Cllr Lesley Pidgeon / Clerk:
Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry
Honiton, EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234

To: Cllrs Lesley Pidgeon (Chairman), David Barnes (Vice Chairman), Steve Horner, Tony Long, Sue Parris, Nick Randle, Clive Stone, Maggie Tomkinson and Tony Wiggins.

All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 4TH July 2016 at 8.00 pm for the transaction of business as set out below.

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.

Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk

25th June 2016


1. Apologies For Absence

To receive apologies for absence….

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.

3. To Receive a Report from PCSO Phil Anning/PC Clive Vickery.

4. Minutes.

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th June 2016.

5. Reports on ongoing activities of the Council

- Affordable Housing – Yarcombe Parish Community Land Trust

- Broadband & TheBlackdown Hills Parish Network (Steve Horner has raised) re a bid for £4.6m of Funding to form the basis of a project to improve the next Generation Access Broadband provision in and around the Blackdown Hills. In the past YPC decided not to join the BHPN, however given this bold initiative I believe we should join.

6. Open Session for Public Participation

7. Clerks Report

- Extraordinary Online Meeting of YPC as at 24.06.16 to agree “To approve Section 1, then Section 2, of the Annual Return in order to send this to the external auditors, Grant Thornton”. We acknowledge Nick Randle having stated this type of meting for YPC is not officially correct.

- Progress on Road Works completion – xls spreadsheet updated? (as raised by Cllr Stone)

- Change of Address for Lloyds Bank Account – Actioned

- Internal Audit- queried insurance cover for defribulator – is it insured?

- Risk Assessment – to be discussed and ratified

- Clerks Contract of employment and Job description t/b reviewed annually thereafter

- Section 137 donations – S-J to contact Miranda before mid- month to organise an invitation in the Yarcombe Voices to Organisations that may wish to apply for a Grant

- Longcroft Meadow Signatory Changes – Signatures required


8. Finance

- Update on current Financial Situation :

- Bank account balance £

- Payments to be approved and made in line with the following schedule:

Date / Payee / Details of Payment / Chq No / Amount £
03.06.16 / S-JM / Clerks Wages / 000495 / 183.54
03.06.16 / Hmrc / Clerks Wages PAYE / 000496 / 45.80
03.06.16 / S-JM / Expenses / 000497 / 7.85
04.07.16 / S-JM / Clerks Wages / 000498 / £TBA

9. To hear reports from Individual Councillors, District and County Councillor.

10. Parish Paths

11. Highway Matters

Highway Log

Planned Works - https://new.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/maintaining-roads/

12. Planning

16/1465/VAR - Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE

-  Variation of condition 6 of permission 94/P0680 to allow residential occupation of the holiday accommodation unit for a further period of 12 months from the expiry of the previously granted permission 14/1940/VAR

Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application.

16/0414/FUL - Watchford Farm, Yarcombe. EX14 9LZ

-  Change of use and conversion of redundant barn and silo to create 2 no. dwelling houses and construction of barn for garaging - Revised application.

Yarcombe Parish Council would like to re-iterate their objections further to the minor alteration to the proposal :

Yarcombe Parish Council strongly object to see the buildings and silo developed.

it is an urban / commercial development, not suitable for the country location it is in, which has no regard for

Yarcombe and Marsh Parish Plan and Village Design Statement

AONB ethos

The Black Down Hills Design

This proposed planning application will make Watchford Farm an over developed site.

Having visited the site, Yarcombe Parish Council do not consider it is a barn conversion what so ever.

It is a modern farm building with an eyesore of a silo, which has been a blot on the landscape since its erection.

The silo tower is a very high level, visible tower and if permission was granted, it would cause light pollution to be seen within the picturesque valley.

What would be required to enable the adaption of the building for residential use amounts to a substantial demolition and reconstruction of the building, plus various physical alterations.

The roads/lanes in the area are in a very poor condition, even if there is less farm transport, there is still a heavy use of the approach lanes from all directions, including other commercial use, and the other barn conversions use at Watchford Farm already granted to the applicant. Granting this permission would thus make Watchford Farm an overdeveloped site, for its very rural location.

Yarcombe Parish Council also objected to a previous application to build a dwelling in close proximity to the proposed site.

We look to EDDC and our Ward member in backing us with the local ethos that has already been previously clearly set out

16/1222/FUL and 16/1223/LBC - Middle Moorhayne Yarcombe

Enclosure for ground source heat pump equipment, laying of pipework within adjoining field, reconstruction of pole barn with solar panels to roof, works to boundary wall and Construction of enclosure to house ground source heat pump, works to boundary wall

Yarcombe Parish Council support this application.

Carried over from May Agenda:

Application Number 16/0764/FUL

1 Hill House, Yarcombe


-Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension and organery

-Yarcombe Parish Council are happy to support this appropriate updating of a family home.

-Tony Long on behalf of Yarcombe Parish Council

Application 16/1094/FUL

- Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB

Agricultural building for the storage of grain and agricultural machinery

Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application.

Application 16/0906/FUL

- Yonder Marsh Farm Marsh Honiton EX14 9AH

Construction of stable building and hard standing

Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application.

Application 16/1113/LBC

- Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE

Re plastering internal walls with lime based plaster and exposure of ceiling joists

Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application.

Application No 16/1164/LBC / 16/0939/FUL

Chaffhay Farm, Yarcombe, HONITON, EX14 9BQ

Conversion of milking parlour to provide holiday let facilities for the disabled, construction of building to accommodate swimming pool and garage, demolition of existing farm buildings

Yarcombe Parish Council are happy to support this diversification of this farm.

13. To confirm date of next meeting: Monday 5th September 2016 at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe