Impact of visual impairment on health, wealth & jobs – taking a person-centred approach to wellbeing

At Sight Village Birmingham

Tuesday 18th July 2017 10.00am - 4.30pm (registration from 9.15)

New Bingley Hall, Hockley Circus, Birmingham B18 5PP


9.15 -10.00 Registration and coffee - Sight Village opens at 9.30

10.00 – 10.15 Welcome, introductions & why we need to think about sight loss as a public health issue

Claire Roberts, Chair West Midlands Local Eye Health Network, NHS England West Midlands

10.15 -10.35 Setting the scene in the West Midlands – public health priorities in the West Midlands and how sight loss fits in

Soili Larkin, MFPH Consultant in Public Health (Healthcare Public Health and Workforce) Public Health England West Midlands

Nigel Smith, Health Improvement Manager (Tobacco Control, Physical Activity, MECC and Sustainability Lead) Public Health England West Midlands

10.35 - 11.00 Health in all aspects of life, ageing, health and wellbeing - What practical steps can we take to ensure that people with visual impairment also enjoy health in all aspects of life.

Dave Allen, Chief Executive, Faculty of Public Health ( )

11.00 – 11.15 Break

11.15 – 11.45 Employment for Blind People and MY VOICE research from RNIB

Dr Catherine Dennison, Senior Manager Policy and Research Advocacy


11.45 -.11.55

Examples of local public health projects and visual impairment:

West Midlands Public Health Community Fellowship Scheme project

‘Creating a holistic support service for people with vision impairment’ Sandwell Visually Impaired and Public Health England

Public Health Warwickshire consulting on ‘Preventing a first fall’ service, considering the links between visual impairment and falls.

11.55 – 12.10 Q & A

12.10 - 13.30 Lunch: with lunchtime challenge for Sight Village.

13.30 – 14.00 Wellbeing and employment from a social care perspective.

Mark Godfrey Former Deputy Director of Adult Social Care, Coventry

14.00 – 14.30 Thomas Pocklington Trust ‘Work’s for me project’

Martin Sigsworth Thomas Pocklington Trust

14.30 -14.50 Service User perspectives

Service users will tell their stories about experiences of visual impairment and finding employment

14.50 -15.00 RNIB video – Enabler project around supporting people into work

15.00 -15.15 Break

15.15 -15.55 Discussion in groups around tables

15.55 -16.10 Table Feedback

16.10-16.30 Wrap up & close

Claire Roberts, Chair West Midlands Local Eye Health Network, NHS England West Midlands