
Classified Staff Advisory Council

Tuesday, August 5, 2014; 9:30 a.m.

UC 266

Denise Ehren, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.

Present: Tricia Borchardt, Karen Brueggeman, Denise Ehren, Wes Enterline, Chris Johnson, Dean Look, Mike Sacco, Amy Sexton, Ruth Stradinger, Liz Woolever

Quorum present: Yes

Absent: Jody Marquardt, Mary Kaster

Unfinished Business


New Business

Tricia moved to approve the July 8, 2014 council minutes; Chris seconded the motion, approved unanimously.

Chair’s Report:

SPBC report was distributed to council. Please send any feedback to Denise. Council requested clarification of staff/classified staff in document. Council will ask Faye Schouten to serve as the CSAC rep on committee for next year and ask her to share information from meetings with council.

UPS: Committee has been formed and is meeting. Next meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

Ruth reported on 7/22/14 meeting and current activities. Ruth distributed survey pertaining to layoff policy. Please review and send any feedback to Ruth by tomorrow morning. The committee plans to distributed the survey and then to schedule listening sessions regarding the policy. The committee will then make necessary adjustments before submitting to Human Resources.

Teleconference with System CSACs: The August teleconference is scheduled for August 12th, 12:30 – 2:00 pm to discuss the grievance policy. The last meeting was on July 24th. Board of Regents invite discussed. Denise will attend the meeting on 8/21 and 8/22. UW-Oshkosh council has already reserved time for council reps to have lunch together on the 21st and is looking for another time for council reps to meet as well.

Vice Chair’s Report: No Report

Treasurer’s Report: No Report. Jody now has signature authority. Denise will ask Jody to chair the Grant/Fundraising Committee.

Grant/Fundraising Committee: No report

Programming Committee: Liz reported on current activities. The Classified Staff Conference is this Thursday. The number of classified staff registered is around 80. The break-out sessions are set up and the committee is taking care of final arrangements.

Conversational Spanish is full for the summer session.

Continuing education is offering a Latino community event – “Walk and Hour in My Shoes” on September 26th.

Council discussed ways for programming activities to be more inviting for male staff.

Employee Recognition Committee: Photos for excellence award winners have been scheduled. Council requested committee move up the date for selecting recipients of awards so the names of honorees can be placed in the commencement booklet.

Outreach Committee: Wes reported on current activities. The committee will be doing a trial run of the tour and then ask council members to join them. After trial tours are completed the committee will use the information to finalize the resource guide.

Elections/By Laws Committee:

Resolution 2013-R001: No new information

Resolution 2013-R002 – Safe Outlet: Dean is still recruiting members.

Chancellor Liaison Report: The State of the University address by Chancellor Telfer is scheduled for August 25th, 10:30 am.

Worksite Wellness: The worksite wellness committee is pursuing another round of bio-metric screenings this fall. They may pursue using a State agency paid for resource called Optum to be more cost effective. They plan on having a table at both the Involvement Opportunity Fair as well as the Benefits Fair. The committee is also working on having items added to the events calendar. The next meeting is this Friday at 10:00 am, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Ambrose Health Center.

Human Resources Liaison Report: Amy asked for council discussion on posting job openings to the CSAC facebook page, council approved this request. Council also discussed and approved placing link to employment openings on the CSAC website. Ruth will take care of website changes.

Personnel Update: No report.

Website Comment submissions: None.

Other Business:

Conversations on Race: Denise distributed Conversations on Race Programming for 14/15 academic year. The committee is looking for a classified staff representative. Ruth will talk to Nikki Mandell about trying to find a representative. Ruth will also add the programming link on the CSAC website.

General Member Meeting: The council will schedule the meeting for the week of September 22nd in the afternoon and invite the chancellor to open the meeting. Liz will check the chancellor’s schedule and let Karen know when he is available.

Ruth motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mike seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 10:56 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Brueggeman, CSAC Secretary

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