Healing and Self Care for HPA Axis Diregulation
It is the common predicament of the 21st century. Work through the pain, stress, lack of sleep, work, relationship or money worries and do it againtomorrowwith little replenishment until you find yourself so burned out you crash
At first you are living off of adrenaline. You might even get a high from it. But then, you can't sleep well. So you exercise and use caffeine to get through the day, dragging. You might get a second wind at 9 or10 pmand stay up late, only to fall asleep later or wake at night in a panic at3 am. But life doesn't stop, so you are at it again with coffee or diet soda to drag yourself to what you need to do.
By this time, your desire to make nourishing meals or put self care in your life has waned because you want to get through the day with as little on your do to list as you can. It feels like too much.
Your weight has either slid down or gone up, depending on how your body has responded to the stress.Your muscle mass and tone have weakened and if you are still exercising, your tolerance to it continues to dive.
So here you are: tired, crashy, jittery, foggy-thinking and wondering what happened to you. You were just doing what you thought the world expected you to do. Be good, do good and do as much as you can.
This is my story and the story of thousands of others. The symptoms are vague and aren't always recognized so it can be hard for doctors to pin point what is happening.
However HPA axis disregulation (adrenal fatigue) can be diagnosed by the different stages of symptoms and by using cortisol saliva tests. And recovery and maintenance is possible.
Beginning/Mild symptoms include initially feeling wired, anxious and like you can't stop going. Cortisol levels will be elevated to keep your body going with the stress.
Moderate symptoms include tired all day and wired at night. Memory and focus not as sharp, overwhelmed increased and the cortisol curve is flipped: your cortisol is high when it should be Lower and vise versa.
Severe symptoms include exhausted all day, feeling better when laying down, dizziness upon standing, low exercise tolerance and overall jut feeling depleted and unwell. Cortisol is low all day, referred to as flat-lined.
HPA Axis Diregulation can go along with other conditions such as thyroid disfunction or sex hormone imbalances and very often accompanies life transitions or occurrences such as going to college, early mothering years, new jobs, illnesses especially with chronic pain, menopausal age and adults caring for both children and their own parents.
The foundation of healing begins with nourishing the adrenals so that if there are other physical converts, the body has more resource to address those as well.
So you know the why and symptoms so now it's time for how to feel better.This may seem like an extensive list but the goal is healing and going back to the ways of living that got us here will circle us back around to feeling run down again.
Healing however is a process, so you can add to your self care list as the weeks go by.

To Begin to see improvements :
* Balance blood glucose. A mix of protein, carbs with fiber and fats keeps the body from having to deal with the stress of high and lows of blood sugar.Low carb, paleo style eating can exacerbate adrenal fatigue.There are other nutrients that can be beneficial.
* Do not diet. Dieting is physiogically stressful to the body and will further lower your metabolism, catabolize muscle and trigger your body, when it does get adequate fuel, to take many months to recover from the effects of the diet.
* Rest. Naps are the best choice if you can above doing other things and consistent sleeping hours in bed by 10 are important.
* Mindset Shifting. This means becoming aware of what you are doing and why. Are your daily activities in alignment with your values?
> are you living out if expectations if others ?
> people pleasing
> have you even considered your personal vision and authentic desires?
Living out of alignment with your authenticity will create a life not fully lived, which may be the highest stressor of all.
* Work towards no caffeine or alcohol. I'm sorry.... They create highs and lows with blood glucose levels. We can help you decrease your intake .
* Really look at your sources of distress. Relationship, money, lack of support, illness? Allow support from a coach or therapist to learn other strategies to
* Gentle movement. Now is not the time for intense exercise. Consistent movement such as walking, swimming, restorative yoga and other low intensity activity is good for being connected in the body and wholistic health but not going to further stress the body.
* Heal the Gut.
* Radical Self-Care. It's going to take getting your needs met to heal emotional stress and disconnection.
* Bedtime routine. It's important for adequate wind down time before bed as well as ending computer and all digital reading 2 hours before bed. Other helpful strategies include darkened rooms and Hylands Calms Forte.
* Fill in nutrient deficiencies
* Consider supervision in trying adaptogenic herbs or treatment with acupuncture and chinese medicine/herbs
* Along with nutrition and wellness coaching consider seeng a integrative health physician
Healing can take some time; I've heard and seen 6 months to 2 years. However, you don't need to be perfect or go it alone. Contact Tracy Brown @o see how a collaboration between us can get you feeling like you have more energy and life back in your life again!