Fill in the spaces using the words in the box:-

Keep on entire turn on bee

1_ I admire people who spending their ……………. life helping others.

2_ Faisal is as busy as …………..getting everything ready for dinner.

3_ If you want to succeed ……………….. trying.

4_ Don't forget to ……………..the light when you leave the room.

Match the word(s) with it's meaning:-

1_ removed a_ ( ) wait

2_ hold on b_ ( ) exact place

3_ location c_ ( ) collect

4_ gather d_ ( ) took off

Choose the right answer:-

1_ My parents have always ( admire _ encourage _ comment _ hold)me to be a doctor.

2_ In spring many people ( suffer _ cope _ protect _ replace )from allergies .

3_ Nasir is the ( manage _ dentist _ manager _ geologist ) of the hotel .

4_ Global warming is a serious ( threat _ argument _ sign _ skill )to the environment.

Complete the following passage from the words below:-

Saud ………(1) my brother . ……..(2) is a good man . He visits me every month .we talk together and play football. He …………….(3) enjoy playing tennis . He is a hard working person and ………..(4) work is perfect.

1_ a- is b- am c- were d- are

2_ a- He b- She c- His d- Her

3_ a- like b- liked c- likes d- is liking

4_ a- him b- hers c- her d- his

Read the following passage carefully , then answer the questions :-

Nasir and Faisal are brothers .they live in a different home . their father used to be a farmer but he is old now . Nasir is used to look after his father's sheep .the family sometimes went away from home . when they did , they travel on horses and camels . they live in a traditional house . they gave water from a river on camels . there were no hospital or formal schooling.

Faisal , graduated of medical college . now he is the doctor in the village . He look after people health. He bought a new car . The car has air conditioning just like his modern house . He helped people in building a school in the village. The schooling is free just like the medical treatment.

He made a big change in the village and all the children hope to become like him.

_ Answer the following questions:-

1_ How did Nasir'stravel ?


2_ How did they give the water ?


3_ Does Nasir live in a modern house ?


_ Choose the correct answer:-

1_ The family ( never always sometimes rarely ) went away from house.

2_ Nasir is Faisal ( father friend brother sister ).

3_ The word treatment means ( diseases cure moment illness )

4_ Nasir is used to look ( before at up after ) his father's sheep.

_ Put T for ( true ) or F for ( false ):-

1_ Nasir's family lived in a traditional house. ( )

2_ Faisal is a teacher . ( )

_ Choose the right word(S) between the brackets:-

1_ Mohammed is ……………….. student in the school.

( tall taller the tallest more taller )

2_ Water ………… at 100%c .

( boil was boiling boils are boiling )

3_ ………… sun rises every day .

( a an the what )

4_ Last week , Ahmed and I ………… our grandfather.

( are visiting visit visited visits )