Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation
Golf-in-Schools Funding Application

The Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation is dedicated to the education and promotion of golf to youth in New Mexico and El Paso County, Texas. The Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation Board is committed whole-heartedly to golf's ability to teach important life skills and instill the values of honesty, integrity, respect, and a strong work ethic. Such potential to influence our youth is priceless.

In keeping with our mission, we provide matching grants for schools wishing to implement or expand a Golf-in-Schools program as part of their Physical Education curriculum at the elementary or middle school level using The First Tee National School Program and SNAG (Starting New at Golf) equipment. A limited number of grants are available and not all requests can be met.


  • Applications must be submitted by recognized educational institutions at the elementary or middle school level, including public, private, parochial and charter schools.
  • P.E. teachers must become certified in and follow the curriculum provided through The First Tee National School Program.
  • Once funding is received, schools are solely responsible for the purchase of The First Tee National School Program curriculum and SNAG Golf kit.
  • Future funding eligibility is dependent on the success in implementing programs and may require submission of performance metrics and spending/budget data.
  • The Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation reserves the right to conduct in-person evaluations of program implementation during a scheduled P.E. class, and may request the opportunity to promote other golfing opportunities to students.


  • This is a matching fund grant. The Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation will match up to $1,500 raised by the school to cover the cost of purchasing Golf-in-School curriculum and equipment. Proof of purchase must be provided to the Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation within six (6) months of receiving the grant or funds must be repaid in full.
  • School must submit a FormW-9: Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certificationalong with this application.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Impact: Evidence that the program will have a significant impact and outcome benefitting the participants.
  • Participant Experience: Evidence of an effective program structure, sufficient length of program, opportunities for participants to progress, and plans to integrate eventual on-course access at a local golf course during an after-school program.
  • Population Served: Special consideration may be given to programs in economically challenged regions of New Mexico and El Paso County.
  • Leadership: Commitment of the P.E. teacher(s) and support of the school administration to making the program a success for the students.
  • Performance During Previous Grant Periods: The extent to which an applicant has implemented programming, achieved desired outcomes and complied with grant policies during any previous grant periods.

Review Process

  • The Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation will acknowledge receipt of application within ten (10) business days.
  • After the committee has reviewed the application, the applicant will be notified of a decision in writing.

School Sharing Options

Some schools partner with other nearby schools to purchase Golf-in-Schools equipment and share the equipment between the P.E. programs. Schools have the options to combine resources to reach the minimum $1,500 required to apply for the matching grant. Payment will be made to the school responsible for purchasing the equipment. The amount each school contributes and the percentage of use by each is determined by the administration of each school.

Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation Golf-in-Schools
Matching Funds Grant Application

School Information
School Legal Name
Mailing Address / City / State / Zip
Physical Education Program Contact / Phone #
Email Address
Application Contact (if different from above) / Title / Phone #
Email Address
If you are opting to share equipment with a nearby school, please list the school(s) name and contact information
This is a matching grant. Please indicate how the remainder of the funds needed will be raised (fundraisers, donations, school budget, etc.). If fundraising, please provide a detailed fundraising plan.
Program Information
For each grade listed below, please indicate the approximate number of students and the number of P.E. classes you plan to dedicate to golf instruction during the school year.
# of students
# of classes
Total number of participants that will be reached through the program / School year the program will begin

I/we agree that if the Sun Country Junior Golf Foundation makes the requested grant, it will be used only for the purpose outlined above. Any funds not spent as agreed will be returned to the Junior Golf Foundation. I/we agree to provide to the Junior Golf Foundation, no later than two weeks after the end of the program, a detailed report including names and demographics of recipients of the grant and a financial and narrative report on the entire program.

