Profile Sheet

PBL Lesson Plan for Diverse Learners

Original Title: Scientist Discover Green Goop

Primary Subject Area: Science

Outside Subject Area: Language Arts

Description of student roles and problem situation:

The students will be broken up into groups of four, and there will five total groups. Within the groups the students will be assigned tasks which will require them to work together in order to accomplish their common goal. As scientist they will be responsible for making sure that all aspects of the experiment is covered. Two people in the group will be the observers, one person will be an experimenter and the last person will be the recorder. The students will be responsible for choosing and rotating their jobs.

Teacher: Mrs. Wright

Grade level: 3rd grade

Adaptations for Student from Non-Western culture:

To adapt this lesson for a student from a Non-Western culture, I would do research on the culture that the student comes from. I would make it a point to be sensitive to the cultural views of the student. I would also make sure that there were some materials that would be geared towards the student special needs, for instance in a separate language if necessary. If possible I would also include someone of the student’s culture in the audience.

Adaptations for ESOL Student:

I would make sure that there are materials that would be in the student’s native language. I would allow the student to present their project in their native language.

Title, Learner Characteristics, Sunshine State Standards

Teacher: Kimberly Wright

Primary Subject Area: Science

Outside Subject Area: Language Arts

Class: General Science

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

PBL Title: Scientist Discover Green Goop

SSS in Science:

SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted.

SC.3.N.1.7: Explain that empirical evidence is information, such as observations or measurements, which is used to help validate explanations of natural phenomena.

SSS in Language Arts:

LA. The student will write informational/expository essays that contain at least three paragraphs and include a topic sentence, supporting detail, and relevant information.

Learner Characteristics #1: Primary grade children are still extremely active. Because they are frequently required to participate in sedentary pursuit, energy is often released in the form of nervous habits-for example, pencil chewing, fingernail biting, and general fidgeting. (pg 75)

Justification for #1 By allowing the students to work in small groups the noise level and activity level will go up for the entire classroom. This will help to eliminate some of the nervous habits that may have otherwise become present.

Learner Characteristics #2 Social- Children during this age span often like organized games in small groups, but they may become overly concerned with rules or get carried away by team spirit. (pg. 76)

Justification for #2 The students will have to work in small groups with an organized plan of what needs to be accomplished. The will have a series of tests to perform on the Green Goop and they will need to record their results.

Learner Characteristic #3 Emotional- Children of this age are becoming sensitive to the feelings of others. (pg. 76)

Justification for #3 The students will need to be sensitive to the others in their groups and they will have to find a way to share the responsibilities of their project and to make sure all students are included and the work is divided up evenly.

Learner Characteristic #4 Cognitive- Because of continuing neurological development and limited experience with formal learning tasks, primary grade children do not learn as efficiently as older children do. (pg. 77)

Justification for #4 Because of that statement this project would be a good fit for this age group. By working in small groups they are able to share the tasks and they would rotate positions so that they all get a chance to be the recorder, the scientist, the thinker, and the assistant, making this assignment less frustrating for them.

Learner Characteristic #5 Cognitive- Primary grade children begin to understand that learning and recall are caused by particular cognitive processes that they can control. (pg. 77)

Justification for #5 The students will be interested in the project and therefore will want to learn the process they will need to perform to complete the project.

Learner, Characteristics and SSS—REPOST

Learning Outcomes, Student Role & Problem Situation, Meet the Problem Method

Teacher: Kimberly Wright

Primary Subject Area: Science

Outside Subject Area: Language Arts

Class: General Science

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

PBL Title: Scientist Discover Green Goop

SSS in Science:

SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted.

LO #1 Given the readings of chapter 7 in the text and having a class discussion the students will be able to classify the knowledge acquired through experiments in the appropriate records, written, pictorial, charts or graphs with 90% accuracy.

SC.3.N.1.7: Explain that empirical evidence is information, such as observations or measurements, which is used to help validate explanations of natural phenomena.

LO #2 After reading chapter 7 explaining how to form explanations of natural phenomena the students will be able to formulate their explanations and scoring a satisfactory or above on the rubric.

SSS in Language Arts:

LA. The student will write informational/expository essays that contain at least three paragraphs and include a topic sentence, supporting detail, and relevant information.

LO #3 Given the students completed experiments and gathering the appropriate information students will be able to compose an essay that explains the hypothesis the student has chosen and scoring a satisfactory or above on the rubric.

Description of Student Roles and Problem Situation

The students will be broken up into groups of four, and there will five total groups. Within the groups the students will be assigned tasks which will require them to work together in order to accomplish their common goal. As scientist they will be responsible for making sure that all aspects of the experiment is covered. Two people in the group will be the observers, one person will be an experimenter and the last person will be the recorder. The students will be responsible for choosing and rotating their jobs.

Meet the Problem

Contact: Kimberly Wright
Trey Research
Phone 850 896 2992
Fax 850 896 2993 / 12345 Main Street
Panama City, Fl 32444
Phone 850 896 2992
Fax 850 896 2993 / Trey Research

Press Release

To: Trey Research: GREEN GOOP found all over Panama City Fl. Found on door steps, in yards, on the City Courthouse.

From: City Officials are concerned about the possible ramifications of the Green Goop found all over town. Is it toxic, will it hurt the environment? There are so many questions surrounding the GREEN GOOP!

Panama City, Fl, January 30, 2009: Residents of Panama City, Fl awoke this morning to Green Goop covering all of their possessions outside. Some residents are afraid of leaving their homes for fear that the Goop may be dangerous. In addition to that there are numerous accounts of loud noises reported over night along with some flashes of bright lights.

·  If you have any additional information to add please contact the Police Station at 747-0074

·  For further concerns please stay tuned there will be a question and answer session

·  The Mayor of Panama City will address the city within the hour.


1.  If you have more information please relay them the scientist directly at Lynn Have Elem School. The phone number is 850-265-2131.

2.  Please stay tuned for further information, the astute scientist at Lynn Haven Elem School are on the job and they will not rest until the communities questions are answered First response should be expected by Feb 15 they will have some answers for all of the concerned citizens.

Problem Statement, Know/Need to Know Boards, Possible Resources

Teacher: Kimberly Wright

Primary Subject Area: Science

Outside Subject Area: Language Arts

Class: General Science

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

PBL Title: Scientist Discover Green Goop

SSS in Science:

SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted.

LO #1 Given the readings of chapter 7 in the text and having a class discussion the students will be able to classify the knowledge acquired through experiments in the appropriate records, written, pictorial, charts or graphs with 90% accuracy.

SC.3.N.1.7: Explain that empirical evidence is information, such as observations or measurements, which is used to help validate explanations of natural phenomena.

LO #2 After reading chapter 7 explaining how to form explanations of natural phenomena the students will be able to formulate their explanations with 90% accuracy.

SSS in Language Arts:

LA. The student will write informational/expository essays that contain at least three paragraphs and include a topic sentence, supporting detail, and relevant information.

LO #3 Given the students completed experiments and gathering the appropriate information students will be able to compose an essay that explains the hypothesis the student has chosen with 85% accuracy.

Description of Student Roles and Problem Situation

The students will be broken up into groups of four, and there will five total groups. Within the groups the students will be assigned tasks which will require them to work together in order to accomplish their common goal. As scientist they will be responsible for making sure that all aspects of the experiment is covered. Two people in the group will be the observers, one person will be an experimenter and the last person will be the recorder. The students will be responsible for choosing and rotating their jobs.

Meet the Problem

A press release that will inform the students of the problems that are at hand with the Green Goop.

Contact: Kimberly Wright
Trey Research
Phone 850 896 2992
Fax 850 896 2993 / 12345 Main Street
Panama City, Fl 32444
Phone 850 896 2992
Fax 850 896 2993 / Trey Research

Press Release

Trey Research: GREEN GOOP found all over Panama City Fl. Found on door steps, in yards, on the City Courthouse.

City Officials are concerned about the possible ramifications of the Green Goop found all over town. Is it toxic, will it hurt the environment? There are so many questions surrounding the GREEN GOOP!

Panama City, Fl, January 30, 2009: Residents of Panama City, Fl awoke this morning to Green Goop covering all of their possessions outside. Some residents are afraid of leaving their homes for fear that the Goop may be dangerous. In addition to that there are numerous accounts of loud noises reported over night along with some flashes of bright lights.

·  If you have any additional information to add please contact the Police Station at 747-0074

·  For further concerns please stay tuned there will be a question and answer session

·  The Mayor of Panama City will address the city within the hour.


3.  If you have more information please relay them the scientist directly at Lynn Have Elem School. The phone number is 850-265-2131.

4.  Local news sources will continue to keep you updated you can receive live streaming feed at

5.  Please stay tuned for further information, the astute scientist at Lynn Haven Elem School are on the job and they will not rest until the communities questions are answered.

Problem Statement:

How can we as Scientist discover what the Green Goop is in such a way that we make sure:

·  it is safe for the environment

·  ensure human safety

·  find the cause of the Green Goop and a solution from keeping it from happening again

·  we do not or the Green Goop does not negatively impact the environment during the removal stages

·  the scientist stay within budget constraints for the project

·  the scientist stay within the allotted time frame for the project

What we know:

There is Green Goop all over town

There are citizens of Panama City that are in a panic

There is Green Goop on surfaces outside

Citizens of Panama City can follow the latest developments on line watching a live streaming video

The scientist of Lynn Haven Elementary School are going to spend the next day’s figuring out what the Green Goop is and

They will determine if it is toxic for the environment

They will determine if it is toxic for the citizens of Panama City

They will investigate the loud noises and the bright flashes of light seen and heard by the citizens the night before

Need to Know

The scientists need to know what the substance is?

Is the substance a liquid?

Is the substance a solid?

Is it toxic?

Will it damage the environment?

Will certain objects sit on top of the surface?

Will other objects sink to the bottom of the surface?

Where did it come from?

Will it happen again?

What will it take to clean up the substance?

Possible Resources:

Possible sources of the green goop

Other resources

Definition of Liquid*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7TSHB&defl=en&q=define:liquid&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title

Definition of Solid*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7TSHB&defl=en&q=define:liquid&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title

Definition of scientific method*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7TSHB&defl=en&q=define:scientific+method&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title

Is it a liquid or solid

Capstone Performance

Teacher: Kimberly Wright

Primary Subject Area: Science

Outside Subject Area: Language Arts