DeKalb Middle School Weekly Lesson Plan

Teacher: Poteete * Teaching Structures:

Week of: Feb 6-10 (O) one lead, one support (A) alternative teaching

Subject: Science (S) station teaching (T) team teaching

Class Hour: 1 (P) parallel teaching

Target Students: Students with Special Needs:

Day/Date / Big Idea/
Goals / Lesson Activities /
Standard Question / *Teaching Structure
Monday / The Periodic Table / Arrangement of Elements
Overview of periodic table
Mendeleev sees a pattern in the elements.
Vocabulary / 0807.9.1
0807.9.6 / How are the elements arranged on the Periodic Table? / O,S
Tuesday / The Periodic Table / Compare and contrast the rows (periods) on the periodic table.
Learn 360- The Periodic Table / 0807.9.1
0807.9.6 / What is the difference between an group and a period? / O
Wednesday / The Periodic
Table / Grouping the Elements
Describe the properties of the elements in the groups of the periodic table.
Vocabulary / 0807.9.1
0807.9.6 / Why do elements in a group have similar properties? / O
Thursday / The Periodic Table / Locating various groups of elements based on their properties.
Section 2 Summary / 0807.9.1
0807.9.6 / Can I distinguish between groups of elements based on their properties? / P
Friday / The Periodic Table / Chapter 11- Review Questions / 0807.9.1
0807.9.6 / How are the elements arranged on the Periodic Table? / A

DeKalb Middle School Lesson Plan – page 2

Teacher: Brown

Week Of: Feb 6-10

Subject: Science

Class Hour: 2

Academic Adaptations
(as needed for gifted students and students with disabilities) / Key Vocabulary / Materials/
Support Needed / Performance Data and Notes
Monday / Fewer ?’s / Periodic, period, periodic law, group
Tuesday / Fewer ?’s / Periodic, period, periodic law, group
Wednesday / Fewer answer choices, extended time / alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, halogen, noble gas
Thursday / Fewer answer choices, extended time / alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, halogen, noble gas