Donation Application

Learn to Read (LTR) Buy one, gift one!

LTR Buy a Book, Gift a Book!

Vision: To share the gift of reading, to enrich the lives of children and build their


All organizations receiving books from the LTR Gift a Book Program must be a governmental agency or 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization that can receive charitable gifts in kind. Donations are allowed once a year and applicants must reapply each year. Unfortunately, individual teachers are not able to apply for this program for their personal classroom. However; they are able to work with their school administration to apply for the benefit of their whole school or district.

Organization: / Contact:
EIN #: / Title:
Address: / Telephone:
Email: / Website:


Please fill in all of the required information listed below. Answer all questions completely. The LTR Gift a Book Program only accepts online applications.

1)How did you hear about the LTR Gift a Book Program?


2)Were you referred by another organization? If so, please list.


3)Are you a first time recipient?


4)Tell us about how your organization supports early learning in children?


5)Does your organization serve at-risk communities? Please explain.


6) How will books be distributed?


7)What is the age group?


8)Are you able to pay for shipping costs?


9)Please attach a copy of the IRS Letter of Determination. The LTR Gift a Book Program does not accept submissions that do not include a copy of the determination letter of 501(c)(3) organizations.

Checking the box below constitutes an electronic signature verifying that the information you have provided in this application is correct to the best of your knowledge and that you agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

I agree