
Mike Berger / Wildlife Division Director
Larry McKinney / Coastal Fisheries Director
Phil Durocher / Inland Fisheries Director
Lydia Saldana / Communications Division Director
Ron George / Program Director, Science Research and Diversity Program - Wildlife Division
Technical Assistance
Andy Price / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Bob Gottfried / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Cliff Shackelford / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Duane Schlitter / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Gary Garrett / TexasParks and Wildlife - Inland Fisheries Division
John Young / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Mike Quinn / TexasParks and Wildlife - Wildlife Division
Paul Hammerschmidt / TexasParks and Wildlife - Coastal Fisheries Division
Wildlife Diversity Policy Advisory Committee
Terry Austin (chair) / Audubon Texas (retired)
Damon Waitt / BrownCenter for Environmental Education - LadyBirdJohnsonWildflowerCenter
David Wolfe / Environmental Defense
Don Petty / Texas Farm Bureau
Doug Slack / TexasA & MUniversity, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Evelyn Merz / Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club
Jack King / Sportsmen’s Conservationists of Texas
Jennifer Walker / Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club
Jim Bergan / The Nature Conservancy of Texas
Jim Foster / Trans-Texas, DavisMountain and Hill Country Heritage Association
Kirby Brown / Texas Wildlife Association
Matt Brockman / Texas and Southwestern Cattleraisers Association
Mike McMurry / Texas Department of Agriculture
Phil Sudman / Texas Society of Mammalogists
Richard Egg / Texas Soil and Water Conservation Board
Susan Kaderka / National Wildlife Federation, Gulf States Field Office
Ted Eubanks / Fermata, Inc.
Troy Hibbitts / Texas Herpetological Society
Wallace Rogers / TPWD Private Lands Advisory Board
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy Working Groups
Aquatic Working Group
Gary Garrett (chair) / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Paul Hammerschmidt (chair) / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Carrie Thompson / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Celeste Brancel / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Chad Norris / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Cindy Loeffler / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Courtney Cole
David Abrego / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Forrest Mitchell / TexasA & MUniversity, College Station
Jim Kennedy / University of NorthTexas
John Karges / The Nature Conservancy
Keith A.Crandall / BrighamYoungUniversity
Ken Steigman / The Nature Conservancy
Kirk Winemiller / TexasA & MUniversity, College Station
Marsha Reimer / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Mike Quinn / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Olga Minich / StephanF.AustinStateUniversity
Paul Silva / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Randy Blankinship / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Randy Gibson / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Robert Howells / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ruben Chavez / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Scott Whiting / Houston Zoo
Tim Bonner / TexasStateUniversity
Bird Working Group
Christina Williams (chair) / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Cliff Shackelford (chair) / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Beau Hardegree / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bill Eley / GulfCoast Bird Observatory
Bill Holliday / Graduate Student
Bob Richards / Private Individual
Brent Burt / StephenF.AustinStateUniversity
Brent Ortego / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Carroll Cordes / United States Geological Survey
Cecilia Riley / GulfCoast Bird Observatory
Craig Farquhar / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Cyndee Baker / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Dave Holdermann / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Dave Morrison / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
David Sierra / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
David Wolfe / Environmental Defense
Derrick Holdstock / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Don Wilhelm / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Duane Schlitter / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Fred Collins / Katy Prairie Conservancy & Houston Audubon Society
Gail Johnson / Houston Zoo
George Veni / Texas Speleological Survey
Gordon LInam / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Heather Whitlaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jack Eitniear / Center for the Study of Tropical Birds, Inc.
Jay Roberson / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jeff Mundy / Houston Audubon Society
Jeff Raasch / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jerry Caruviotis / Attwater's Prairie Chicken Captive Propagation - Houston Zoological Gardens
Jerry Fant / Texas Speleological Survey
Jim Gallagher / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jim Neal / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
John Davis / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
John Hughes / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
John Maresh / Environmental Defense
Judit Green / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Julie Shackelford / The Conservation Fund
Kathleen Martin / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Keith Crenshaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kelly Bender / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ken Saunders / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kevin Mayes / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Lee Elliot / The Nature Conservancy
Lois Balin / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Marcy Brown Marsden / University of Dallas & Audubon Texas
MarlaBays / TexasParks and Wildlife Department.
Marty Underwood / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Melanie Pavlas / Lower Colorado River Authority
Michelle Amador / Environmental Defense
Michelle Kolar / TexasA&MUniversity - Corpus ChristiPadre Island National Seashore
Mike Quinn / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ned Wright / Audubon Texas
Omar Bocanegra / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Patricia Morton / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Phil Glass / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Richard Heilbrun / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ricky Maxey / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Robert Perez / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Robyn Cobb / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Roy Kleinsasser / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Sean Smith / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Smiley Nava / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Steve DeMaso / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Sumita Prasad / Fermata, Inc.
Susan Dillon / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Terry Turney / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Tim Jurgensen / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Valerie Collins / Texas Department of Transportation
Wade Harrell / The Nature Conservancy
Wendy Ledbetter / The Nature Conservancy
Herpetofauna Working Group
Andy Price (chair) / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Richard Kazmaier (chair) / WestTexasA & MUniversity
Andy Gluesenkamp / Zara Environmental
Bob Rogers
Carl Lieb / University of Texas, El Paso
Charles Smith / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Clarence Wright / Texas Zoo
Craig Rudolph / United StatesForest Service
Crystal S. Nelson
Dan Saenz / United StatesForest Service
David Haynes / Texas Herpetological Society
David Hillis / University of Texas, Austin
Donald Ruthven / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Donna Shaver / National Parks Service
Francis Rose / TexasStateUniversity
Jim Dixon / TexasA&MUniversity, College Station
John Himes / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
John Karges / The Nature Conservancy
Johnny Binder
Jonathan Campbell / University of Texas, Arlington
Julie Wicker / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kathryn Vaughan / TexasA&MUniversity, College Station
Kelly McCoy / AngeloStateUniversity
Kevin Herriman / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Lance McBrayer / StephanF.AustinStateUniversity
Lee Fitzgerald / TexasA&MUniversity, College Station
Leeann Linam / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Michael McCord / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Mike Duran / The Nature Conservancy
Mike Forstner / TexasStateUniversity
Mike Howlett / East Texas Herpetological Society
Mike Miller / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Mitch Sternberg / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Neil Ford
Paige Najvar / Unites State Fish and Wildlife Service
Pat Burchfield / Gladys Porter Zoo
Pat Connor / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Robyn Cobb / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Scott Lerich / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Stan Mays / Houston Zoo
Steve Levey / Private Individual
Terri Cox / Cameron Park Zoo
Travis Laduc / University of Texas, Austin
Troy Hibbitts / Texas Herpetological Society
Vernon Dye / Texas Herpetological Society
Mammal Working Group
John Young (chair) / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Evelyn Merz (chair) / Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter
Alisa Shull / United State Fish and Wildlife Service
Amy Sugeno / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Bill Adams / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Butch Weckerly / TexasStateUniversity
Clarence Wright / The Texas Zoo
Cynthia Bennett
Dave Cook
Duane Schlitter / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Earl G. Zimmerman / University of NorthTexas
Jane Packard / TexasA&MUniversity, College Station
John Baccus / TexasStateUniversity
Kathy Gaughan / Houston Zoo
Lisa Williams / The Nature Conservancy
Loren K. Ammerman / AngeloStateUniversity
Meg Goodman / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Michael Tewes / TexasA&MUniversity, Kingsville-CKWRI
Paige Najvar / United State Fish and Wildlife Service
Pat Clements / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Corpus Christi Ecological Services
Pete Riger / Houston Zoo
Raymond S. Matlack / WestTexasA&MUniversity
Robert Dowler / AngeloStateUniversity
Scott P. Lerich / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Tinker Boyd / Houston Zoo
Contributors and Editorial Assistance
Beau Hardegree / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bill Eley / GulfCoast Bird Observatory
Bob Petersen / Private Landowner
Bobby Cochran / Defenders of Wildlife
Brandt Mannchen / Sierra Club - Houston Regional Group
Brent Ortego / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Brett Johnson / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Brian Sullivan / PlayaLakes Joint Venture
Butch Fralia / Texas Speleological Survey
Carroll Cordes / U.S. Geological Survey
Cecilia Riley / GulfCoast Bird Observatory
Christina Williams / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Cindy Loeffler / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Cliff Shackelford / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Craig Farquhar / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Dave Holdermann / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Dave Morrison / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
David Bezanson / Natural Area Preservation Association
David Sierra / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
David Wolfe / Environmental Defense
Derrick Holdstock / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Diana Foss / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Don Wilhelm / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Doyle Mosier / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Duane Schlitter / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Fred Collins / Katy Prairie Conservancy & Houston Audubon Society
George Veni / Texas Speleological Survey
Gordon Linam / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Greg Kerouac / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Heather Whitlaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jack Eitniear / Center for the Study of Tropical Birds, Inc.
Jackie Poole / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jay Roberson / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jeff Mundy / Houston Audubon Society
Jeff Raasch / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jerry Fant / Texas Speleological Survey
Jim Gallagher / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jim Neal / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
John Davis / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
John Hughes / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Judit Green / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Julie Shackelford / The Conservation Fund
Kathleen Martin / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Keith Crenshaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kelly Bender / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ken Saunders / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kevin Mayes / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Lee Elliot / The Nature Conservancy
Lois Balin / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Marcy Brown Marsden / University of Dallas & Audubon Texas
MarlaBays / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Marty Underwood / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Melanie Pavlas / Lower Colorado River Authority
Michelle Amador / Environmental Defense
Michelle Kolar / TexasA&MUniversity - Corpus ChristiPadre Island National Seashore
Mike Quinn / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Omar Bocanegra / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Patricia Morton / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Phil Glass / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Richard Heilbrun / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ricky Maxey / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Robert Perez / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Roy Kleinsasser / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Smiley Nava / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Steve DeMaso / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Sumita Prasad / Fermata, Inc.
Susan Dillon / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Terry Turney / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Tim Jurgensen / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Valerie Collins / Texas Dept of Transportation
Wade Harrell / The Nature Conservancy
Wendy Ledbetter / The Nature Conservancy
Public Comment Support and Assistance
Adam Krueger / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Brett Johnson / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Dave Holderman / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Devon Courtney / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Heather Whitlaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Jay Whiteside / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
John Davis / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Karen Pianka / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Keith Crenshaw / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kelly Bender / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Kristal Cain / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Lance Robinson / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
MarlaBays / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Maria Araujo / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Mike Miller / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Nancy Gallacher / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Ricky Maxey / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Russell Kyle / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Terry Turney / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Tom Harvey / TexasParks and Wildlife Department
Special Thanks
Abilene Zoo / Abilene, Texas
Cameron Park Zoo / Waco, Texas
Dallas Zoo / DallasTexas
Ellen Trout Zoo / Lufkin, Texas
Gladys Porter Zoo / Brownsville, Texas
HornsbyBendCenter of Environmental Research / Austin, Texas
Houston Zoo / Houston, Texas
Kerr Wildlife Management Area / Hunt, Texas
LCRA's McKinney Roughs / Bastrop, Texas
MagoffinHomeState Historical Site / El Paso, Texas
San Antonio Zoo / San Antonio, Texas
Science Spectrum / Lubbock, Texas
TexasState Aquarium / Corpus Chrisi, Texas
TexasStateUniversity / San Marcos, Texas
USFWS - Austin Ecological Services Office / Austin, Texas


Literature Cited

Education and Outreach
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Freshwater Habitats
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