1. The name of this unit shall be AG Bell PTSA; the local unit number is 2.8.10. This PTSA was chartered on April 24, 1967.

2. This PTSA serves the children in the AG Bell Elementary School community.

3. This unit was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington on July 31, 1978, and the annual renewal date is July 31st of each year. Its corporation number is available upon request. The treasurer is responsible for filing the Annual Corporation Report. The registered agent for this corporation is the Washington State PTA.

4. This PTSA is registered with the Secretary of State under the Charitable Solicitations Act and is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The registration number is available upon request. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration.

5.This unit was recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization on August 24, 2004, under Section 501 © 3.

6. The annual membership service fees of this unit shall be no more than $12.00 per individual, $20.00 per family (including 2 adults), $10.00 per staff member, or $25.00 for a business membership. The membership fees will be decided by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Any community member (individual with no children at AG Bell) wishing to join our PTSA will pay $12.00. The membership fees shall be no less than necessary to cover the required National, State, and Council fees.

7. The officers of this unit shall be President, Executive VP, Secretary, and Treasurer. They will be known as the Executive Committee, and shall meet at the discretion of the President. Only the position of President may be held jointly. In the case of Co-Presidents, only the presiding President of that meeting shall have a tie-breaking vote. The non-presiding President has a voice and a vote. The executive VP will be appointed by the President from theelected VP’s. These officers will be in position for no less than 1 year and no more than 2 consecutive years and must be elected each year.

8. The Vice Presidents of this unit shall consist of the VP Fundraising and VP School Servicesand VP Membership. These VPs will be in position for no less than 1 year and no more than 2 consecutive years.

9. All elected officers shall complete their training requirements during their term as mandated by the Washington State PTA. State-approved trainings include the Region 2 Fall Conference, Region 2 Spring Conference, PTA & the Law, or the Washington State PTA Convention.

10. The Officers and Vice Presidents shall be elected by the last day of April and assume office in the month of May in conjunction with the previous Officers and Vice Presidents.

11. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Vice Presidents, Committee Chairs, Newsletter Editor, and Legislative Representative.

12.The Board of Directors shall meet monthly. A quorum for Board meeting is a simple majority (50%+1).

13. An office shall be declared vacant if an officer is absent three (3) consecutive meetings, unless previously excused by the President.

14. In the event that the President or a co-President is unable to preside over a meeting, the executive VP shall call the meeting to order and preside. In the event that both the president and executive VP are unable to preside, the secretary shall call the meeting to order and announce which VP shall preside over the meeting.

15. If any office becomes vacant the President will appoint a replacement until someone can be elected at a General Membership meeting.

16. All members of the Board of Directors, all committee chairs and all committee members must be members of the AG Bell PTSA.

17. The PTSA shall conduct a financial review of its books and records at the close of the fiscal year. The financial review is to be conducted by a qualified accounting professional or committee.

18. The signatures of the Executive Committee shall be on the authorized signature card for this PTSA’s bank account. Two signatures shall be required for issuance of checks.

19. This PTSA shall approve its annual budget in the spring of each year. Committee Chairpersons need approval from the Board of Directors to exceed their budget by more than 3%. The budget will be amended and reapproved in the Fall for the following school year.

20. The Board of Directors, upon majority vote, may amend the budget by 10% of the total budget without a vote by the general membership.

21. This unit shall keep at least two copies of its legal documents in separate locations. The Secretary and Treasurer shall maintain the documents in a notebook.

22. All committee chairs are requested to attend the three annual General Membership meetings AND the monthly Board meetings to give a report OR submit a written report. All committee chairs are ad-hoc members of the Board and are welcome at all board meetings.

23. All requests for reimbursement shall be submitted, with original receipts attached, to the Treasurer by June 1 of the current school year.

24. Students of AG Bell Elementary are honorary members of the AG Bell PTSA without the privilege of vote.

25. There shall be at least three general membership meetings of this unit during the year to conduct business, adopt the budget, approve the standing rules, elect the nominating committee and elect the executive committee and VPs.

26. The quorum for a general membership meeting shall be 10.

27. One member of the PTSA shall be a representative to theLWPTSA Council. The representative will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

28. The Nominating Committee is comprised of at least two committee chairpersons, not more than one Board of Directors member, and at least one general PTSA member, and shall be elected by the last day of January. Members of the Nominating Committee shall not serve two consecutive terms unless first approved at a general membership meeting.

29. Voting delegates to the Lake Washington PTSA Council shall be the President and three (3) authorized delegates. Voting delegates to Annual State PTSA Convention shall be determined in the following order: Outgoing President (s), incoming President(s), incoming Vice President(s), incoming Secretary, incoming Treasurer followed by the other appointments made by the outgoing President. The Board of Directors shall determine the number of delegates funded by this PTSA.

30. The Golden Acorn Award(s) shall be presented annually to an outstanding volunteer(s).

31. The outgoing President shall be responsible for the handing down or purchasing of the incoming President’s pin.

32.These Standing Rules shall be adopted annually by a majority vote at a general membership meeting and may be amended at any general membership meeting by two-thirds vote.

Approved on: June 11, 2014

Co-President: Julie Voigt

Co-President: Erica Upmeyer