Excerpts from Isaiah 1:2-6, 9: The words of Yeshayahu to the House of Judah, over 2,700 years ago, describe perfectly the condition of the whole House of Ya’cob today, not only in Israel, but throughout all Westernized nations: “Hear O heavens, and listen O earth! For Yahuweh has spoken: `I have reared and brought up children, but they have transgressed against Me...Alas, sinning nation, a people loaded with wickedness, a seed of evil doers, sons acting corruptly! They have forsaken Yahuweh. They have provoked the Set-Apart one of Israel, they went backwards! … You continue in apostasy! The whole head is sick. All the heart faints! From the sole of the feet to the head, there is no soundness in it--wounds and bruises and open sores, they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment.’…Unless Yahuweh of Hosts had left us a small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

Excerpts from Matthew 7:13-21, Messiah Yahushua speaking: “Enter in through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. The gate is narrow and the way is hard-pressed, which leads to life, and there are few who find it…So every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruits you shall know them. Not everyone who says to me `Master, Master’ shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father.”

Proverbs 23:7: “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”

Proverbs 4:23: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it come forth the issues of life…”

The word “heart” in Scripture refers to the mind and emotions--the soul. It is the place of natural reason, our natural life force. Through the five senses, the soul takes in data, via the brain and the body. The soul is the seat of the sin-prone nature, and the lusts of the flesh. We certainly must have the soul in order to relate to our environment, but its very nature is rebellious against its Creator!

Once the spirit, which resides in our loins area, is reborn, it is our constant task to re-program the soul--allowing the Spirit of Yahuweh to change it into the image of Yahuweh and Yahushua, so that we walk on this earth in Their image and likeness--thinking like They do, acting like They act, speaking like They speak. (Romans 12:2-3; II Corinthians 3:17-18) [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/July 30, 2009]

Unless the rebellious, sin-prone, flesh-oriented, soul is transformed to align to the Word as taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit, then the natural life force that works through the soul, will constantly war against the eternal re-born spirit! Once truly born again from above, the spirit becomes an open portal to the eternal realm of Yahuweh. It is off-limits to Satan. But, if a person allows Western culture, satanic-based culture from pagan Greece and Rome, to program their mind with fantasy, lies and deceptions, the mind will continue to war against the spirit until it literally shuts it down, shutting off the eternal realm totally. Religion, also, shuts down the spirit, and exalts the soul – causing man to forsake Yahuweh as his Teacher, to become a disciple of a human teacher. (Refer to: “Living From the Eternal Mind -- The Secret of Never Being Deceived”/November 2010)

Unless His people humble themselves, submitting 100% to be His disciple (taught one), they will forever be tossed to and fro in turmoil, until they are finally unacceptable to Yahuweh’s Kingdom. If asked, Yahuweh’s Spirit will inhabit the re-born spirit, and teach there. The re-born spirit has a mind of its own, which has the nature of Elohim (God). Thus, He explains the Word, convicts of sin so that we can repent, leads us into His will for us, encourages and comforts, and tells us things to come – all within the portal of a re-born spirit. If He is exchanged for a human teacher, He will back off and be silent.

Yahuweh’s Spirit does 40 things within us when we are truly re-born by faith in what Messiah did for us to redeem us. But, one thing He does not do: He does not enter our spirit in His fullness until we ask Messiah to baptize (immerse) us into Him. (Luke 3:16, book of Acts) Then, as He enters, He takes control. We must relinquish control over our lives to Him, for we have a new Master. It takes child-like humility to receive Him. It is not some religious ritual. Once He enters, He brings gifts – manifestations – that we must have, or else we cannot survive the horrible things that are quickly coming upon the earth. [Refer to the study: “The Manifestations of the Spirit of Yahuweh”/April 9, 2008]

I’m talking about genuine in-filling by the Spirit, not some religious charismatic hocus pocus, or a high-church ceremony like “Confirmation!” The genuine in-filling takes away all fear. He imparts boldness. He anoints us with His Presence. He extends to us authority over the Devil and his demons. He daily leads us into His perfect will for our lives. He tells us things to come, so that we are not confused by the lies we hear. He is a personal Friend. He is the “Spirit of Truth.” He is Yahuweh Himself!

In the days to come, without His constant Presence in us, we will be vulnerable to being filled with demons! I saw this over and over in Africa. So often, when I had a meeting in which I prayed for people to be filled with His Spirit, there were always those who were demonized (under the control of demons). A truly born again person cannot be possessed by demons, but demons, if not cast out, can control the mind and body. If a person is being manipulated by demons, at some point, the demons will manifested. If demons in a person manifest, then it is logical that the Spirit of Yahuweh also manifests upon entering our body! Demons are real beings, not horror-movie fantasies. Some in those meetings had to be born again. But, all had to be free of demonic activity, and repentant of sin, in order to receive Yahuweh’s Spirit. After receiving Him, the changes were immediate, and very visible in each person. We must be disciplined, so as not to lose His Presence within us!

In about 2002, Abba spoke to me: “If the root is defiled, the tree is defiled, its branches and leaves are defiled, and its fruit is defiled, and all who eat of its fruit are defiled.”

First and foremost, you must make sure you are worshipping the right “God.” The nature of the gods that became the religion of “Christ-ianity”, reflect their roots in Ba’al (Nimrod/sun god worship). They have a totally different nature than the Elohim of Israel--the Elohim (God) of the Word. The “Christ” of Christianity, an Egyptian god connected to the worship of Serapis, has a totally different nature than Yahushua, Messiah of Israel--Messiah, the living Word. Even the majority of Messianic believers, who only know Western Greco/Roman culture, have a mental concept of Yahuweh, but put a different nature on Him that is contrary to the nature of the real Yahuweh and Yahushua, in their attempts to be “Jewish.” This is because they form an image of Him from what they’ve heard from rabbis, or teachers, who do not know Him. Make sure that the nature of your Elohim is the nature of the Elohim of the Scriptures, which is consistent throughout the Word. To find out His nature, you have to read the whole Tenach – then see it reflected in Messiah. If you are going to allow His Spirit to change you into His nature, you should first know what nature you’re going to have! Isn’t that logical?

It is very rare for anyone in Western culture to understand the nature of the Elohim of Israel, unless they have lived in the Middle East long enough to at least understand His ways, and thinking, through Eastern culture. He has strict boundaries that are repugnant to most Westerners. He is light, and He cannot allow darkness in His Presence. Few read His Word with the Spirit as their Teacher. Few fear Him. But, the Word says that we’d better fear Him! He is our Creator. He is Elohim, and we are not!!!

You are a product of what you put into your mind--what you allow to control your thoughts. You are a product of who, and what, you submit to. What you submit to--humble yourself before, prostrate yourself to, and obey--is what you worship. The word “worship” means to bow your face to the floor. It is what you exalt above everything else. For most people, they are their own god--they worship and obey the desires of their own mind and emotions. Yahuweh has one all-consuming requirement to be associated with Him: “You shall have no other gods in My face!” Yet, like the Hindus, Western culture has millions of gods – gods that appease the five senses.

Most people, no matter how spiritual they appear to be, or now nice they appear to be, are hiding deep-seated rebellion against Yahuweh. That’s why they create gods in their own image. Unless one is transformed by Yahuweh’s Spirit into His nature, they still have the nature of Lucifer/Satan. Yahuweh cuts against human nature. So, most only go so far with the requirements of Yahuweh, then draw boundaries to shut Him out. Unless we allow Him to discipline us, the rebellion rules us. (Hebrews 12) He only disciplines His children, like a good Father. He is not a father to Lucifer’s children!

Religious people like theological knowledge about Him, which often puffs them up with pride. But, to lay down their lives to know Him -- NO! The price tag is too high.

Dying to self-will in humility, fear of Yahuweh, and obedience to Him as a servant/disciple, is diametrically opposite of the nature of Greco/Roman Western culture, which is based on satisfying the flesh. Most so-called “believers” love the world, the lusts of their flesh, and the pride of life. (I John 2:15-17)

Tragically, in all cultures, the culture takes supremacy over the words of Yahuweh and Yahushua. I learned this in Africa. At best, there is a mixture, because to come out of one’s birth-culture to embrace the foreign culture of a foreign Kingdom, a Kingdom that is not earth-based, is extremely rare. That is why the remnant is very small! To conform to the culture of the Kingdom of heaven is not an easy task, especially for Westerners! But, by submitting to the Spirit, He will change us, so that we conform to the culture of Yahuweh’s Kingdom! Western religion attempts to conform the Elohim of Israel to Western standards. This is ludicrous. He has nothing to do with the culture of Lucifer! He calls us out of it, so that we might know Him as He is!

Most Western women would not like the real Elohim of Israel, or His Messiah! The thinking of an eastern woman, and the thinking of a western woman, is almost opposite. Yahuweh and Yahushua have zero tolerance for rebellious women, who usurp the authority of their husband, and His ministers, to promote themselves! Look at this description in Isaiah 3:4-5, 12-24--sound familiar?

Breaking the Ten Commandments is sin. “Sin is the transgression of the Torah” (I John 3:4) “Transgression” means “rebellion, revolt, and apostasy.” But, in the churches of the West “sin” is a distasteful word. It has been replaced with “issues”, “mistakes”, “faults”… and other such deceptive terms. Sin is blatant rebellion against the will of Yahuweh! His people are wallowing in the sewer or sin, yet they appear so nice on the surface. Remember, the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17 is the pagan church system, Roman Catholicism yes, but she is the “mother of whores” – her daughters are all forms of Christianity. He calls us out of all spiritual whoredom, putting other gods in His face. Therefore, the majority of so-called “believers” in Western culture, are like the French whores who covered themselves in perfume, to cover the smells of their sexual fornication.

Jeremiah 3 tells us about the “whore’s forehead” – she refuses to repent. Where, today, is the cry: “Repent!” Where are the true Prophets! There are a few left.

The whoring spirit refuses to be ashamed. She wallows in rebellion. This is the condition of Western culture, which permeates the religious world as well.

I was a “Reverend” in the Christian world for years. I know the vile filth of it! Religion is the perfume of whores. [Refer to: “Religion – Lucifer’s Detour to Ignorance and Damnation”/September 28, 2009]

In January, I wrote: “2013: The Year of the Surfacing”. The perfume will wear off, the masks will fall, and the truth will be exposed to all.

About three years ago, I had a dream of being alone in a large house in Germany. I saw a small door behind the front door. I opened it, and found a staircase going down into a lower level. I went down into a lower hallway. At the base of the stairs was a kiosk-like store, very tiny. There was a man inside. By the front door was a chair, so I sat down. In front of me, I saw a stack of about 20 large round oil paintings on heavy cloth that had elastic all around them. They were gorgeous hand-painted scenes of the mountains of Switzerland, and Bavaria in Germany. Each one was different. I asked the man behind the counter what they were. He said: “Garbage can covers.” I was shocked. I woke up. Then Abba shared His grief over His people. Each person is an individual in His sight. But, so many are gorgeous on the outside—lovely, and saintly-looking, but their beauty covers the garbage underneath--sin, rebellion, demonic spirits like jezebel, hidden desires for personal gain, pride, arrogance, bitterness, revenge, and on and on—all spiritual garbage bound for the eternal dump in the lake of fire.

We are in the time of the surfacing. Everything will be put to His light, and the secrets of the lives of each person will be exposed. Our nature reveals what Being we worship as our “God”, and whom we serve--the truth will come out!