Cass County Farm Bureau Scholarship

Agriculture Student Scholarship

Sponsored by Cass County Farm Bureau

Instructions for completion:

  • Please type the application. Attach additional necessary pages.
  • You may be contacted for an in-person interview
  • Recipients will be notified after the interview process is complete.
  • Scholarship recipients will be recognized at Cass County Farm Bureau’s annual meeting.
  • Entry Deadlines

Applications will be received at the Cass County Farm Bureau office beginning May 1, 2015 with a deadline of June 30, 2015.

You may submit your application via email, fax, mail or in person


Fax: (269)445-3181

Mail: Cass County Farm Bureau, 612 E State St., Cassopolis, MI 49031


  • Applicant must be a high school senior or graduate accepted by or attending a post-secondary educational institution. Applicants need to be pursuing a Degree in Agriculture or two year Ag Program and enrolled at Southwestern Michigan College.
  • Financial need is not a requirement. Usually this scholarship will be awarded once, but applicants may re-apply.
  • Applicant must meet the provisions set out in the application.

Scholarship Application

Student Information:

Full Name


Home Address

Street AddressCityStateZip

Telephone NumberDate of Birth

Area CodeMonth Day Year

Email Address:College Attending

Family Information:

Father’s Full NameMother’s Full Name

Father’s AddressMother’s Address

(If different than Applicant) (If different than Applicant)

Father’s OccupationMother’s Occupation

Name and Address of Guardian (If other than parent)

Are you or your parents Farm Bureau Members? YesNo

If you answered yes, what is your membership number

If you answered no, do you have family member’s who are Farm Bureau Members?


If you answered yes, please list their name

High School Information:

1. High School(s) attended, with dates of attendance and date of graduation.

2.Were you at any time employed while attending high school (including family farm)? If so, please list employers, dates of employment and your employment duties.

3.List all school-related extracurricular activities in which you participated (sports, clubs, plays, yearbook, school newsletter, offices held, etc.)

4.List any activities in which you participated outside of school, in particular, those which may involve service to your community (4H, FFA, Scouts, Church, etc.)

5.List any awards, honors, and/or recognitions received while in high school.

6.What is your scholastic grade point average?

7.Please explain what you know about Cass County Farm Bureau and the benefits membership offers to agriculture.

Career Plans:

What is your chosen course of study?

What do you see as our future involvement in Ag?


Please list two references of people who know you well, along with their contact information. Please DO NOT list relatives.


Please type a short summary, no more than 200 words, describing your future goals and the use of your education to attain them.

Applications are due by June 30, 2015 and can be submitted to the

Cass County Farm Bureau office at

612 E State Street, Cassopolis, MI 49031

PH: (269)445-3849 FAX: (269)445-3181 Email: