Cell Organelle Simile Project—45 points-Summative

Part 1 (Research) due:______

Part 2 (final product) due:______


The purpose of this activity is to create a project that highlights the aspects of each organelle of a cell. This will help you to learn the functions of each organelle and how they work together. You will create a simile of organelle functions to illustrate how they all work together so that the entire cell may function.


Part 1—RESEARCH: Create a chart (or use one available through my website) to list the organelles in your project. Your chart should look like this:

Organelle Name / Function / Simile / Explanation of simile
Nucleus / Control center of the cell / City hall / The nucleus is like city hall because the nucleus controls the activities of the cell and city hall controls the activities of the city.

This must be checked by your teacher.

Part 2—YOUR PRODUCT: You have your choice in the appearance of your product. You may choose from the following options:

·  Booklet. Your booklet must have an attractive front and back cover. You should also have an introduction that includes an overview of your project and analogy. One organelle per page. Each organelle should include a picture of your analogy and a brief description. Your book should have a theme such as a children’s storybook, a high school yearbook, a sports playbook, a travel brochure etc.

·  Power Point. Your Power Point must have a title slide, an introduction slide that introduces the analogy and a conclusion slide that summarizes how the cell function compares to your analogy. One organelle per slide. Each slide should include both a picture of the analogy AND a picture of the organelle itself. Each slide should also include a description of the analogy.

·  Poster. Your poster should include an image of the cell in the center. Around the sides should be a picture of the analogy and a brief description of the analogy. Include an arrow connecting the organelle to the analogy. Your cell should be hand-drawn. The analogy pictures may be hand-drawn or printed.

·  3D Model. You may create a 3-dimensional model of the cell or of the analogy. Each part of the analogy must be clearly labeled. An additional paper must be included which explains each part of the analogy. The model could be made of styrofoam, playdough, legos or another material. With teacher approval you may create an edible cell to share with the class.

·  Zipper Song: You will rewrite the lyrics to a popular appropriate song of your choice. The new lyrics must incorporate the cell organelles (parts), and analogies that are relevant to the cell organelles and their functions. The new lyrics need be appropriate and flow with the original music (meaning stay in tune with how the original artist performed it). Finally, you MUST perform your newly written song with music (You might want to download the instrumental version of your song off of ITunes etc.). You may perform live for the class or you may video tape your performance and share it with the class. You must also submit the written lyrics of your song.

·  Play, short story or comic book: You will write a play or short story based on the daily life of a cell. Your characters should be based on the various organelles (parts) of the cell. Your story should include the essential parts: Characters, Theme, Point of View, Climax/Conflict, Conclusion. You will be required to submit either a completed script or short story.

Part 3--Written Summary

·  Summary: In 1-2 paragraphs describe the analogy and how it relates to the cell. Explain the purpose of this project and why organelles are important to the cell. Also include your thoughts about the project. Did you find the project to be valuable or helpful? Why or why not? This may be within your project or a separate piece of paper.

You may work as an individual or with a partner of your choice.

If you work as an individual you must choose 8 organelles.

If you work as a pair, you must do all 17 organelles.

Organelles to be included: The ones that have a * are required.

  1. Cell Membrane*
  2. Cytoplasm*
  3. Nucleus*
  4. Cell wall
  5. Centriole
  6. Chloroplast
  7. Cilia/ Flagella
  8. Cytoskeleton
  9. Golgi apparatus
  10. Lysosome
  11. Mitochondria
  12. Nucleolus
  13. Ribosomes
  14. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  15. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  16. Transport Vesicles
  17. Vacuole


Your project will be evaluated according to the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 5. A “1” would mean that you did not meet my expectations for that section of the project. A “5” would mean that you went above and beyond and exceeded my expectations on that section of the project. A five will only be given if that specific section is exceptionally good!

Use these categories below before you finalize your project to make sure you have met all of the requirements!

Grading Categories

1. Accuracy and Clarity of Analogy (20 points). Does the analogy make sense? Are all of the organelles included? Are the descriptions of each analogy clear and complete? Are the descriptions of each analogy of the required length?

2. Accuracy of Organelle Description (10 points). Does the research include all required organelles? Are the functions of each organelle correct? Is the analogy clearly explained?

3. Creativity (5 points). Is your analogy creative? For a project with average creativity, you will receive an average score.

4. Completion & Organization (5 points). Does your project include all of the necessary parts? Is it organized? Does it show a high amount of effort? Are there spelling mistakes? Is the project colorful?

5. Written Summary (5 pts) Is the written summary clear? Did the student include all needed parts in the summary? If your summary is superficial and basic then your score will also be superficial and basic.


Cell Project – Part 1 – Research Chart

Organelle Name / Function / Simile / Explanation of simile
Organelle Name / Function / Simile / Explanation of simile