MAC 1140Pre-Calculus Algebra

Fall Session 2015-2016 Section 491


Professor: Cora Wilkerson
Office: SPG SA 216
Phone: 727-341-3518
Office Hours: M,W: 1:00 - 5:20; T,R: 3:30 - 5:30; F: 10:00 - 10:30 & 12:30 - 2:00
Note: Mycourses email is the preferred method of communication outside of office hours.


Dean: Jimmy Chang
Office: SP-SA 215
Phone: (727)341-4305
Chair(or Program Director): David Kolonoski
Office: SPG SA 215
Phone: 727-341-4757


Course Description:
Prerequisite: MAC 1105 or appropriate score on mathematics placement test or program director approval. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114. Major topics include: polynomial, rational and other algebraic functions, their properties and graphs; polynomial and rational inequalities; exponential and logarithmic functions, their properties and graphs; piecewise-defined functions; conic sections; matrices and determinants; sequences and series; mathematical induction; binomial theorem and applications. Credit is not given for both MAC 1140 and MAC 1106 or MAC 1140 and MAC 1147. 47 contact hours.
Course Goals:
1. The student will demonstrate understanding of relations and functions including conic sections by:
a. communicating using precise mathematical language.
b. determining the properties and graphs of given functions (polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and other algebraic functions).
c. solving and graphing piecewise-defined functions.
d. determining the properties and graphs of conic sections (circle, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola).
2. The student will demonstrate ability to solve and graph equations and inequalities and to use matrices and determinants by:
a. solving and graphing polynomial and rational equations and inequalities.
b. solving systems of equations by matrices and determinants.
3. The student will demonstrate ability to analyze and apply concepts of this course by:
a. determining specific terms of arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums of series.
b. proving a given statement by use of mathematical induction.
c. expanding by the use of the binomial theorem.
d. applying knowledge of given functions to real world problems such as curve fitting, modeling, optimization, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay.
MAC 1105 or appropriate score on the SPC mathematics placement test or program director approval.


·  Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, Sullivan, Sullivan, Sixth Edition
ISBN: 9780321795465 and My Math Lab. OR: Just MML, but you must have access to the e-book. MML ID: wilkerson46288
·  Access to a computer and the internet
· (Check your email daily.)
·  A Graphing Calculator is required, TI 83 or TI 84 preferred. I do not allow the following calculators on tests: TI 89, TI 92, Voyage, cell phones. The N-Spire is OK only if the TI 84 plate is used.


Course Location: SPG SA 219
Meeting Days: T,Th
Class Times: 2:00 - 3:15


Deadline to drop with refund: Aug. 21, 2015 (Financial Aid -
Labor Day Sept. 7 No School
All College Day Oct. 20 No School
Deadline to withdraw with a grade of “W” Oct. 22
Veteran's Day Nov. 11 No School
Thanksgiving Nov. 25 - 27 No School
Final Exams Dec. 7 - 10


Internet Usage and Electronic Devices:
Students will use the internet on campus to access class-related resources only. Students using computers and the internet on campus may be subject to electronic monitoring. Inappropriate use will result in disciplinary action.
All electronic devices such as cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be turned off prior to entering any classroom, library or laboratory. Use of any device in these areas is a violation of College Policy and subject to disciplinary action.
Calculator Policy: An approved graphing calculator may be used on Homework, Quizzes, Tests and Exams.
Class Calendar Policy: Students are responsible for following the class schedule. If you miss class, be sure to contact the instructor regarding missed material and any announcements.
Tutoring:Tutoring in math, reading, and writing is available free of charge in the Learning Support Commons. Please visit the web page at for more information.
My Courses:In order to better serve our faculty and students we are asking that both the instructor and student use the logoff button when finished with the my courses session. By logging off, my courses server space is freed, and therefore, optimizing the system. In addition, logging off will more accurately record students’ time involved in the course.
Technical Support:
SPC helpdesk: (727)341-4357, or


The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation” in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus. For this class, if you miss 3 or more classes in a row, you may be considered to be “Not Actively Participating”. Students that do not meet the active class participation requirement will be withdrawn from the course with a failing grade. Students having zero unexcused absences will receive 5 bonus points. Students with only one unexcused absence will receive 3 bonus points. Students who are late to class or leave early will lose one point each time. Attendance and participation will be used to decide borderline grades.


The last day a student can withdraw from this course and receive a grade of W is October 22, 2015.
It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course themselves by the withdrawal deadline. Any student wishing to withdraw from the course should do so online at: In accordance with college policy, no student can withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline. Do NOT ask your instructor to withdraw you from the course. It is your responsibility.
Third attempts: Students attempting this course for the third time (or more) cannot withdraw (State of Florida regulation), and failing to meet the attendance requirement will result in a grade of WF.


Students enrolled after the withdrawal deadline will receive one of the grades below:
Grading scale: Homework in MML = 20%, Tests = 60%, Final Exam = 20%
90 or above A
80–89 B
70–79 C
60–69 D
below 60 F
NOTE: Students receiving a D are strongly encouraged to repeat this class.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will a student receive a W grade after the withdrawal deadline. Students on their third attempt cannot withdraw from the class after the first week.


There will be five (5) tests, several homework assignments and a final exam. Make-up tests will be given in only extreme circumstances (i.e. family emergencies, injury, etc.). (Documentation must be provided.) If a test is missed without prior consultation (exceptions being the reasons listed above), the score for that test will be a “0.” Your lowest test grade will be replaced with your final exam grade. The final is comprehensive and mandatory. Approved graphing calculators may be used on every test.
Homework is in 2 parts. I. Book assignments, in the course content tab in my courses (these are not collected.) II. My Math Lab assignments. You will have 3 attempts on each assignment. These are worth 10 points each.
Note: All students with disabilities must provide appropriate documentation if they need special arrangements for testing.


Course Policies and Procedures: The student is responsible for knowing all course policies listed in the syllabus.
Etiquette: The student will communicate with others in a courteous and respectful manner at all times, including the instructor.
Due Dates: The student is responsible for knowing when assignments and reviews are due and when tests and the final exam are to be taken.
Academic Honesty: The student is expected to know the SPC Academic Honesty Policy and to act above suspicion at all times with regard to academic issues.
Attendance: The student is also responsible for reviewing the attendance record with the instructor for inaccuracies and excessive absences.


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.


Please visit the Syllabus Addendum web page at for the most current information and policies.

Other Important Notes:

* If you are a student with a disability, please bring your accommodation sheet to me ASAP.

* If you are considering dropping this class, please talk to me first!

*I am here to help you succeed in this class. Please do not hesitate to call, email or drop by my office during my office hours. If my office hours to not fit your schedule, contact me to schedule an appointment.

*Each student is responsible for earning his/her grade. I do not give grades that are not earned. The time to seek help is at the beginning of the semester and continuously throughout, not just at the end.

* If a catastrophic event prevents us from using the physical buildings on campus, the course will be completed online using Mycourses.

Keys to Success:

*Ask Questions

*Work with other students

*Seek help early and often

*Plan time in your schedule to seek help

*Do not miss class, come in late or leave early

*Review your notes, read the book and do your homework before each class.

Projected Test Dates: These dates are subject to change. Changes will be announced in class.

September 10 Test #1 2.4 & Ch. 4

September 29 Test #2 5.3 - 5.8

October 15 Test #3 1.5, 10.2-10.4

November 10 Test #4 11.1-11.3, 11.5, 11.6

December 3 Test #5 12.1 - 12.5

SIGNATURE: Print this page, sign and date it, and then give it to your instructor by the end of the first week.

I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum.
Print Your name:
Student Signature: Date: