Children’s Board of Hillsborough County

PRO 2018-06 Request for Proposals Summer Services

Empowerment/Planning Evaluation Matrix[i] - ATTACHMENT #3

Agency: Effective: May 01, 2018 – August 03, 2018


2018 Summer Services Grants
Goal statement: To further develop an agency’s ability to increase access and enrich quality summer activities for underserved youth ages 6-14.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Process Objectives
(What) / Program Activities (How) / Responsible Parties(Who) / Expected Outcomes/Deliverables
(Why) / Indicator Measurements
(Evidence) / Data Source
(Where) / End of Summer Performance
At least(insert number to be served)youth will have increased access to summer programming. / a)Create summer enrollment form with required CATS data fields
b)Input demographic data in CATS / To be completed by Proposer / 1. Demographic composition ofyouthenrolledin the summerprogram. / Collect required demographic data for all participating youth. / Entry in Children’s Board Analytical Tracking System (CATS) / N/A for outcome (1) since information is in CATS.
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Process Objectives
(What) / Program Activities (How) / Responsible Parties(Who) / Expected Outcomes/Deliverables
(Why) / Indicator Measurements
(Evidence) / Data Source
(Where) / End of Summer Performance
At least(insert number to be served)youth will have increased access to summer programming.
Summer Program:
­Start Date
­End Date
­Total # of weeks
­Total # of days per week
­Daily Hours of Operation / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome. / To be completed by Proposer / 2. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number from objective)youthwill remain engaged in summer programming / a)Number ofyouthenrolled inthe summer program.
b)Number of youth who remained engaged for duration of the program. / Attendance Log / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Process Objectives
(What) / Program Activities (How) / Responsible Parties(Who) / Expected Outcomes/Deliverables
(Why) / Indicator Measurements
(Evidence) / Data Source
(Where) / End of Summer Performance
At least (insert number to be served)youth will participate in Safety activities. / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 3. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youth will increase their knowledge of safety practices. / a)Number of youth participating in Safety-related activities.
b)Number of field trips (if applicable)
c)Number of youth who attended each field trip (if applicable) / Attendance Log / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
At least (insert number to be served)youth will participate in Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) activities. / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 4. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youthwill increase their skills, knowledge in science, technology, engineering, or math. / a)Number of youth participating in STEM –related activities
b)Number of youth completing at least__ (insert number)STEM projects
c)Number of field trips (if applicable)
d)Number of youth whoattended each fieldtrip (if applicable) / Attendance Log / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
At least (insert number to be served) youth will participate in
Character Development activities. / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 5. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youthwill demonstrate increased knowledge or behavior in positive social skills. / a)Number of youth participating in related activities
b)Number of field trips (if applicable)
c)Number of youth who attended each field trip (if applicable) / Attendance Log / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
At least (insert number to be served)youth will participate in
Sports activities. / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 6. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youth will actively participate in physical activity. / a)Number of youth participating in physical activities
b)Number of youthengaged in at least one hour of daily physical activity
c)Total number of hours youth participating in physical activity / Attendance and Physical Activity Time
Logs. / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
At least __ (insert number to be served) youth will participate in
Literacy activities (reading and writing only). / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 7. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youth will engage in reading and writing activities. / a) Number of youth participating in Literacy activities
b) Totalnumber ofhours youthspent reading
c) Total number of books read
d) Totalnumber ofhours youth spent journaling / Attendance Log
Reading Log / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
At least (insert number to be served) youth will participate in
Art classes. / Proposer: List activities to meet this outcome, specify the duration and frequency of each activity (include start and end date). / To be completed by Proposer / 8. Atleast80%of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)youthwill demonstrate increased knowledge in the Arts. / a)NumberofyouthparticipatingArt programming
b)Number of youthcompleting an Art project.
c)Number of youth participating in end-of summer showcase (if applicable)
d)Number of field trips (if applicable)
e)Number of youth who attended each field trip (if applicable) / Attendance log. / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Process Objectives
(What) / Program Activities (How) / Responsible Parties(Who) / Expected Outcomes/Deliverables
(Why) / Indicator Measurements
(Evidence) / Data Source
(Where) / End of Summer Performance
At least (insert number to be served) parents/caregivers will complete a summer satisfaction survey for all youth served / a)Administer program satisfaction survey to parents /caregivers
b)Summarize survey responses and report / To be completed by Proposer /
  1. At least 80% of a minimum of __ (insert number to be served)parents/caregivers will express high levels of satisfaction with summer programming.
/ Parent/Caregiver Satisfaction Survey must include the following questions:
  1. “The camp is a safe and caring place for my child to learn and have fun”
  2. “Did your child attend any summer camp last year?”
A score of Agree or higher on Question 1 from the Parent/Caregiver Satisfaction survey
Summarized responses to Question 2 / Parent/Caregiver Satisfaction Survey / To be completed at end of program
Comments and Status:
To be completed at end of program


1Revised June, 2002 adapted from “Empowerment Evaluation Tool 1” by Dr. Barbara Morrison-Rodriguez