Paper B

East MidlandsJIP Commissioning and Market Development Programme Board

Action tracker from Programme Board held on 27th November 2009

Outstanding actions from meeting held on 12thOct 2009

Item no. / Subject / Action noted / Action taken / RAG
3 / Transforming Community Equipment Services / KC/SBa? to discuss potential for a regional approach with Danny Doherty’s national team. / Meeting with KC, SBa and DRD Rachel Holynska scheduled for 1st Feb 2010 and will include discussion on options for TCES. / A
3. / Draft revised Terms of reference (TOR) / All DASS to nominate contact for C&MD Board from LAs not represented, to attend if wished. / Representatives from DerbyCity and Rutland outstanding. / A
SBto contactOne East Midlands re:third sector representation on the Board. / Hannah Luck, ONE EM Communications manager to attend pending rep. nominee. / G
SB to contact Skills for Care regarding SfC Executive nominating a representative from their independent sector forum joining the Board. / Debbie Stojak (Vice Chair of SFC EM Reg committee) and Melanie Weatherly ( SFC Lincolnshire Independent Sectorrep on SFC EM Reg committee) to attend 27/1/10 / G

Actions from meeting held on 27th November 2009

Item no. / Subject / Action noted / Action taken / RAG
3. / OLM pilot / CSp to do further presentation on OLM pilot and how it could align to adult social care / Agenda item for 27th Jan with discussion on joint strategic approach, building local expertise / G
3. / Regional C&MD web page / SB to circulate web address for this which is now a section on EM Personalisation site / Web address sent out in minutes of last meeting / G
4 / Commissioning & Market Dev Prog. / CC to send details of another regional commissioning gp chaired by Joe Pigeon to SB / Network currently under review. To await outcome from this. / G
5 / TASC self assessment tool / SB & Jan Clark added in a small no. regional items to the national TASC self-assessment. Tool circulated to Board with papers. / JChas circulated tool, LA responses by 15th Jan. Regional analysis to be submitted to Jeff Jerome by 31st Jan & brought to next Brd / G
7 / EM Contracting Workshop / ‘Contracting for Personalised Outcomes’ workshop on 4th Feb. Each LA asked to nominate a team of up to 6 by 14th Jan. / Nominations outstanding from 2 LAs / A
8 / National Provider Development
Programme / 6 EM proposals submitted to the national programme. / Nottinghamshire (LD supported living) and Northants (Acquired Brain Injury Services). Projects to start Jan 10. / G
9 / EM Festival of Ideas / To be held 17th March, Derbyshire Conference Centre. Focus: Developing the Market for Personalisation. / Invites to LAs and call for ideas from independent sector went out 20th Jan. / G
5 / Shaping the Market / 48 placements made. No LAs have verified savings as required by the RIEP who funded the project. / ACTION needed: all LAs to verify savings asap. / R
Care Funding Calculator (CfC) / LAs to verify savings SB to check with HR that an ongoing rolling system to collect future savings can be implemented. / Ongoing system agreed by HR.
ACTION needed: Lincolnshire & Northants to verify savings. / R
Web enabling the CfC / MT to email KC asking for the Children’s contact name to be forwarded to the Board
Residential Rehabilitation for D&A Services / All LAs to ensure their legal services sign off the revised specification by end Nov 2009. / Documentation revised to be more effective. To be circulated for sign off by end Jan 2010 / A
6 / Micro Market Project / All to send any comments on PID to SB by 4th Dec. SB to revise with worker salary range and then circulate. / PID revised and circulated. LAs to make expressions of interest,confirming PID commitments, by 31st Jan. By 14th JanLA nominations for launch workshop 28th Jan / A
7 / E-market Project / All LAs wishing to access the RIEP capital RIEP funding available to present a business case to SB outlining the capital spend requested and efficiencies to be delivered (estimated using mietool) by 31st Jan 2010. / LLR doing joint business case & will tender.
Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire developing individual business cases.
No response from Derby City, Nottingham City & Northamptonshire, / A