Dartmouth High School
School Advisory Council / Chairperson: Richard Doucette
c/o Dartmouth High School
95 Victoria Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3A 1V2

DHS SAC Minutes- September, 2009 @ 7pm

Present: Eartha Monard, Richard Doucette, Maureen Banfield, John Regan, Rachael Tabor, Cynthia Plant Hansen, Fred Gaspar, Mary Lynn Kersey, Michael Chiasson, Heather Elms-Wood, Peter Krasemann, Julia Gaspar, Bonnie Gibson, Linda Rowe, Mike Page,


Guests: Ivan Skeete

The minutes of the May 4th meeting were approved as written. It was noted that Gord and Shelley are retiring from the SAC, their contribution will be missed.

1. Business Arising from Minutes

The proposed Metro Transit terminal status was questioned; Eartha mentioned there may be some financial issues slowing the process. The appointment of a member to follow up was tabled for a future meeting.

2. Student Council Report:

Peter and Julia reported that the council has its full 22 members, upcoming events will include an ice cream social, an opportunities fair at DHS, and 40 people have signed up for the Run for the Cure event. A successful Terry Fox Run raised $702.

3. Principal's Report:

Eartha reported on the following information and initiatives:

·  It has been a good start to the school year; she introduced the two new vice-principals, John Regan and Maureen Banfield.

·  The Future Shop donated a $50,000 Tech Lab to DHS, only one of four in Canada, with the most up to date and advanced computers and software.

·  We have had assemblies for the grade 11’s and 10’s to introduce the administrative team and outline our expectations.

·  PEBS (Positive Effective Behavior Supports) is unofficially launched, signs outlining the PEBS matrix is in each classroom and hallways, (many thanks to Mattatall Signs for providing the signs). There will be a free dance Nov 5 for students with no unexcused absences.

·  The new website for DHS will go online soon.

·  To support the upcoming renovations, a consulting architect firm has been hired to do a preliminary survey of the school. Eartha will check to see what work was done in the locker room/bathrooms in the Old Gym. Air quality remains an issue in the Old Gym.

·  A report from AIMS (Atlantic Institute of Market Studies) reporting on high schools in Atlantic Canada has some flaws and misleading numbers. Eartha has been trying to contact AIMS director. Fred asked for a more analytical report for next meeting

·  The Education Minister’s report is available on the DOE website, Eartha reported DHS’s math 12 results as follows:

DHS Math 12 pass rate 54% (HRSB 58%)

DHS Adv Math 12 pass rate 88% (HRSB 77%)

There were no stats for English in the report.

·  There was a second training session for the leadership team for PFI (Planning for Improvement). The plan will be outlined to staff on Sept 25th PD day, with the goal to create a document to guide DHS into the future.

·  There are 17 new staff members, with that comes new styles and energy.

·  The newsletter will be out tomorrow, and on the website.

·  The new Games Room is open; staff is working on a supervision schedule.

·  DHS received $4,200 from Chapters - Proceeds from the fundraiser in June. This money is being used to replenish our library collection. A plaque will be presented to Chapters, hopefully in a public forum to thank them for their contribution to DHS library.

New Business:

·  Eartha outlined the SAC policy document, and emphasized the roles and responsibilities of the SAC.

·  John explained the PFI accreditation process that will happen this year to create this formal document. (5 year plan) The accreditation process is DOE driven through the HRSB. The SAC will have an advisory role in this planning.

·  A new chair was needed for the school discipline committee. Rachel offered to chair, and Cynthia, Heather and Mary Lynn will be members. They will meet with Eartha to go over roles and responsibilities.

·  The SAC bylaws were revised last year, and will be put on the next agenda for discussion. We will also need to look at the “Letter of Understanding” regarding elections, agendas, minutes and bylaws.

·  Mike P. will serve as ad hoc secretary until one is elected.

·  There was some discussion of the SAC make-up, we will need 2 community members and 2 student members, and will actively seek new members starting on curriculum night.

·  There will need to be an election for SAC chair, Richard suggested it would be useful for the potential chair to have SAC experience. It was indicated that there may be individuals who have had SAC experience at the elementary and junior high level who may be interested in the position of the chair. It was decided to have the election for SAC chair at the meeting in October.

Special Mentions:

·  Richard mentioned that Julia G. made an excellent presentation on Mexico at the SAC meeting in May

Round Table Discussion:

·  There were some questions regarding PEBS rewards and incentives. These have not been finalized by the PEBS committee yet. The dance on Nov 5 is being offered as an attendance incentive.

·  Richard indicated that funding is still in place for DHS improvements, Fred suggested the provincial deficit may impact on this.

The next meeting will be held at 7pm on October 5, 2009.

Any additions or corrections to the minutes should be forwarded to Richard Doucette, Chair.

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