Minutes of Knowlton Parish Council Meeting

5th March 2014

Woodlands HVillage Hall 7:30pm

Item / Page 1529 / Action By
Public Participation
3 Present - No public comments.
185 / Attendance
1.  Cllr Jerry Laker (Chairman) & (Rights of Way Officer – Wimborne St Giles)
2.  Cllr Morgan Antell (Vice Chairman)
3.  Cllr Trevor Brown
4.  Cllr John Hayes
5.  Cllr Anthony (Sam) Keet
6.  Cllr Tim Sherman (Tree Officer – Horton)
7.  Cllr Linda Stocks (Rights of Way Officer – Woodlands)
Cllr Steve Butler (District Councillor Crane Ward & County Councillor Cranborne Chase)
Lisa Goodwin (Clerk)
Apologies received from;
8.  Cllr Anthony (Tony) Keet
Cllr Spencer Flower (District & County Councillor)
186 / Declarations of Interest & Requests for Dispensation
187 / Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 5th February 2014 having been previously circulated were confirmed as correct by the full council and signed by the Chairman.
188 / District Councillor Report – Cllr Spencer Flower
Medium Term Financial Strategy–The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) includes a forecast that further significant cut in Government funding was likely and this forecast has proven correct, with the reduction of a further 13% for 2014/15 Council Year which was within the range expected.
The 1% Council Tax Freeze Grant on offer only accounts for less half the loss in the settlement. Provisional funding for 2014/15 announced but DCLG indicate as much as a further 13% based on the revised funding reduction announced by the Chancellor in his Autumn Statement. The predictions in the Autumn Statement confirmed that actions planned in fundamentally reviewing budgets must continue, along with the shared service programme and further organisational reviews, which will be critical in managing the financial standing of the District Council.
It was therefore recommended to Full Council that a modest increase in Council Tax of 1.95% or 7p per week at Band D rather than to take the Freeze Grant equivalent to !% Council Tax increase. Whilst the current Government has confirmed that the previous freeze grants have been included in the base settlement calculations, there is no certainty that this ‘one off’ money will be sustained in a future settlement. There is therefore an inherent risk in accepting the freeze grant rather than agreeing a modest increase, which allows the Council to be in better control of its finances in future years.
Resources Committee report highlighted the funding gaps the Council is facing based on the existing budget. The reports also set out the actions needed to be taken to address the funding gaps and to better plan for the Council’s on-going financial viability. Significant work has occurred in fundamentally reviewing all Budget’s with heads of service and critically challenging the current resource allocation.
The forecast reduction in Government settlements between 2010/11 and 2017/18 is likely to be in the region of 41% which equates to approximately £1.23m from the Revenue Budget.
At this time the only certainty is the uncertainly associated with ongoing Government financial support and the significant risks associated with the localisation of council tax benefit. The risk of growth in take up of the council tax support has rested wholly with the Council since April 2013, as the funding the Government giving only partially financial support.
The risk of a reduction in the business rate collected will now also have a direct impact on the Council’s funding streams. The current economic climate increases this exposure to risk. The Budget agreed for 2014/15 approved at Full Council on Monday 23 February 2014 identifies the annual impact for a Council Tax Payer of increasing a band D Council tax by 1.95% as shown in table below:
Band D 2013/14 / % increase / Band D 2014/15 / Increase p.a / Increase p.w
£ / % / £ / £ / £
194.65 / 1.95% / 198.45 / 3.80 / 0.07p
‘Activate Coast & Countryside’ project launched at Moors Valley –The ‘Activate Coast & Countryside’ project has been launched at Moors Valley Country Park, following the award of £221,234 Sport England funding to the Partnership last December. The project aims to improve the fitness and health of people living in the Christchurch and East Dorset area and builds upon the successful ‘Activate 1000’ project. A total of 15 activities for adults and families will be available for taster sessions and beginner courses including; cycling activities, health walks, orienteering, running, golf, pétanque, angling, rounders, canoeing and surfing and will incorporate a number of ‘community games’ to promote opportunities. It is hoped to engage with approximately 1,800 new people each year.
Crime Reduction Partner Award Success –Yet again East Dorset Police volunteers and staff have been recognised for their work in helping to keep East Dorset safe. The Chief Constable, Debbie Simpson, has awarded the CCTV volunteers based at Wimborne Police Station the Reducing Crime Award while East Dorset Special Constabulary have received the Volunteer Team of the Year and PCSO Robin Morgan, based at Verwood, is the PCSO of the Year.
In recognition of East Dorset District Council’s partnership work with Dorset Police the Council’s Community Safety Officer, has received the Crime Reduction Partner Award for 2013.
County Councillors Report – Cllr Steve Butler (Cranborne Chase)
Cllr Steve Butler reported on County matters of interest including an update on changes to Council Tax;
Availability of additional Government funding for repairing pot holes which have now exceeded 3000 in Dorset; Social Care; Broadband and new Bus Timetables.
189 / Correspondence
·  East Dorset Community Governance Review of Parish Electoral Arrangements. Clerk to circulate details by email of forthcoming briefings.
·  Public Consultation for proposed Solar Park at Verwood Manor Farm, St Michaels Road, Verwood. Cllr Laker attended event on Monday 24th February. Dorset County Council is preparing a protocol for Community Benefits from Solar and Wind Farms. Clerk to circulate draft document to all members.
190 / Planning Applications
3/14/0113 FUL Monmouth Ash Farm, Clump Hill – proposed replacement ménage.
Parish Council Comment: NO OBJECTION
3/14/1242 HOU Ebony Cottage, Chalbury – two storey rear extension.
Parish Council Comment: defer until more information available from Planning Officer.
EDDC Planning Decisions/Matters
191 / Highways
·  Willow Tree overhanging highway at Woodlands Crossroads. Cllr Antell to contact landowner.
·  Gulleys cleared on C2 outside Twin Oaks Turf – Clerk to report rubbish dumped on verge to EDDC. / Clerk
192 / Rights of Way/Public Spaces
·  Woodlands Footpath 22 site meeting held and acceptable proposed diversion route discussed.
1531 / JL
193 / Tree Matters
·  Ash Tree Cottage, Horton – application to EDDC for crown reduction and thinning to maintain/care for the tree and for health and safety due to its location to the road. No comment by Members.
194 / Parish Clean Up
·  Members completed and approved the Risk Assessment for the Clean Up on Saturday March 8th 2014. Local Authorities, Police and Insurers notified.
195 / Standing Orders
Members resolved unanimously to adopt new model Standing Orders.
196 / Action List
10/1 / Water draining from private land onto Horton Road, between Woodlands and Haythorne. PEM 427885
05/03/14 update from Mark Adams at DCC; owner agreed to pipe water into ditch once weather has improved. Concern however that the ditch does not exist now and water flooding field and running into road further along. / DCC
03/13 / 453519 Woodlands Gate – edge of road breaking up. DCC states verge over run – no safety defects.
03/04/13 Clerk to report again. 09/04/13 DCC no defects. 01/05/13 Clerk to report again as gully forming outside Woodlands Gate. 07/05/13 DCC filled with planings/stone. 26/06/13 Clerk to report again as not repaired. Clerk to report that work not completed on east side of road. 16/10/13 Still not repaired satisfactorily. 08/01/14 Clerk to report again as problem is worsening. 1007186 closed. / DCC
459250 Verwood Road Woodlands, opposite No.8 – sunken road. (white marked for repair)
11/12/13 SB to see if a works order has been raised. 08/01/14 on patching programme. 05/02/14 DCC reported repaired permanently. / DCC
459252 Edmondsham Xrds turning left of B3078 onto B3081 edge is breaking up
11/12/13 SB to see if a works order has been raised. 08/01/14 not repaired. / DCC
02/14 / 1008958 At Woodlands crossroads the entrance drive to Mr L Strouds at 2 Crossroads Cottage Woodlands BH21 8LP crosses the ditch under which there is a blocked culvert which during periods of heavy causes water to spill out on to the road which if it froze could be a serious traffic hazard at the cross roads junction. This needs clearing. / DCC
02/14 / 1008962 Blocked culvert under entrance to Brook Lane / DCC
197 / Financial Matters
·  The Clerk provided members with up to date bank balances.
·  Members resolved to continue grass cutting maintenance of Woodlands Green with R Cutler Ltd at £35.00 per cut + VAT.
·  Clerk to ask Cutlers to check Dragons Teeth on Woodlands Green and quote to repair.
·  Resolved to pay:
001360 Clerk Salary/Expenses £393.32
001361 HMRC Payment Due 19/03g/14 £20.20
198 / Other Information for Report Only
199 / Items for Next Meetings Agenda; Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at Wimborne St Giles Village Hall.
·  Further items to the Clerk 10 days prior to the meeting please. / Clerk
Meeting closed at 8:40 pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Signed; ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2nd April 2014

Knowlton Parish Council Minutes 5th March 2014