12 Aug 2016

(except ammunition)
(Article 11 of Directive 2014/28/EU)
1. Nature of authorisation
Expiry date*:
Single Transfer (Art. 11(4)) /  Multiple transfers – fixed period (Art. 11(6))
2. Details of operators concerned
2.1 Recipient applicant* / 2.2 Supplier
Address (headquarters)
Signature: / Name:
Address (headquarters)
2.3 Transport operator(s)
Address (headquarters)
E-mail: / Name:
Address (headquarters)
E-mail: / Name:
Address (headquarters)
3. Full description of the explosives
UN No. / Class/
Division / Trade name and Proper Shipping Name* / CE marking (Yes/No) / Factory Address / Quantity* / Net Explosive Weight
Number of articles and reels:
Number of cases: / Total Net weight:
Total Gross weight:
3.1 Identification and Traceability: All explosives listed in 3 above are marked with a unique
identification in accordance with S.I. 133 of 2009 European Communities (System for the
Identification and Traceability of Explosives for Civil Uses) Regulations 2009 (as amended)
4. Transfer details
4.1 Location and date:
Place of departure: / Departure date:
Place of delivery: / Expected arrival date:
Place of final storage or use:
4.2 General circumstances of the itinerary:
MemberState / Point of entry / Point of exit / Means of transport
5.Authorisations from the authorities in the Member States of transit including secure identification
(e.g. stamp)
Country of origin / Date of Authorisation / Authorisation number / Expiry date
Transit countries / Date of Authorisation / Authorisation number / Expiry date
6. Authorisations from the authorities in the Member States of recipient including secure identification
(e.g. stamp)
Date: Licence number:
Position in signatory authority: Seal


Explosives Act, 1875

The Minister for Justice and Equality in pursuance of the power vested in herhereby grants to the firm above mentioned as licensee this licence authorising the import at the above-named place of the substance(s) detailed on this licence.



(except ammunition)
(Article 11 of Directive 2014/28/EU)
Nature of authorisation
Expiry date*:
 Single Transfer (Art. 11(4)) /  Multiple transfers – fixed period (Art. 11(6))
Licence number: / Appendix number:
Full description of the explosives
UN No. / Class/
Division / Trade name and Proper Shipping Name* / CE marking (Yes/No) / Factory Address / Quantity* / Net Explosive Weight
Number of articles and reels:
Number of cases: / Total Net weight:
Total Gross weight:
Authorisations from the authorities in the Member States of recipient including secure identification
(e.g. stamp)

Explanatory Notes

  1. The recipient of the explosives shall complete sections 1 to 4 of the Intra-Community transfer of explosives document and submit that document to the recipient competent authority for approval.
  1. In addition to obtaining the approval of the recipient competent authority (section 6), the person responsible for the transfer must notify it to the competent authorities of the transit Member States and Member State of origin, whose approvals are also required (section 5). Competent authority approvals can either be on the same document or as a collection of separate documents. In all cases the approval must be securely identified.
  1. Where the competent authority of a Member State considers that special security requirements are necessary, prior provision of all the information in the document is necessary. If none of the competent authorities involved in the transaction considers that special security requirements are necessary, only the information marked with an asterisk (*) must be provided.
  1. Please also note that where security requirements apply, it is of vital importance that the recipient applicant maintains liaison with the relevant Garda authorities regarding the exact date of arrival of the explosives. The dates of departure and arrival should be specified on the form by the recipient applicant. Where these dates are uncertain, or if they change due to unforeseen circumstances, these changes should be notified without delay by the recipient applicant to the relevant Garda authorities giving sufficient notice in order to allow security arrangements to be re-scheduled. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that the new information is accurate and that the notification of the new dates is received and acknowledged by An Garda Síochána.
  1. In order to allow sufficient time to process the application and to make the appropriate security arrangements, a minimum of three weeks notice must be given to the competent authority. Applications should be made to:

Firearms, Explosives and Private Security Policy Division

Department of Justice and Equality,

94 St Stephen’s Green,

Dublin 2

D02 FD70

Tel: 01 6028357 or e-mail:

  1. In all cases, the document must accompany the explosives until they arrive at their destination.
  1. ‘Full description of explosives’ means the trade name and/or UN proper shipping name and any other appropriate information to assist in the identification of the items. Where the explosives are not CE marked or not marked in accordance with S.I. 133 of 2009 this should be clearly indicated.
  1. ‘Quantity’ means as appropriate, the number of articles or the net mass of explosives.