To: ( ) XXX-YYYY

Re: Help NJ Families by supporting S2750 and A3909– Alimony Reform
Dear ______:
As our state moves forward addressing issues such as job creation and marriage equality, many citizens are deeply concerned fairness in the NJ Family Court system. This is evidenced by the Courts refusal to acknowledge current societal norms, the inability to recognize the current financial situations of unemployed and disabled citizens, and its refusal to assign value to both parties’ contributions to a marriage. Today, many alimony payers in our communities, both men and women alike, struggle to manage the basics of everyday living as a result of arbitrary lifetime alimony awards.The NJ family courts require legislative guidance on both the amount and term of alimony awards.

We know that providing alimony to a lower earning spousecan allowthem to go to school, renew certifications,rekindle careers, obtain employment or start a business. The financial help allow them to contribute to their family, workplace and community. Thus, we fully support the concept of alimony. However, we also know that the financial burden to the higher earning spouse can result in an inability to retire after a lifetime of hard work, bankruptcy, the threat of jail time if unable to sustain payments at the amount awarded, depression and ultimately, bitterness that impacts the family unit.

In addition to the emotional costs, forcing NJ families to continue to struggle with the unrealistic burdenof maintaining two separate households in the marital lifestyle undermines the social and economic potential of the family unit and prevents families from healing. Denying divorced citizens the ability to actually end their relationship and move forward makes it harder for those families to be successful in the long term. The restrictions on an alimony payer’s ability to make decisions about their lives, seek employment in less risky or less stressful occupations, to accept declining health concerns, being unemployed or being declared disabled are unjust, unwise, and un-American – simply out of line with our values as a nation.

For example, in my experience….[ADD YOUR STORY]

I request that you co-sponsor or at least support alimony reform that supportsall divorced parties. The bills respect the health, success, and dignity of both members in their communities, and acknowledges that both parties are responsible, and able, to fully contribute to the support of themselves and their families.

[Your name]

[City], NJ

Phone: ______

Email: ______

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