January '09 NEWSLETTER from Ken & Melli Johnson

USA ADDRESS: 5404 Sharon Trail AFRICA ADDRESS: B. P. 122

Lakeland, FL 33810-5831 Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA

Phone/Fax: 863-815-2796 Phone/Fax: 257-22-22-34-31

Email: Email:

Web Site: www.rainbowcentre.net

Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013

“MAMA—CINDY TOOK MY POWER!” --Daniel (6 years) January 6, 2009

My children love the Power Rangers, these “normal kid” stunt characters who “beat up the bad guys” when transformed by their magic wrist gadgets into powerful avengers in colorful costumes, with boots, belts, helmets and swords. My boys think they are “so cool” and want to be like that.

I’ve been trying to tell them that they can have power, too. They are memorizing verses such as “Let the words of my mouth…be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my STRENGTH and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14) And “Be STRONG in the Lord….put on the whole armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:10-17) Daniel says the verses fastest without understanding their power…the other day when questioned about some heated words he used, he said that his power was gone, and Cindy was responsible. Ha.

Each year we’re choosing a word of power going down the alphabet: Amazon, Bonanza, Candescent. This year we need a word that begins with “D”…let’s see…how about DECREPIT ? (Just kidding…) Declivitous? Too steep to remember. What about Dynamic! Definition: “Relating to energy or physical force in motion…energetic, vigorous; forceful, relating to change.” That sounds like this year already.

Things are happening.

1) Two volunteers arrive this week, Wicke (pronounced Vicka) WoBner—a teacher in training from Germany comes today, and Johan Andersson—a mechanic from Sweden, comes on the 8th. So much to do, so many things to repair. Thank you for your prayers as our “family circle” expands. May these young people energize us dynamically!

2) The New Hope Homemakers, back from Christmas break, will now study shirt-making.

3) The Discovery Preschool at the Mission started 2nd term—our active Christopher seems to be a nursery dropout, preferring the playground to class activities.

4) Baby Charles (Andy) turned one on New Year’s Day—he’s crawling fast to catch Angel who started walking before Christmas.

5) Sarah, Carly and their teacher Christy are working steadily in home school. Christy flew home to Phoenix for a surprise Christmas break and arrives back this week with more study books.

6) Lizzie is back at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya for 2nd term, ready to study hard.

A highlight of the holidays: Participating in our friend’s extravagant traditional Ugandan wedding. We survived the 16-hour bus travel, (True physical force in action, hurtling what seemed 90 miles an hour over treacherous, winding roads). To describe my feelings in two words: Nevah again!

Dynamic Power Blessings on your year 2009! That you may THRIVE, not just survive!

Love and appreciation for your prayers,

Ken, Melli and Kids

Ken, Melli, Sarah, Lizzie, Carly, Cindy, James, Daniel, Samuel, Christopher, Angel and Andy

P.S. Note from Melli's Folks:

Rejoice with us in this late-breaking news from Melli just as we were ready to send out the January Newsletter! "There are some missionaries leaving and wanting to sell their big Maytag washer. They need cash if possible. Since our washer needs major work it would be wonderful to get this machine and if Ken can locate a replacement motor that will work on the one we've had, he can fix it and we can put it at the Rainbow Centre, which also needs a machine. Well, yesterday Ken surprised me by bringing the Maytag washer! And you know what? It's sparkling BRAND NEW !!!!

I didn't know that...I thought it would be an old used one, but it's brand new and the kids and I made a big playhouse out of the original shipping box it came in...not a scratch on it! The machine, I mean. Ken paid half of the money on it...and he has to get a special plug to hook it up, so I can't use it this morning. But I'm so excited! What an answer to prayer...I asked to get my machine fixed and He sent me a brand new one that will do tons of laundry...it's a heavy duty! I really think I wore the other one out...we did laundry every day and they were full loads each time, so maybe the motor just gave up. Ken will try to fix the other one for the Baby Home, but the next priority will be to get our 1987 Toyota minivan and 1981 Toyota Corolla back into running order while Johan is here from Sweden to help him. Whee!"



Little could they dream 19 years ago as they “putt-putted” in this 70’s vintage Ukranian motorcycle with side car that God would bless them with a beautiful family of TEN children! (Lizzie was still in school at RVA when the photo was taken by Melli). They have to push it to get it started—but it still runs!

We have 500 tee shirts like the ones the kids are wearing in the above photo available in both adult and youth sizes: XL, L, M, S. An anonymous donor has provided these shirts FREE to Ken & Melli Johnson’s support group as long as the supply lasts. To receive a free tee shirt, send your size and address to:

Robert F. Andrews

5404 Sharon Trail

Lakeland, FL 33810-5831.

(We can send to USA and Canadian addresses only.)

Melli’s sister, Vondria Bergen, did the artwork for the tee shirts (a tiny baby in the palm of the doctor’s hand) and the lettering reads:

Rainbow Centre
Where miracles happen
Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa.