City & County of Swansea
Policy for the administration of School Meals arrears
Free meals administration
All Families who claim to be entitled to free meals must have supplied all the relevant documentation within six weeks of the start of the September term. If forms are still not received then a letter will be sent to parents. Meals will no longer be supplied
If within one week of a letter being sent, there is still no response from parents and it is likely that the child is entitled to free meals, details of the family will be sent to Debbie Jones School Organisation who will check eligibility with the Benefits Agency.
Details of parents who have built up arrears and are subsequently not entitled to free meals will be sent to Debbie Jones School Organisation who will arrange for an invoice to be raised, and the debt collected in the normal manner.
Paid Meals
Headteachers are allowed discretion in permitting a pupil to take meals, even though these may not have been paid for, provided the total amount of arrears does not exceed the equivalent of (20) meals per family.
As soon as the level of arrears equates to (20) meals, the parent will be informed in writing, that no further meals will be provided to the pupil until the arrears have been paid off.
If within five days of a letter being sent the School has still failed to recover the arrears from the parent, the details will be referred to Debbie Jones School Organisation who will arrange for an invoice to be raised.
The details required are:
The name and address of the parents including Christian names.
The amount of arrears owed
The dates which the debt relates to.
Where a child continues to present him/ herself for lunch Headteachers are Authorised to refuse the provision of a School meal, however Headteachers may feel that this is inappropriate and should contact their EWO for further investigation.
*Please note that the Policy has come from the Director of Education (Richard Parry) City & County of Swansea, Education Department.
Policies Policy for School meal Arrears 2012