North Dorset Turbos S. C.

2017 Club Championships

Licensed Level 4 –

(Under ASA Laws and Regulations and Technical Rules of Racing)

Licence Number 4SW171981

22nd October at 19.00 at Port Regis for 800/1500 freestyle -

Age groups 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over.


North Dorset Turbos Swimming Club

Level 4 Licensed Meet open for North Dorset TurbosSwimming Club.

Licence Number 4SW171981

22nd October 2017

Promoter’s Conditions

1.The Meet will be run under ASA laws & ASA technical rules and these promoter’s conditions. The meet will be run as age on 31st December 2017. Age groups will be 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over for both 800m and 1500m events.

  1. The competition will be held in a 4 lane, 25 metre pool with anti-wave lane ropes at Port Regis on 22nd October 2017...


3Swimmers must be, or have applied to be, registered with the A.S.A. as level 1 or Level 2 members.

4The entry fee is £5.00 per event. There will be no refunds after the closing date.

5Closing Date midnight Sunday 8thOctober 2017.

  1. Results will be on a heat declared basis. There will be no finals.

7Data Protection - The Meet entries will be managed on a computer. Your consent to the holding of personal information for the purposes of the Meet is deemed to be given by the submission of your entries to North Dorset Turbos Swimming Club.North Dorset Turbos Swimming Club adheres to the ASA Child Protection Recommendations. In submitting your entry you are consenting to the fact that your photograph may be taken during the event by a professional photographer.

8There will be no qualifying times but swimmers should submit times where possible on application.Clubs must ensure that the entry times submitted are genuine PBsunless a swimmer has no time.

9There will be one session as follows:

October 22nd 17.00Warm up17.30Start20.00Approx. Finish

10Competitors must report to the marshalling area when called. It is the swimmers’ responsibility to report to the marshals on time following instruction from the announcer.

11Possessions and articles should not be left unattended. Lockers are available for the use of swimmers.

12 The promoter reserves the right to refuse admission to any spectator, coach or swimmer.


13 Payment for entries should be on a cheque, made payable to NDTSC.

14 The programme order will be as follows:

Sunday22nd October 2017

Event 1Girls800m for ages 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over

Event 2Boys 1500m for ages 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over

Any conditions not covered in these competition rules will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the sport and at the discretion of the promoter. Questions can be dealt with by writing to:

Address:North Dorset Turbos Swimming Club

33 Ashley Road


DT10 1LQ

Telephone: 01258 820202


Meet Promoter:Chris Gassmann

Meet Administration:North Dorset Turbos Swimming Club

Entry form for800m and 1500m events.

Name ......

Age on 31 December 2017 ......

ASA number if known ......

Please tick the event that your child wishes to enter.

Sunday 22nd October 2017

Event 1Girls 800m for ages 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over

Event 2Boys 1500m for ages 11/12, 13/14 and 15 and over

Number of events at £5 per event......

All entries must be in accordance with the promoter’s conditions

Signed ......

Please hand in this entry together with the appropriate fee by 8th October 2017.