Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees January 9, 2012 Page 4



January 9, 2012

A regular meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Rick Pastecki followed by the Pledge to the Flag and Prayer. The following Trustees were present: Jason Armbrewster, Joan Stevens, Shelly D’Alba and Dean Joslyn.

Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Joyce Grazioplene, D.P.W. Supervisor Dave Laney, Peter Vandetta, Brian Skelton, Mike Cianfrini, Diane Skelton, Jeremy Yasses, Ray Cianfrini, Karen Cianfrini.


1.  Water Tower/Transmission Main Project

a.  Pay Application #3 – Keeler Construction Co. A motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to approve Keeler Construction Company Pay Application #3 in the amount of $251,534.26.

2.  Village Ordinance Amendments Attorney DiMatteo is working on the amendments.

3.  49 So. Main Street Upon the arrival of Attorney Reid Whiting, A motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba and carried by unanimous vote to go into Executive Session at 5:40 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. The Clerk was asked to stay. A motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to close Executive Session at 6:15 p.m.

Mayor Pastecki stated that a public informational meeting will be held on January 23, 2012 regarding possible development in the Village. The time and location has not yet been determined.


1.  Approval of Minutes – A motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba and carried by unanimous vote to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2011 meeting.

2. Approval of January Abstract – The following claims were audited by the Board:

General Fund – #7737 - 7744, 7750-7778 $ 16,376.60

Water Fund – #8087-8091 2,224.76

Sewer Fund - #8682-8691 8,710.49

Capital Project - #8308-8311, 503 293,270.46

TOTAL $ 320,582.31

A motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to approve payment of the above claims.

3. Investment/Financial Reports The Board reviewed the December Investment Report and November Financial Reports.

4.  Resolution #1 – 2012 Scheduling Polling Place and Hours of Election A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba, seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens and carried by unanimous vote to adopt Resolution #1-2012, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

5.  Resolution #2 - 2012 – Appointing Inspectors of Election A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to adopt Resolution #2-2012, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

6. Intermunicipal Agreement – County of Genesee The County has submitted an agreement for relevy of non-tax charges. A motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba, seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Intermunicipal Agreement with the County of Genesee for non-tax relevies.

7. VRI Report The Board reviewed VRI’s December report.

8. Budget Workshops The Board scheduled budget workshops for January 28, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. and February 18, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.

9. Request for Use of Meeting Room Oakfield Historical Society requested use of the meeting room on the 1st Tuesday of the month, January – December, 2012 for their monthly meetings. A motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Historical Society’s request for use of the meeting room.

Oakfield Republican Committee requested use of the meeting room on January 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for a caucus. A motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster, seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Oakfield Republican Committee’s request for use of the meeting room.

10. D.P.W. Report Transmission Main Update Everything is hooked up. Within the next two weeks the telemetry unit will be installed, and will be on the new system completely. There are some adjustments that need to be made to the altitude valve.

Western NY Water Works Seminar Supervisor Laney requested approval for himself and one employee to attend the Western NY Water Works Seminar at the Clarion in Batavia on February 1, 2012. Registration is $20.00 each. A motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote to approve Supervisor Laney’s request to attend the Western NY Water Works Seminar with one employee on February 1, 2012 in Batavia, NY.

11. Letter –Fire Department The Board received an anonymous letter regarding the Fire Department. Mayor Pastecki will copy the letter to Fire Chief Downing and invite him to a meeting to discuss the contents.

12. Request to attend Capital Improvement Planning Seminar The Clerk requested approval to attend a Capital Improvement Planning Seminar on January 26, 2012 at Batavia City Hall sponsored by Stu Brown Associates. There is no cost for the Seminar. A motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Clerk’s request to attend the Capital Improvement Planning Seminar on January 26, 2012 at Batavia City Hall.


Peter Vandetta complained to the Board about the property at 60 South Pearl Street. The Zoning Board of Appeals gave him a year to complete the conditions of the variance. He has not completed all that he was required to. Mr. Vandetta has talked to the Zoning Officer- he has not gotten back to him. Mayor Pastecki told Mr. Vandetta to bring a written complaint to the Village office.

Mike Cianfrini spoke about the Fire Department matter. They have formed a separate company to run the ambulance and bill people. This can be a serious issue for the Village and Town. There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday about this. Mr. Cianfrini talked to the Board regarding information he received about a developer. He voiced his concerns about the developer and urged the Board not to be involved in purchasing the property to sell to a developer.

Diane Skelton asked the Board to reconsider the purchase of the property, and let the property owner deal with the developer.

Having no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. on motion by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster and carried by unanimous vote.

Next Meeting – January 23, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Grazioplene


JANUARY 9, 2012


WHEREAS ELECTION LAW Section 15-104(3), requires the Board of Trustees of a Village to adopt a resolution at least sixty (60) days prior to a Village Election specifying:

1. The polling place in each election district, and

2. The hours, during which polls shall be open, which shall include

at least the hours from noon to nine o'clock in the evening.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village Election will be held from Noon to 9 o'clock p.m. at the Oakfield Village Hall, 39 Main Street, Tuesday, March 20th, 2012.

Motion to adopt Resolution #1-2012 by Trustee Shelly D’Alba

Seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens

Carried by unanimous vote


January 9, 2012


WHEREAS ELECTION LAW Section 15-116 requires the Board of Trustees of a Village to adopt a Resolution at least forty (40) days prior to a Village Election appointing two (2) to four (4) inspectors, alternate inspectors, if any, and a Chairperson of Inspectors, and

WHEREAS, said resolution must also fix the compensation of the inspectors.


Rose Nicometo - Chairperson (R)


Rose Nicometo


Richard Moon


Republican: Michele Bielski, Linda Bernard, Bev Beckley, Judy Boyle

Janet Toal.

Democrat: Elaine Forti, Ann Orlowski, Rosemary Calla, Ann Engel,

Anna Fava.

The fixed rate of compensation is $7.25 per hour in 2012.

Motion to adopt Resolution #2-2012 by Trustee Joan Stevens

Seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster

Carried by unanimous vote.