Healthcare Financing Simulation Game

Rules of the game

There are four players: Bank, Insurance Company, Hospital, and Doctor.

The Insurance Company, Hospital, and Doctor begin the game with $2000 each. The Bank begins with $85,000.

Players take turns moving around the board. Number of spaces moved is determined by roll of the dice. Each time a player moves, he or she draws a card from his or her stack of event cards and follows the directions on the card. Each player reshuffles his or her stack of cards each time he or she passes space number 1.

Action is determined by rolling the dice, moving around the board, drawing cards, and following directions on the cards with one exception. Every time the Insurance Company passes the space number 1, the bank pays the insurance company $1400. This payment represents the monthly insurance premium that plan participants pay to the insurance company.

The winner of the game is the one with the highest net change of assets. The winner may be determined after any number of rounds. The number of rounds should be agreed on before play begins.

Event Cards


1.  Increase premiums – Collect $100 from bank

2.  Win rate negotiations – Collect $200 from bank

3.  Win new contract – Collect $300 from bank

4.  Win arbitration case – Collect $200 from bank

5.  Hire lobbyist – Pay $200 to bank

6.  Buy new software – Pay $200 to bank

7.  Pay physician fees – Pay $300 to doctor

8.  Settle major claim – Pay $500 to hospital


1.  Provide ER care – Collect $100 from insurance

2.  Receive foundation grant – Collect $200 from bank

3.  Win rate negotiations – Collect $300 from insurance

4.  Provide MRI – Collect $500 from insurance

5.  Provide open heart surgery – Collect $800 from insurance

6.  Provide ER care to uninsured patient – Pay $500 to bank

7.  Build ER extension – Pay $500 to bank

8.  Buy new diagnostic equipment – Pay $1400 to bank


1.  Perform routine exam – Collect $100 from insurance

2.  Deliver a healthy baby – Collect $100 from insurance

3.  Provide follow-up visit – Collect $100 from insurance

4.  Run extensive tests – Collect $200 from insurance

5.  Perform surgery – Collect $500 from insurance

6.  Hire new RN – Pay $200 to bank

7.  Buy new diagnostic device – Pay $300 to bank

8.  Defend malpractice suit – Pay $800 to bank

Calculations (See spreadsheet next page.)

Total Exposure is $3900

Average Exposures per month = 4.67 (28 days divided by average of six per roll)

Average Cost per exposure = $300 ($3900 divided by 13 exposures in game)

Average Monthly Exposure = $1401 (4.67 x $300)

Bank / Bank / Insurance / Insurance / Hospital / Hospital / Doctor / Doctor
Payments / Income / Payments / Income / Payments / Income / Payments / Income
100 / 100
200 / 200
300 / 300
200 / 200
200 / 200
200 / 200
300 / 300
500 / 500
100 / 100
200 / 200
300 / 300
500 / 500
800 / 800
500 / 500
500 / 500
1400 / 1400
100 / 100
100 / 100
100 / 100
200 / 200
500 / 500
200 / 200
300 / 300
800 / 800
3100 / 3100
------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------
4100 / 4100 / 3900 / 3900 / 2400 / 2400 / 1300 / 1300