novinger as soon as possible, if you are planning to go to Knobel’s Grove on Saturday, June 21st.
After June 8th, the youth will receive the free “tickets” for Knobel’s Grove (that they earned for participating in the “Come to Sunday School” program that began last September). (If they are unable to go on Saturday, June 21, they may use their tickets anytime.)
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Devotionals: We encourage people to use daily devotionals. There are Free copies of “Our Daily Bread” (June/July/August edition) in the narthex that you may pick up as you come into the church narthex. Another devotional available is “These Days” for a small yearly subscription ($5 per year). Call the church office if you are interested in the “These Days” devotional.
?? Bible Quiz ??
Which of the following is an accurate father-child match from Scripture?
A. Saul and David
B. Zechariah and Joseph
C. Abram and Ishmael
D. David and Boaz
For the Answer: See Genesis 16:15.
During Israel’s 40-year sojourn in the desert, where did the Lord turn bitter water sweet so the people could drink it?
A. Egypt
B. Mt. Sinai
C. Canaan
D. Marah
For the Answer: See Exodus 15:23-25.
Mission Happenings
MISSION OFFERING UPDATE FOR THE COMING YEAR: The schedule for use of the funds received in the Missions Basket aligns with our Mission Projects. This offering will continue to be taken on the Fourth Sunday of every month.
January thru April - Community Meals
May thru August - Back-to-School Project
September thru December - Christmas Benevolence -
(to be reserved for Emergency needs in the congregation
and/or the Christmas Offering.)
Mission Moment - The Mission Moment will be on Sunday, June 1st, Sun., July 6th and Sun., August 3rd.
Mission Meeting will be held Monday, June 2nd at 7:00PM to discuss Community Meals and Back-to-School Program. Anyone interesting in helping, please attend the meeting.
FREE Community Meal: The FREE Community Meals have been well received and attendance continues to grow each month. The May meal served 34 walk-ins. If anyone (any group) is interested in cooking/serving a meal, please contact Ed Dobbin. Meals are held the second Tuesday of every month from 5:30 -7:00PM.
Groups serving . . .
June 10th – Halifax Girl Scouts (Menu: Chili, Corn Bread or Regular Bread, Fruit)
July 8th –To be announced
August 12th – To be announced
Ways you can help: Donate food, help to prepare and serve a meal, and/or give a financial donation. Sign up sheet is in the narthex. Please mark “Community Meal” on financial donations on your offering envelope.
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Summer Food Service Program: The Halifax Area School District with the assistance of the Food-4-Families Task-Force is about to embark on a new adventure. This summer they will open the doors of the Halifax Elementary School for Sumer Luncheons. A nutritious, well balanced lunch will be offered to anyone ages 0 to 101, at no cost.
The Valleys is also participating with the Summer Food-4-Families Program in conjunction with the Halifax School District; we are joining other area churches and community organizations in support of this program.
All regular Summer Luncheons are served from 11-11:30AM at the Halifax Elementary Cafeteria (access the cafeteria from the back parking lot). See the scheduled dates on the church bulletin board in the narthex.
How can you help? Volunteers are needed to help serve lunches. Please see Ed Dobbin if you are interested in participating on the dates The Valleys will be serving.
Back-To-School Program: “FREE” Back-to-School Yard Sale will be held at The Valleys on Thursday, August, 14th, Friday, August 15th and Saturday, August 16th. We are asking for clean gently used clothing (or new) for ages Kindergarten thru 12th grade, school supplies (crayons, colored pencils, regular pencils, cap erasers (to fit on pencils), rulers, vinyl protractor (no compass), tablets, composition books, pencil bag or box, tissues for Kindergarten thru 12 grade students. Times and more information will be in upcoming bulletins.
We are also accepting monetary donations. Please mark any monetary donations “Back-to-School Program”.
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Food Bank Update: Donations of soups; pastas; cake, cookie, brownie, pie (mixes); pie filling; cake icing; (potatoes - sweet, mashed, boiled) (can/box); gravy (jar/can/mix) vegetables, Peanut butter, jelly, canned meats (Spam, ham, chicken, etc), tuna, Mac & cheese, & canned fruit, or any other non-perishable food items are greatly appreciated. Food donations are blessed during Valleys Worship Service on the first Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continued support!
Isaiah 61 Ministries: Soup Kitchen (at the former Jacob’s church) for Halifax residents is open Monday and Thursday 5:30-7:00PM. The Clothing Bank is open Monday and Thursday 12:00Noon to 5:00PM and Saturday 12:00Noon to 3:ooPM.
Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting: Pastor Kris and our Delegates Gloria Duttry and Gerry Wiest will be attending the ECC Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL on June 26, 27, 28.
PRAYER TEAM meets the First Monday of the month at 5:30PM.
DEACONS meet the First Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM.
ELDERS meet as needed at 7:00PM.
COUNCIL meets the Third Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM.
YOUTH GROUP meets the First and Third Sundays of the month
at 6:30PM. (Meeting on June 22nd; No meetings in July & August)
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Our Youth In The Spotlight
The youth group continues to make mats out of plastic bags for homeless people (to sleep on) by “braiding” and “crocheting” bags together. If anyone would like to help, please see Donna Novinger or Marie Herb. Please place plastic grocery shopping bags) in the box in the social hall.
Youth Fundraiser – The Youth Group will do a Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser for the August 3rd Fellowship Meal.
Youth Group will not meet on June 1st or on June 15th (due to Baccalaureate and Father’s Day). They will meet on Sunday, June 22nd. They will not have regular meetings the rest of the Summer. They will begin meeting again after Labor Day.
v Aaron Herb - Son of Chris and Marie Herb, graduates from Upper Dauphin Area High School in June. Activities: Aaron participated in Soccer for three years. He is currently joining the work force with future plans to become an Auto Body Technician or Auto Mechanic.
v Bradley Shoop - Son of Brian and Nicole Shoop, grandson of Gary and Sharon Fetterhoff, graduates from Halifax Area High School in June. Activities: Bradley participated in Baseball for four years. He plans to attend a trade school for automotive repair.
Congratulations to all the graduates on this wonderful milestone in your lives! May you receive many blessings from God on your journey in life!
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Baby Congratulations: Congratulations to Janeal and Jonathan Hebenthal on the birth of their daughter, Ellie Morgan, born on April 30th. Proud grandparents: Nicole & Brian Shoop. Proud Great-grandparents: Gary & Sharon Fetterhoff. Proud Great-great-grandmother: June Fetterhoff.