Instructions & Information


• Where: NRG Stadium

• When: Saturday, May 16, 2015

o 8:30am (Academic Candidates)***


o 1:00pm (Workforce and GED Candidates)***


***RSVP on the commencement website (http://www.hccs.edu/district/students/graduation/) to determine which ceremony you have been assigned to.


·  A RSVP is required for participation in the2015 Commencement Ceremony. o RSVPs must be submitted online at: http://www.hccs.edu/district/students/graduation/

Students who do not RSVP in advance of the ceremony will not be allowed to participate.


• Only students graduating with an academic degree (Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and/or Associate of Arts in Teaching) will be allowed to participate in the 8:30 a.m. ceremony.

• All academic degree graduates are expected to arrive at Reliant Stadium no later than 7:00 a.m.

• All graduates and guests must enter NRG Stadium at the Amegy Entrance. Guests may enter the stadium beginning at 7:30 a.m.


• Only students graduating with a workforce degree/certificate (Associate of Applied Science, Advanced Technical Certificate, Certificate of Completion, and/or Advanced Skills Certificate) or who have completed their GED with HCC will be allowed to participate in the 1:00 p.m. ceremony.

• All workforce degree/certificate and GED graduates are expected to arrive at NRG Stadium no later than 11:45 a.m.

• All graduates and guests must enter NRG Stadium at the Amegy Entrance. Guests may enter the stadium beginning at 12:00 p.m.


If you are a 2015 graduate requesting special accommodations, please contact Dr. Lee Rinker at 713) 718-5391 or email . Please provide a contact phone number and email address so we may respond to your request.

Family and guest of graduates needing accommodations will be assisted by NRG stadium staff the day of graduation. Please request these services at the front gate (Amegy Bank) Blue Lot.


• Check in at the Registration Sign-in desk, where you will receive a card to print your name and permanent address. Verify that the information is correct. If not, make the necessary and legible corrections on it.

o During the processional, you will carry the card with you, but conceal it in the fold of your gown. You will present the card to the speaker at the podium before you cross the stage to receive your “diploma.”

• Graduates, upon arrival, will be directed to the back staging area before the processional. Commencement Committee Members and Marshals will be available to assist you.


1. Processional – The Student Marshals will lead graduates to their places while the processional music is being played. Please remain standing throughout the processional.

o When given the signal to begin the processional and file into the stadium, graduates should stay in the order in which they were placed.

2. Presentation of ‘Diplomas’:

o First row will stand and advance to the stage. Each successive row will stand and advance when the Lead Marshal indicates.

o Each graduate will hand the card with his/her name printed on it to the speaker. The speaker will then announce the name.

o When your name is called, advance across the stage toward the chancellor, who will present to you your ‘diploma.’

o As you exit the stage, at the bottom of the ramp, your graduation photograph will be taken. After your photograph has been taken, return to your chair, and be seated.

o Return to your seat in order as you exit the stage. Please DO NOT leave the ceremony early! All graduates are expected to stay for the entire ceremony. Please show respect and courtesy to your fellow graduates by staying in your seat until the entire ceremony is completed.

o The ‘diploma’ you are presented on stage, will not be your actual degree or certificate. Degrees and certificates will be mailed to the graduate’s address on record. § The ‘diploma’ you are presented on stage, will not be your actual GED certificate. To order your GED certificate, visit the Texas GED Website: www.texged.com.

o Important Notes: § In order to prevent congestion during the ceremony, please encourage friends and family members to stay seated during the ceremony. Photographs can be taken at the back of the center after the ceremony. In addition, graduates will be able to purchase still photographs and

videos of the ceremony from the photography company, which will send ordering information by mail to graduates within several weeks following the ceremony.

§ The audience will be asked to refrain from applauding until all graduates have crossed the stage. Please do not applaud or cheer for individual graduates.

§ No other photographers will be permitted on the stadium floor or back staging area except contracted HCC photographers.

§ Children will not be allowed to sit or march with graduates.

3. Welcome Address – Audience may be seated.

4. Commencement Address

5. Conferring of Degrees – All graduates will be asked to stand as their degree is announced.

6. Transferring the cap’s tassel:

o The Chancellor will ask all graduates to stand as he makes his final charge.

o Students are instructed to move the tassels of their caps from the right side to the left side.

7. Recessional:

o Audience members should remain seated throughout the ceremony.

o Please ask all of your guests to remain seated until ALL GRADUATES have marched out of the Center.

o The Chancellor will lead the stage party and faculty. Graduates will exit afterwards, leaving from the aisle in which they entered by following their Student Marshal.


• Academic regalia are required to participate in the ceremony.

• The academic cap should be worn straight, and pulled down slightly on the forehead.

• The tassel of the cap should be worn on the right first, and then changed to the left at the end of the ceremony

• The cap and gown cost will be $44.98 + tax.

• Suggested clothing to be worn under the gown:

o MEN - White shirt, dark tie, dark slacks, dark shoes, and dark socks. No sandals

o Women - Dress of lightweight fabric, stockings, and dark shoes with low or medium heels. No sandals

• Graduates should carry nothing in their hands. A copy of the program will be placed on each graduates chair.

• For the safety and security of those attending the commencement, no bags will be permitted in the back staging area with students. This includes, but not limited to purses, backpacks, camera bags, and diaper bags.

• Absolutely no smoking is allowed.

• Academic regalia worn by the graduates are the property of the student and should not be returned.


• If you have any questions or concerns prior to the ceremony, please call 713-718-2000

• Interpreters for the deaf and hard-of-hearing will be included in the ceremony.

• If you encounter any problems or difficulties during the ceremony, contact a Student Marshal, who will then alert appropriate personnel to handle the problem.

• Please request that any guests you invite to the Commencement Ceremony remain in their seats once the ceremony has begun until the end of the ceremony.

• Audience seating for the ceremony is on a first come, first-seated basis. It is recommended that guests arrive at least 45 minutes before the ceremony begins, in order to be seated by a host.

• TheNRG Stadium must be left in the condition in which we found it. It is very important that it be kept clean. Please do not leave any paper or trash in the Stadium.

• Please do not bring babies or small children with you to the ceremony, unless you have guests with whom they can sit. This will avoid the necessity of having to leave your seat during the ceremony.

• Please follow the verbal announcement provide at the end of the ceremony in order to avoid congestion and possible injury as the crowd exits the Stadium.

• Parking Information: Blue Lot $12.00.

• Please tell your guests not to come to the stage to take photographs or to give you flowers. This can be done following the completion of the ceremony. Please inform all family members to hold all gifts, flowers, balloons, etc. until ceremony is completed.

Certificate/Degree Graduates caps and gowns are black with gold tassel.

GED Graduates caps and gowns are gold.

Additional Information and Contact:

• Hotline: 713-718-2000

• Email:

• Live Chat: http://hcc.intelliresponse.com/

• Website: http://www.hccs.edu/district/students/graduation/

Congratulations on your achievement!