Kiwanis Club of WenatcheeMeeting Tuesday NoonVolume 2012-13, 53
State Farm Insurance
Ernie Hobbs
Wenatchee 662-9574
H. Steven Harvey DDS
Hospital & General Dentistry
211 Whitman Way
Wenatchee 663-5722
Country Financial
Laurie Mooney
1 S. Chelan, Suite A
Wenatchee 663-3800
Alan L. Smith CPA
Linder & Goetz, PS
Tax & Accounting
159 S. Worthen, Ste 100
Wenatchee 662-9691
Wenatchee Kiwanis Foundation
Remember the Foundation in your planning of the future
2012 – 2013
Doug Head (1 yr)
Greg Heuchert (1 yr)
Deb Montgomery (1 yr)
Byron Moore (1 yr)
Randy Davis (2 yr)
Jerome Tuss (2 yr)
Mark Wiser (2 yr)
Tony Wright (2 yr)
2011 – 2012
PresidentDick Ward
Pres. ElectTrina Heuchert
Vice Pres. Vacant
Secretary Melody Neidhart
Treasurer Bill Dearing
Past Pres. Mel Birmingham / Meeting of October 29, 2013
What a beautiful day to be a part of Kiwanis – walking in to see our honored Key Club kids dispersed amongst members is always a welcome sight! Not only do they make the day better, but they are always an active part of our meetings which makes it extra special. We welcomed: Edan Patterson, Dustin Jackson, President Francesca Nevill, Alexa Andre, Arturo Diaz, Cierra Wright & Elizabeth Sitiu, as well as our guest speaker Dr. Peter Rutherford.
The flag salute: Francisca Nevill; Patriotic song: Cierra Wright & Elizabeth Sitiu; Invocation: Mel Birmingham;Introduction of guests: Tom Irvin; Lucky dog drawing: Tom Irvin; and happy buck collection: Ken Buttel
Lucky Dog drawing winners: Diane Owen ($5) and Kurt Harvey didn’t roll a pair, so next week will be $15
Marc Wiser on behalf of Debora Montgomery advised we need more people to sign up for the November 1st concessions at Wenatchee High School. It will be at 6pm. Please be there by 5:45pm. At this point, we need 9 more people. Who knows someone from outside the club who would want to have fun at the biggest game of the season?
Earl Carey gave a report on the Firefighters Coats for Kids. He said it was a terrific event where kids got to pick their coats. They ran out of bigger sizes, so some kids had to take a rain check. All in all, a very successful event that buys only made in the USA so they benefit more than just the kids.
Reminder for all Veterans: Wenatchee Fire Fighters will be hosting their annual Veterans Day barbeque on November 11th after the parade. All Veterans and their families are encouraged to stop by the station, grab some grub & say hi!
Tom Irvin advised that we have tentative plans to take the late Les Keeney’s Kiwanian of the Year award out to the Rock Island Tavern in 1 or 2 weeks; it will most likely be on a Wednesday or Thursday.
President Dick Ward let us know that the club needs someone to step up and volunteer to be the clubs Vice President, as well as someone to take money at the door before meetings.
Key Club President Francesca Neville announced that the Wenatchee Key club is winning in their Eliminate project competition with East Wenatchee’s Key Club! They netted about $300 from their last event and will be out in force on Halloween – trick or treating for UNICEF
John Hook gave an interclub report advising November Interclubs:
11/05/13 – Apple Valley at Sherry’s in E. Wenatchee at 7am
11/06/13 – If we can get 4 people: there is a meeting in Ephrata at noon
11/07/13 – Division Council Meeting at the Methodist Church in Wenatchee – be there at 6:30pm; starts at 7pm
11/11/13 – Wacoka at American Legion in Cashmere at 6:30pm
Dr. Peter Rutherford was our speaker today. He has been married to his wife, Karen for over 30 years and they have 2 sons. He joined Wenatchee Valley Medical Center in 1990 and after serving in various positions, became CEO of Confluence Health when it was formed in 2013 as an affiliation between Central Washington Hospital and Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.
Dr. Rutherford came to talk to us about Healthcare and where it is going in the future. He made it clear that the current health care system cannot sustain itself long term. People in the US spend far more money each year on health care than citizens of other developed countries but there are more deaths from chronic disease – he stated that the quality of care in our country is not as good as it could be. In order to adapt, the focus needs to be on value – maximizing outcome while reducing cost. He asked “where can we cut waste”?
He mentioned ideas like making regular care accessible for everyone close to home, but that people will be expected to travel farther for specialty care. Also, encouraging people to choose a Primary Care Physician to provide preventative care and develop a relationship with; making sure your wishes are known before something happens so your life isn’t extended beyond your wishes. He briefly mentioned choosing a holistic approach to health – to include a better diet and more exercise. Given that the foods you find today weren’t around 50 years ago and that many diseases today were very rare in 1960, it seems diet might be the first pick – there is probably a reason Wenatchee residents are far healthier than others.
Dr. Rutherford gave us a bit of information on the Affordable Health Care Act. He let us know that people who are below 138% of Poverty Level ($23,550 for a family of 4) will be eligible for Medicaid. Many families will also be eligible for a subsidy through the Exchange – a family of 4 can make as much as 400% of poverty level ($94,200/yr.) and get a subsidy. There are now 2 exchanges in Chelan County.
November Program Chair: Theresa Samuelson
November 5: Andrew Behler, program coordinator from Wenatchee Valley College will talk about their Adult Basic Skills program
November 12: Dave Tosh – the new director of the Senior Center
November 19: Hard times party
November 26: Field trip to West Side High School.
November 5: Paul Gray
November 12: Bill Dearing
November 19: Ken Buttel (giver of hugs)
November 26: Jerrilea Crawford
A first grade teacher had 26 students in her class. She presented each with the first half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the rest. It is hard to believe these were the results:
1.Don’t change the horses / until they stop running
2.Strike while the / bug is close.
3.It’s always darkest before / daylight savings time.
4.Never underestimate the power of / termites.
5.You can lead a horse to water but / how?
6.Don’t bite the hand that / looks dirty.
7.No news is / impossible
8.A miss is as good as / a Mr.
9.You can’t teach an old dog new / math.
10.If you lie down with dogs you’ll / stink in the morning
11.Love all, trust / me.
12.The pen is mightier than the / pigs.
13.An idle mind is / the best way to relax.
14.Where there’s smoke there’s / pollution.
15.Happy the bride who / gets all the presents
16.A penny saved is / not much.
17.Two’s company, three’s / the Musketeers!
18.Don’t put off till tomorrow what / you put on to go to bed.
19.Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and / you have to blow your nose.
20.There are none so blind as / Stevie Wonder.
21.Children should be seen and not / spanked or grounded
22.If at first you don’t succeed / get new batteries
23.You get out of something what you / see in the picture on the box.
24.When the blind lead the blind / get out of the way.
25.A bird in the hand / is going to poop on you.
26.Better late than / pregnant.