Most common mistake with runners is doing too much too soon. If you start training the first week after school is out, there are 70 days until school starts, there are 84 days before the first meet and there are 152 days until league finals. A steady program will get you to league finals injury free and consistently improving. Be patient!

Suggestion is to train with a teammate or teammates on a regular basis because you will hold each other accountable. You can train on your own when you are away. You will be sore for the first three weeks. Try to train on soft surfaces (grass and dirt) as much as possible.

Week 1: June 15th: Part of Dead Period: Training is optional but highly suggested

For the first three weeks, keep runs on flat surfaces. It is better to run on soft surfaces.

Sunday: Help with the Father’s Day 5K as a fundraiser

Monday: Run out for 12 to 15 minutes and try to run back nonstop: Parent meeting at FTHS

Tuesday: Repeat Monday’s run but go out 1 minute farther.

Wednesday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible. FTHS Night at Inside Track

Thursday: Go out 15 minutes and come back a little faster: Try out your new shoes

Friday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Saturday: Try to go 5 more minutes than Thursday:--Long run day

Week 2: June 22nd: Part of Dead Period. No training with the coach

Sunday: Off or active recovery (hiking, swimming, surfing, cycling, spinning, etc.)

Monday: Run out 13 to 16 minutes and try to come back nonstop and a little faster

Tuesday: Run in a new direction today. Today, add 4 x 30 seconds hard, 15 seconds easy during the run

Wednesday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible.

Thursday: Run for 35 to 40 minutes nonstop. Do 6 x 100 meter strides at 3 mile pace when you get back and then cool down for 5 minutes.

Friday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Saturday: Go to a new location to run. Go to a part and run 5 more minutes than last Saturday. Suggest soft surfaces and suggest with teammates

Week 3: June 29: Part of Dead Period. No training with the coach

Sunday: Off or active recovery (hiking, swimming, surfing, cycling, spinning, etc.)

Monday: Modified fartlek today. Warm up for 10 minutes on your run. Then do 3 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy, 2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy, 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy. Turn around and come back at a gradually increasing pace.

Tuesday: Tempo type of workout. Warm up for 5 minutes. Then run out 7 to 10 minutes at a comfortably hard pace (faster than normal). At the end of hard portion, around and run back to the start point.

Wednesday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Thursday: Run out for 14 to 16 minutes and come back a little faster. When you get home, do 8 x 100 strides at your perceived race pace for 3-miles. Cool down for 5 minutes.

Friday: 30 minute shake out run. 4th of July

Saturday: Go someplace new. Run out for 20 to 22 minutes and come back a little faster

Week 4: July 6th: Last week of Dead Period: Team practice starts next week.

Sunday: Off or active recovery (hiking, swimming, surfing, cycling, spinning, etc)

Monday: 30 to 40 minutes nonstop today. Do 8 x 100 meter strides at end and 5 minute cool down.

Tuesday: Go to AV Park today and run up and down the grass for 20 to 30 minutes. Start at the bottom and go up to the top swings and back.

Wednesday: Play ultimate with your friends or cross train

Thursday: Go to Camino Real or Kimble Park: Warm up for 5 minutes on the grass.

Run 4 minutes at tempo pace with 1-minute active recovery X 4. Cool down for 5 minutes

Friday: Cross Training: 30 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Saturday: Go somewhere new. Run for 22 to 25 minutes out and come back a little faster.

Week 5: July 13th: Start of Summer Practice. Also Shoreline Half Marathon Fundraiser

Sunday: Shoreline ½ Marathon Fundraiser. Help with the race

Monday: First day of practice: 6pm at Foothill Tech. Run to Park, drills, run back. Core and stretch

Tuesday: 30 to 40 minutes on your own with 3 to 5 1-minute surges at race pace

Wednesday: Warm up for 10 minutes. Then 4 minutes at tempo. 1 minute recovery x 5. Cool down for 10 minutes

Thursday: Practice at Foothill Technology. Introduce post practice strides

Friday: Cross Training: 40 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Saturday: 45 to 55 minute run. Come back faster than you went out.

Week 6: July 20th

Sunday: 30 to 40 minute shake out run or active recovery day.

Monday: Team Practice at Foothill Technology. Run to Camino for drills and workout

Tuesday: Team practice at location to be announced. Team warm up, 1 mile for time, team cool down and stretch

Wednesday: Cross Training: 40 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible

Thursday: Team practice at location to be announced. Introduce pace today

Friday: 30 to 40 minute shake out run in the AM. Optional team swim workout at Buena in the AM

Saturday: AM workout by invitation only to Sycamore Canyon. Others will be doing 48 to 57 minutes negative split

Week 7: July 27th

Sunday: Off or active recovery (hiking, swimming, surfing, cycling, spinning, etc.)

Monday: Team Practice at location to be announced. 1.5-mile time trial as part of tryout procedure:

Tuesday: Team Practice at location to be announced. Recovery day. AM Swim Workout

Wednesday: Team Practice at location to be announced. Introduce tempo or triangles: AM Swim workout

Thursday: Team Practice at location to be announced: Pace workout:

Friday: Cross Training: 40 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible. AM Swim workout

Saturday: Long run: Goal is to get to 1 hour today at decent pace

Week 8: August 3rd

Sunday: 30 to 40 minute shake out run or active recovery day

Monday: Team Practice at Location to be announced: Introduce hill training cycle: AM swim possibility

Tuesday: Team Practice at location to be announced. Pace day

Wednesday: Team practice at location to be announced: Recovery day: AM Swim

Thursday: Team practice at location to be announced: Tempo workout

Friday: Cross Training: 40 minutes swim, bike or elliptical if possible. AM Swim

Saturday: Long run at Foster Park. Optional. If not at Foster, do long run of 55 to 65 minutes

Week 9: August 10th. Practices will now be daily at 8am

Sunday: Off or active rest (hiking, swimming, surfing, cycling, spinning, etc.)

Monday: 8am practice at Arroyo Verde Park. Hill day: Optional swim 11-1pm

Tuesday: 8am practice at FTHS. Pace work at VC

Wednesday: 8am practice at location to be determined. Recovery run. 11-1pm swim

Thursday: 8am practice at location to be determined. 2.25 time trial for tryouts

Friday: 8am practice at location to be determined: Projected recovery or tempo. Swim

Saturday: Long run on own. Goal is to be over 1 hour.

Week 10: August 17th: School starts this week

Sunday: 30 minute shake out run or active recovery

Monday: Run on own or off depending on your needs for the start of school

Tuesday: Practice starts at 2:30. Meet in Mr. Dinkler’s classroom dressed and ready to go. The adventure begins!