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A Summary Sheet is a one page summary that contains the relationships between important points of a chapter, unit or course and allows you to review quickly and prepare for quizzes, tests and exams and new information. / What is a Summary Sheet?
Preparation for making a Summary Sheet starts while you are reading, listening to a lesson or going through your notes or text. You want to pick out the important points and how they are organized.
The preparation of a Summary Sheet follows the acronym SUMMARY which will assist you in remembering the process. / How to make summary sheets?
Select main points. You get the main points from course outlines, lessons, assignments, notes, texts, tests and summaries developed in your notes. / S
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Understand each point. Give an example or an explanation for each main point on your summary sheet. Add lines to lesser points. / U
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Map style used. Main points are put in the center with linkages to lesser points and examples. Use colors and shapes to help in grouping material and showing the organization of the “big picture”. / M
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Make it brief. Put enough into the Summary Sheet to understand and assist your recall but do not rewrite your notes. / M
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Add pictures and colors. To illustrate and give visual impact to main points and examples. Aids in reviewing and recalling the content and the links between the main points. / A
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Regularly read, reduce and review. Go over your summary sheet often to reinforce your understanding and find more linkages and associations. Also, relate the summary sheet to other information you have learnt: new and old. / R
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You do it for you. Your Summary Sheet is yours so make it make sense to you. You should be able to explain them to others and also compare yours to theirs. / Y
stands for?

Summary Sheets can also be constructed by just brainstorming all you know about an idea or topic. This helps you tell how much you can recall about a topic. From this remembering, find what's missing, add it and you have a usable Summary Sheet to review with.

Beginning of a Summary Sheet on Solving Word Problems
This Summary Sheet would continued by adding more examples of each type of question, creating more associations, coloring similar areas and developing short examples.

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