NAMI on Campus Meeting Minutes

Date and Time: August 21, 2008 at 4:00 pm

Meeting Location: 1911 Building, North Carolina State University

Meeting Began: 4:00 pm

Established (Returning) Attendees: Avis Dublin (Treasurer); Eugenia Hatley (Secretary); Jennifer Potts (Vice-President); Tim Riggins (President); Jennifer Rothman (NAMI Advisor); Kate Swann (Interim Membership Chair)

New (First Time) Attendees: Kristy Dennis, Miranda Johnson, Kristin Reaves, Jennifer Spellmyer, Shae Taylor, Carol Worley

Purpose: The purpose of the meeting was to plan activities for the upcoming semester.

Business Concerns

(1)  There was discussion concerning NOC’s participation in the Organization Fair to be held Wed. Sept. 3 from 11:00am—2:00 pm. in the NCSU Brickyard. Jennifer Rothmann volunteered to provide flyers to raise organizational awareness. Suggestions of promotional favors to be distributed at the event included ice pops and stickers.

(2)  President Tim Riggins mentioned that it would probably be best not to participate in the Shack-A-Thon event held at NCSU for Habitat for Humanity this fall. Multiple university rules and cost considerations place the project beyond the scope of NOC’s present resources. General consensus of attending members supported Tim’s suggestion not to participate in the Shack-A-Thon event at the current time.

(3)  Suggestions were proposed to have a panel discussion about mental illness after the viewing of “Out of the Shadows,” a documentary to be sponsored by NOC this academic year.

(4)  Mental Illness Awareness week will be held October 5-11, 2008. Presently, Jennifer Rothmann is applying for a grant to procure the exhibit “Nothing to Hide” for NAMI of NC. If Jennifer is able to acquire funding, she will bring the exhibit to NCSU for a few days. In the meantime, it was suggested that NOC members undertake other promotional activities to raise awareness during Mental Health Week. Suggestions included distributing balloons and playing games (bean bag toss, four square game) in the courtyard. Jennifer Rothmann stated that NAMI of NC would pay for prizes. The following members volunteered to help with activities during Mental Health Week: Avis Dublin (preparatory work); Kristy Dennis, Eugenia Hatley (preparatory work); Miranda Johnson; Jennifer Potts; Kristin Reaves; Jennifer Spellmyer; Kate Swann; Shae Taylor; and Carol Worley. President Tim Riggins will call whether or not a special permit is needed to hold these promotional activities.

(5)  President Tim Riggins disclosed that during the last semester, Cameron Smith provided a monetary donation to NOC. Tim stated that Dr. Casstevens has established an account through CHASS for the safe deposit of these funds.

(6)  Pre-established organizational dues for NOC are $3.00 per member per academic year. Although payment is mandatory for officers, all NOC members are encouraged to participate. Collected dues of $3.00 per person are distributed to NAMI of NC to cover general university membership costs. Donations exceeding the $3.00 per member membership fee are placed into a general fund to be used exclusively by the NCSU branch of NOC.

(7)  Elections for new officers will be held within the next few months.

(8)  Monica Walker, former Membership Committee Chair, is presently on leave of absence from NCSU. Kate Swann volunteered to assume the duties of interim Membership Chair until elections are held in the fall.

(9)  It was suggested that former members who have neither participated in recent activities or maintained contact be removed from the current membership list. The Secretary, Eugenia Hatley, will provide an updated membership roster (along with meeting minutes) at the next meeting.

(10) Members agreed to continue to hold meetings at 4:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month. Vice-President Jennifer Potts suggested that alternative meeting times could be established for individuals unable to attend due to schedule conflicts.

Time, Location of Next Meeting: September 18, 2008 at 4:00 pm (Room 216 in the 1911 Building)

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned Feb. 7, 2008 at 5:00 pm.

These minutes were submitted by Eugenia Hatley, Secretary