Milton and Paradise Lost

1.  Milton was alive from 1608 until ______.

2.  His nationality is ______, and he was proud of it! He signed his name with this description: ______.

3.  From a very young age, Milton already knew that he wanted to write something in this literary genre: ______.

4.  How many wives did Milton have in total? How many died before he did?

5.  What devastating ailment plagued Milton? How did he cope?

6.  What is “Paradise Lost” about, briefly?

7.  What is Areopagatica’s agenda about, briefly?

8.  “As good almost kill a man as kill a good ______. . .”

9.  Milton argues that even this text would need to be censored because “all human learning and controversy in religious points must be remove[d] out of the world, yea, the ______itself; for that ofttimes relates blasphemy not nicely, it describes the carnal sense of wicked men not unelegantly [. . .]” (1931).

10.  Explain “freedom is but choosing” and the character/person that Milton uses to illustrate this concept

Open note quiz: Book B pages 531-563

1.  What body had power to levy taxes during Elizabeth’s time? How does this impact her rule?

2.  Describe Queen Elizabeth I’s personality; how do we know she’s like this? (Describe actions.)

3.  Who is QEI’s cousin? What happened to her?

4.  What racial and religious prejudices existed at this time? Why? How were these people be treated?

5.  How does QEI contradict herself in regard to the slave trade?

6.  What are some (at least two) obstacles that exist for anyone writing during this time period?

7.  Describe the writer/patron relationship. How did writers at times abuse this relationship?

8.  What are the names of poems that are put to music?

9.  What types of baubles/trinkets do renaissance people like? Why?

10.  What types of sonnets exist? (2) What forms do these have?

Bonus (+5):

What type of poetry does Marlow’s quote “infinite riches in a little room” describe?

1.  What is the structure of the poetry in Paradise Lost? Are there any exceptions to this rule? (i.e. rhyming)

2.  How does the story begin? Does is use any tropes?

3.  Who is the writer’s actual (living) inspiration? What other types of inspiration does it invoke?

4.  Characterize Satan; what motivates his actions? What does his names literally mean in other languages?

5.  Scavenger hunt! Milton is HIGHLY EDUCATED; find at least three OVERT examples of Milton proving to us, his reader, how highly educated he is.

Book III

1.  This book opens with what two figures talking to each other?

2.  How does Satan plan to seek revenge on God?

3.  Complete the famous quote: “He had of me all he could have; I made him just and right, sufficient to have stood, though ______3 words______."

4.  What makes the sin of man and the sin of Satan different?

5.  Tell me about The Limbo of Vanity and The Paradise of Fools? What happens there? What do people do?

6.  Where does Satan fly and what is his purpose in going there?

7.  To whom does he speak?

8.  What does Satan learn?

9.  Where will Satan go next?

10.  To do what? Why?

(Bonus Questions: What function does light play in Heaven and what kinds of light are there? (+5)

The Holy Trinity is juxtaposed to the Evil Trinity; what three forces comprise the Evil Trinity? (+5)

Book VI

1.  Who does Satan say will be the first to feel his wrath?

2.  What is the main action of Book VI?

3.  Which two sides does it involve?

4.  Who is the first to wound Satan? What happens to Satan, and why is it significant?

5.  What event pauses the action?

6.  What complaints are heard?

7.  What is built to ease the hardships? What side builds them?

8.  Obedient Angels have a complaint about Satan. What is it?

9.  To where are disobedient angels sent, and how long does it take them to get there?

10.  All of book six is what type of literary trope?

Book IX

1.  What mode of transportation does Satan use to re-enter Eden?

2.  What form does he take? How does he get in?

3.  Eve suggests an idea about work to Adam; what is it?

4.  Why is Eve upset about Adam’s response?

5.  When Satan meets Eve, what surprises him?

6.  What rhetorical appeal does Satan use on Eve?

7.  Why is Eve surprised when she meets Satan?

8.  List all the arguments that Satan uses and Eve believes as to why she should eat from The Tree of Knowledge.

9.  How does nature react to Eve eating?

10.  What are the repercussions of eating the fruit? How do Adam and Eve act toward each other and what do they do?

Bonus: (+5 What is odd about the way that Satan uses his serpent body?)

Book C Introduction 2177-2205

1.  Name a scientist from this time period

2.  What are some inventions or discoveries

3.  How did those inventions or discoveries change religious views?

4.  Who are the Tories and the Whigs?

5.  What religious sect did Wesley, Whitefield, and Charles enliven?

Match the correct “woman in power” to her description.

1. This woman is a descendant of Henry VII and cousin to Elizabeth I; she was imprisoned in The Tower of London and various other places from the age of 25-44, when she was executed according to the wishes of her cousin. She was first married to her cousin, Henry Stewart (Lord Darnley); after the murder of her first husband, she married to James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell. She was executed by axe, and no one was permitted to keep any of her remains or personal belongings for fear of a riot or rebellion. / Jane Grey
2. This woman lived from 1533 until 1603, and she was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she was vehemently Protestant and remained both husbandless and childless throughout her long reign. / Mary I
3. This woman lived from 1516 until 1558 and was the only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s first wife. She was determined to restore Catholicism, executing a mere 283 Protestants by burning them at the stake, earning her the title “Bloody Mary.” / Elizabeth I
4. This woman reigned for only 9 days and died at the age of 16. She would rather stay inside and read Greek and Latin works than go to a park; she much preferred learning to any other activity. / Mary, Queen of Scots
5. They vehemently tried to convert her to Protestantism before her execution; the people cried “God save the Queen” in response to her lack of conversion.
6. This woman wrote a poem entitled “On Monsieur’s Departure:” the poem concerns Mary Queen of Scots seeking refuge in England.
7. This woman supposedly had an affair that was “proven” via the Casket Letters.
8. Her other name is Mary Tudor.
9. She is the great granddaughter of Henry VII, and her parents are the duke and duchess of Suffolk.
10. She preferred to kill her 283 Protestant victims by burning them at the stake, earning her the title of “Bloody Mary.” She was determined to restore Catholicism to the people of England.

Please use your syllabus as a guide, reviewing content from third and fourth quarter. Please pay special attention to Shakespeare’s sonnets and King Lear, the metaphysical poets and John Donne, and the poems we’ve analyzed third and fourth quarter for responses. The writing section will include short answers (2-3 paragraphs) as well a poetry response; you will have a couple poems from which to choose – happy reviewing, Seniors! We’re almost there!