South Texas College
Division of Business and TechnologyBusiness Administration Department
Communications in Management - BMGT 1305 Section Outline
Spring 2015Instructor’s Name
Office/Building/Campus Location
Office TelephoneFax Number
E-mail Address
Office Hours / Yolanda Martinez
McAllen High School, CTE Building, Room 310
(956) 632-3189
(956) 632-3112
1:32 pm – 2:23 pm
Course Name
/Communications in Management
Course Number
/BMGT 1305.S02
Catalogue Course Description / This course includes basic theory and process ofcommunication skills necessary for the management of
an organization’s workforce.
Prerequisites / Prerequisite: ITSC 1409 or COSC 1301.
Program Learning Outcomes / · Recognize and be able to explain the contemporary business environment and different forms of organization.
· Evaluate business concepts through Reading, Writing,
And Presenting.
· Explain the communication process: identify communication channels and describe how communication contributes to effective management.
Course Learning Outcomes
· Explain the communication process.· Identify and remedy major communication barriers.
· Describe how communication contributes to effective management.
Required Textbook & Resources: / Marketing Dynamics, 3rd Edition (Clark, Basteri, Gassen, Walker)
ISBN: 978-1-61960-343-1
School –to-Career, 10th Edition (Littrell, Lorenz, Smith)
ISBN: 978-1-61960-304-2
Evaluation Methods and Grading Criteria according to the Master Syllabus
90 - 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59 F /
Instructor’s evaluation and grading criteria:
Exams: 35%
Workplace: 45%
Quizzes: 20%
Final Exam: 25% of Total Semester Average
Discussion Board – Quiz Grades
Attendance Policy
/Refer to STC Catalog for complete attendance policy. Below are few excerpts from the policy:
-It is the responsibility of the student to inform instructor concerning any absence.
-Instructors may drop students at the point when, in the opinion of the instructor, the student would have difficulty in successfully completing the course.-Three consecutive absences by a student may result in a drop by instructor.
Cell Phones /Pagers/Beepers: / Cellular phones are allowed in class ONLY IF they are kept in the vibrating or silent mode at all times throughout the class. NO TEXTING IN CLASS! Otherwise, cellular phones are to be turned off completely at all times. No calls are to be received or made in the classroom at any time while class is in session.
Note: During examination times, a student is not allowed to answer any pages or make any calls using a regular campus/pay phone or cellular phone until they are completely finished with their exam.
Developmental Studies Policy Statement:
The College’s Developmental Education Plan requires students who have not met the college-level placement standard on an approved assessment instrument in reading, writing, and/or mathematics to enroll in Developmental Studies courses including College Success. Failure to attend these required classes may result in the student's withdrawal from ALL college courses.
Statement of Equal Opportunity: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by South Texas College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status or disability.
Alternative Format Statement: This document is available in an alternative format upon request by calling Mariela-Business Adm 872-2764.
ADA Statement: Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance or access to receive services should contact disABILITY Support Services at ( 956 ) 872-2173.